DaveG>> Welcome to part 2 of the Winter 2003 meeting of the ExCom ...
DaveG>> under the leadership of Director Howard. ...
DaveG>> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...
DaveG>> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes ...
DaveG>> and an executive session. We will have both a log (except for the ...
DaveG>> executive session) and minutes. ...
DaveG>> On our https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2003-01/agendas.html ...
DaveG>> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, executive ...
DaveG>> sessions, and the roster under item 2 of the agenda has an ...
DaveG>> asterisk for each voting member.
DaveG>> The log for the first part is at ...
DaveG>> https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2003-01/ieee3-2003-01-06.html
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...
DaveG>> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
DaveG>> So for example: Dave Green, Secretary / ECC ...
DaveG>> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)
BobD>> Bob Duggan, SPC chair
CharlesL>> Charles Lord - R3 Leadership Development Chair, SoutheastCon Special Support Chair
JohnT>> +John Twitchell, ARC Chair
JimH>> Jim Howard, Director
PatD>> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activities Chair
BillR>> Bill Ratcliff, Communications Committee
JimB>> James Beall Southcon Director
DaveGeer>> Dave Geer, Va Council Chair
don>> Don Hill, Conference Comm Chair
CharlesH>> Charles Hickman, Treasurer
ChrisH>> Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair
BillHarri>> Bill Harrison, Director-Elect
George>> George McClure, PACE Coordinator
DickR>> Dick Riddle Past Director
JoeyD>> Joey Duvall, GOLD Cmte. Coordinator
DanJ>> dan Jackson Sc Co-coordinator
bwalcott>> Bruce Walcott, RSAC
DaveG>> (Hi bwalcott, eric, please introduce yourself -- name, position)
DaveG>> (Bruce was quick)
Eric>> Eric S. Ackerman - Chairman Florida Council
DaveG>> Welcome all...
DaveG>> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...
DaveG>> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
DaveG>> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
DaveG>> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
DaveG>> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
DaveG>> will resume 'control'. ...
BrianS>> Brian Skelton, Area 6 Chair
DaveG>> Hi Jamaica, please introduce yourself. name/position
Jamaica>> Morris, Gayle, Roberts,
DaveG>> Welcome.
Lee>> Lee Stogner, Membership Development
Jamaica>> Smith Area 9 Vice Chair
DaveG>> We have completed the action agenda except for one item...
DaveG>> and the remaining item is from the Awards ...
DaveG>> Committee and will need to be done in Executive session...
DaveG>> Director Howard has chosen to put this at the end of the agenda ...
DaveG>> so as to let those who are not voting members to be dismissed ...
DaveG>> for the evening. ...
DaveG>> Again, the proposed agenda is located at ...
DaveG>> https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2003-01/agendas.html...
DaveG>> At this time, I would like to invite Director Howard to ...
DaveG>> make any comments he would like to... GA (Go Ahead) JimH.
JimH>> Thanks Dave, and welcome everyone to our 2nd half of this years first excom ...
JimH>> meeting. Thanks to all for attending. We have a lot to cover, so ...
JimH>> let's go ahead and get started. Back to you Dave.
DaveG>> Thank you Jim...
DaveG>> We will resume with the information agenda and start with the "Standing Committee" reports, ...
DaveG>> G&O's, discussion. Does anyone have any items that need to be added to...
DaveG>> the agenda?
DaveG>> Hearing none, and remembering that the action from Awards will be later tonight...
DaveG>> I invite JohnT to make any comments about ARC . GA JohnT
JohnT>> Nothing additional, as Dave pointed out, we will act on awards later
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, Communications -> BillR
BillR>> Nothing additional other than...
BillR>> Main Thing... To Engage the member and keep them in the loop. and to remember ...rnThe Main Thing is to keep The Main Thing... the Main Thing!
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Archive -> GA CharlesL
DaveG>> (oops, any Q/C? This was Vernons)
CharlesL>> well gee
DaveG>> (Well, that is what I get for reading -- it is you <G> ... Please GA
CharlesL>> Thanks Dave...
CharlesL>> I would like to re-address the need for us to come up with a methodology (philosophy?)...
CharlesL>> for archiving our knowledge as we generate it...
CharlesL>> perhaps this should be a face-to-face discussion at Jamaica...
CharlesL>> but want to get people thinking for now.
DaveG>> OK Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> I was noting that a few of our excom web pages lost their 'icons'...
DaveG>> when the IEEE server pull the images that we were "sharing". Not real ...
DaveG>> knowledge but it does mean a change to what we have on-line over time.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> ECC ->
DaveG>> I have posted some G&O's and a report, I want to thank Brian Swail for ...
