Reg 3 Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Report Submitted for Excom meeting Nov 23, 2002 15 Nov 2002 From: Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Bob Duggan, Chair To: Jim Howard, R3 Director Bill Harrison, R3 Director-Elect CC: Reg3 ExCom Subj: SPC Status Report for 17 Nov 2002 Below are the Goals and Objectives set forth for the SPC in early 2002, followed by the SPC [response] re progress toward the G&Os. 1. Update Reg 3 Strategic Plan 2003+ by 12-1-02, revising Reg 3 goals and objectives as appropriate. [This is underway, SC'02 Recs have been incorporated, but no major changes are anticipated before Fall 2003] 2. Post the Reg 3 Strategic Plan 2003+ to the Web by 12-15-02. [This will be done when prepared and approved by Reg 3 ExCom] 3. Assign mentors to each Reg. 3 Committee by 1-18-02. [Completed: Awards & Recognition Deborah Powers Communications Dick Riddle Conference Jim Beall Corporate Relations Bob Duggan Educational Activities Dan Jackson Finance Dave Conner Membership Development Reed Thompson Nom. & Appts. Dave Conner Prof. Activities Op'ns Vernon Powers Student Activities Roy Harris ] 4. Review Reg 3 structure and recommend combining or elimination of committees where appropriate by 12-1-02. [No recommended changes thus far] 5. Update the Reg 3 History by 10-1-02. [Underway, but not much new history so far this year!] 6. Review and next update Reg 3 Bylaws and Operations Manual by 10-1-03. [Ad hoc committee appointed. Progress is slow]. 7. Assist the Director in making sure all G&Os are being addressed. [Underway, assisting R3 Director-Elect] 8. Insure all Region Committee G&Os are in support of the Region Strategic Plan. [Formal G&Os shared by Communications, Conference, Education Activities, and Strategic Planning Committees. Strat Plan identifies other G&Os for other committees]. 9. Obtain, work with, and involve a Vice-Chair for your committee. [Past Director Dick Riddle has accepted this responsibility for SPC]. 10. Hold at least one SPC e-conference. [Latest held 7 Nov 02] 11. Other comments and/or suggestions... [Nothing specific]