DaveG>> continuing to help with aliases and Mark Stokes for agreeing to continue ...
DaveG>> as Vice Chair. Q/C?
DaveG>> Newsletter -> BillR -> do you want to say anything or wait for ChipD/Marvin?
BillR>> Wait for Chip / Marvin.
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> I would assume same answer for Public Inf & Webmaster?
BillR>> (yep)
DaveG>> <G>
DaveG>> Lets move to conferences then... GA don
don>> We have four interested sections for future SEC's....
don>> Please encourage them to come forward.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DickR>> q
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Who are they?
don>> Memphis, ATL, Jacksonville, and Fl Laud.
DickR>> 10-4
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Don, is Southeastcon 2002 closed and completely finished?
don>> I do not have confirmation that the last two checks have been recieved.
DaveG>> Are we in the "penalty" phase for closing the conference by IEEE rules?
CharlesL>> c
don>> Nancy was working to close all the books...
don>> and seemed to do so...
don>> CharlesH can answer if we received the check yet.
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
DaveG>> (Thanks Don)
CharlesL>> penalty is at 12 mos. I think HQ is happy last I heard.
CharlesH>> c
DaveG>> Thanks. Ga CharlesH
CharlesH>> Region 3 received checks from conference.
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Don -> did you get a final report and should we pull this item from future ..
DaveG>> agendas?
don>> I will need to check my files at work.
DaveG>> 10-4. Other Q/C?
JimB>> c
DaveG>> ga JimB
JimB>> there should be a cover letter to all concerned that it is in fact closed and the bank a//c are closed.
DaveG>> Thank you. Other Q/C?
don>> c
DaveG>> GA don
don>> I will secure those two items.
DaveG>> Thanks. ...
DaveG>> Shall we move on to SoutheastCon 2003 --> GA Jamaica
Jamaica>> Greetings all, IEEE Jamaica is working assidiously to ensure the success of SoutheastCon 2003. A report was posted...
Jamaica>> we are now communicating with the airlines...
DaveG>> (https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2003-01/sec2003.txt)
Jamaica>> re their original communication about travel arrangements.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> What is the status on the papers for the conference?
ChrisH>> Will Area3 Vice Chairs be expen
Jamaica>> Currently approximately 70 papers...
Jamaica>> are in hand.
DaveG>> Thanks. GA ChrisH
ChrisH>> Has there been a final decision regarding funding Area Vice Chairs to SECON03?
DaveG>> Thanks. I don't think a decision has been made yet ...
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Halden -> how many different authors are there for the 70 or so papers and have they paid a registration fee already?
Jamaica>> I cannot say how many authors...
Jamaica>> however, I believe most of the papers...
Jamaica>> are independent authors. We have not yet collected registration fees since this...
Jamaica>> is based on acceptance.
DaveG>> Ah, OK. then you don't yet have the papers in hand, ....
DaveG>> you have just told the authors they are accepted. ...
DaveG>> Hi RoyH please introduce yourself and position.
RoyH>> Roy Harris Special Review Chair
DaveG>> Thank you and welcome. ...
DaveG>> Halden -> am I correct on where things are?
Jamaica>> somewhat...
Jamaica>> we are about to send acceptance letters to authors.
DaveG>> Great. Thanks. Other Q/C?
Eric>> What happened, it went dead and then I was frozen? Is anyone here?
DaveG>> We are here. ...
DaveG>> You seemed to have "timed out" or had a minor network issue. ...
Eric>> okay!
DaveG>> I assume we will pass over Southeastcon 2005 for moment ...
DaveG>> Southcon -> JimB GA
JimB>> Nothng special to report. Booth sales are sloooow. We need to get good attendance. The will be 2 pages of info and reg form in the R3 n/l.. The confernce is March 18-20 and the show is March 19-20 in Tampa...
JimB>> At this point I don't see any surplus.
DaveG>> OK. DickR any other comments?
DickR>> No comments.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Don -> any news on RadarCon?
don>> None. I will reconnect with this them this week.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Southeastcon Support Committee -> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Thanks Dave - sorry all for no report, but things are still shaping up...
CharlesL>> I have been working with Mark Stokes to get the on-line registration set up for 2003 and we are almost there. There have been some delays on my end that are now out of the way and we should progress quickly. We will be processing credit cards for registration. You will pay the hotel directly for food and lodging (includes bus from airport I believe).
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> What if attendees want to come early or stay late, how will the hotel be handled?
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> As I understand (Halden and CharlesH jump in if I am in err)...
CharlesL>> Everyone pays for hotel, even if it is the one or two days allowed, and gets reimbursed...
CharlesL>> thus you reserve and pay for as many days as you wish. R3 will reimburse per the 2003 travel policy.
DaveG>> (Hi Marks, please introduce yourself name/position).
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesH>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
MarkS>> Mark Stokes, ECC-Vice Chair and SeCon Support Commitee Co-Chair
CharlesH>> On our last venture into Jamaica, we paid the ...
CharlesH>> hotel about $11,000 prior to the meeting.
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesH>> q
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> What is in the contract about paying for hotel rooms?
DaveG>> Halden -> do you want to anser this?
Jamaica>> Yes...
Jamaica>> I understand that you were planning to make some...
Jamaica>> advance payment from 2002 budget as ...
Jamaica>> payment to the hotel.
Jamaica>> WE are expected...
Jamaica>> to pay approximately $3,000.00 in advance...
Jamaica>> we are in communication with the hotel...
Jamaica>> on this matter.
DaveG>> Thank you. Q/C?
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> CharlesL: do you have an ETA on web registration and do you have what you need regarding R3 pricing?
CharlesL>> ETA looks like 1/15 or so. I think we have agreed to R3 pricing at the last excom mtg.
MarkS>> q
DaveG>> GA MarkS
MarkS>> I take it there are no "extra" meal tickets, etc since there aren't any meal tickets.
DaveG>> Is there an awards meal separate from the inclusive meals?
don>> c
DaveG>> ga don
don>> If students stay off site, they may wish to get a meal tix for some event.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
MarkS>> This will need to be coordinated w/ the hotel, Halden? any ideas how this will work?
Jamaica>> Day pass is $50.00...
Jamaica>> this covers all meals and drinks...
MarkS>> And would tht get charged to the conference? or would it be up to the individual to purchase from the hotel?
CharlesL>> hotel
Jamaica>> from 8:00am to 6:00pm. in the Jamaica Grande.
MarkS>> So, I'll add a note to the registration form, but there will be no place to pay for it there.
MarkS>> Is there a deadline for when someone can purchase this ticket?
DaveG>> Q/C?
Jamaica>> These tickets can be purchased...
CharlesL>> day of
Jamaica>> from the hotel up to the day of the conference.
MarkS>> q
DaveG>> Will a student be able to attend events without a day pass?
Jamaica>> Yes...
Jamaica>> however they will not be allowed...
Jamaica>> to have hotel meals.
DaveG>> Will there be "breaks" that they can particpate in or nothing?
Jamaica>> Yes...
Jamaica>> they can partake in break meals.
DaveG>> Thanks. GA MarkS
MarkS>> I'm sorry, that's confusing. do you mean if I don't purchase on Friday, I can't eat Saturday?
MarkS>> (Or can I purchase on Sat for meals on Sat)
Jamaica>> day passes are purchased...
Jamaica>> for the days on which they are required.
DaveG>> Other q/c?
MarkS>> q
DaveG>> OK, it seems ...
MarkS>> I'm sorry, but that didn't answer my question...(heh)
DaveG>> like we have several questions and outstanding ...
DaveG>> issues, perhaps, we could have a general discussion on e-mail or newsgroup ...
DaveG>> with a e-conf session afterwords if necessary to bring some things ...
DaveG>> to completion -- what do you think don/halden/charles/mark?
CharlesL>> c
don>> yes
Jamaica>> Certainly, Day passes can be purchased on any day of the conference.
CharlesL>> I think it is best and will be glad to arrange this.
Jamaica>> O'k Charles
DaveG>> OK CharlesL, please take the "ball" and please send a note to the ExCom so anyone who has questions, concerns or information...
DaveG>> can particpate. Is this OK with everyone?
JohnT>> great!
DaveG>> Sounds like it. Perhaps a "fact sheet" summarizing things can eventually be ...
DaveG>> also mailed to the ExCom even if they don't particpate in the ...
DaveG>> forum chosen. Q/C?
DaveG>> OK... let's move to Special Project training...
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> OK...
CharlesL>> as reported, there are 4, perhaps more, sections looking to bid, but none have bidded yet for 05 and beyond...
CharlesL>> I am looking at possibly having a workshop before SoutheastCon to work with interested sections...
CharlesL>> this was proposed last year but was held at SECon due to time contraints...
CharlesL>> consequently, we go no bids last year either...
CharlesL>> I am looking for feedback as to the anticipated benefits...
CharlesL>> one suggestion has been to hold in Ft Lauderdale as they are considering.
DaveG>> Q/C?
MarkS>> q
DaveG>> More in the "wild idea" category...
DaveG>> you could hold it in Atlanta right ahead of Southeastcon and jump on a plane from there<G>....
DaveG>> GA MarkS
MarkS>> Halden, Has anyone from the "filanthropy" movement contacted you asbout space for their training?
Jamaica>> Yes MarlS
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> Let's move to Educational Activities -> GA PatD
PatD>> We are working on an overhaul of the Educational Activities website ...
PatD>> where we are going to replace the Region 3 Lending Library with a ...
PatD>> "Region 3 "Web Library" where members can access continuing education ...
PatD>> material in the form of books, CD-ROMs, videotapes, online courses, ...
PatD>> self study courses, and announcements for courses taught at conferences ...
PatD>> and symposia.
DaveG>> Thank you. Q/C?
CharlesH>> q
DaveG>> GA CharlesH
CharlesH>> Will there be links to IEEE EAB materials?
PatD>> Definitely
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Thank you... Professional Activities...
DaveG>> George would you like to report on PACE and anything else in Prof. Act?
George>> You have my report and update.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
George>> WE are planning to revitalize the PACE network connectivity...
DaveG>> (sorry)
George>> get current incumbents for PACE positions ...
Jamaica>> c
George>> and be ready for the expanded emphasis from IEEE-USA on use of the grassroots capability...
George>> on issues as they arise.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
George>> c
DaveG>> GA George
George>> Following up on the spring PACE training workshop, we plan a fall meeting for region training.
DaveG>> GA Jamaica
Jamaica>> Sorry guys, we have just completed our SoutheastCon meeting and must leave this venue now.
DaveG>> OK Jamaica (thanks for coming, we look forward to the conference)!
Jamaica>> Thanks DaveG
DaveG>> Let's move to N&A ... GA DickR
DickR>> No additional comments other than my report.
DaveG>> Thanks, Q/C?
DaveG>> Strategic Planning -> GA BobD
BobD>> No added comments than my report.
DaveG>> Thanks, Q/C?
DaveG>> Student Activities -> bwalcott
bwalcott>> c
DaveG>> GA bwalcott
bwalcott>> thanks to all who have helped...
bwalcott>> to contribute to our G&Os. Special...
bwalcott>> thanks to the sections who are offering support for...
bwalcott>> student travel. MarkS just reported in the IEEE Hall...
bwalcott>> that Clemson is coming and participating in HW. That makes...
bwalcott>> 17 confirmed schools at this time.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 1/Virginia Council -> GA DaveGeer
DaveGeer>> I sent in G&O's on Monday. I am currently working ...
DaveGeer>> to fill empty officer slots and set up calander for the year...
DaveGeer>> Sean Haynes has sent in L50 for last year and is working...
DaveGeer>> to close other open items.
DaveG>> Thanks and welcome to the ExCom. Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 2/NC -> any q/c?
DaveG>> Area 3 -> GA ChrisH
ChrisH>> Nothing additional to report. Any q/c?
DaveG>> thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 4 / Florida Council -> GA Eric
DaveG>> we will give Eric a chance to come back in a min...
DaveG>> I goofed and skipped over MDC -- sorry -- GA Lee
Lee>> Please read my report...
Lee>> I need everyone's help in motivating old members and finding new members. Remember our strength comes from a growing base of members.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, back to Area 4 / Florida Council -> GA Eric
DaveG>> Guess he is still away. Any q/c ?
DaveG>> Area 5 / Tennessee Council -- any Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 6 _. BrianS GA
BrianS>> No additional comments to previously submitted G&Os.
DaveG>> thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 7 / SC Council --> Q/C?
DaveG>> Area 8 -> was reported last time...
DaveG>> Area 9 has left the room but filed a report...
DaveG>> and we know about their biggest activity!
DaveG>> Corporate Communications -> BillHarri GA
BillHarri>> nothing more to add.
DaveG>> Thanks Q/C?
DaveG>> E-Conf -> BillR
BillR>> nothing additional
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Gold Rep -> GA JoeyD
JoeyD>> G&Os developed thus far are included in the R3 Matrix, but are consistently being updated (comments/feedback welcome)...
JoeyD>> Efforts will be concentrated on getting the existing (4) Affinity Chapters on solid ground, so that we are effective in developing & implementing the other G&Os, particularly, defining the direction this committee should take to meet the individual chapters' needs, and to establish effective communication practices...
JoeyD>> I'm optimistic so far about two of the four; will be trying to get the other two (one is looking for a chair, the other appears to incommunicado) up and running ...
JoeyD>> The main thing(s)!! <g> ...
JoeyD>> I'd like to thank those of you whom I've been communicating with while pulling together ideas and formulating plans - I hope to continue working with you. I would like to encourage anyone else who may be interested in promoting the interests of this committee, to please contact me (j.duvall@ieee.org)...
JoeyD>> Speaking of archiving and things "shaping up" - I am in the process of attempting to compile summaries & "history" of past-events/experiences from R3 GOLD to update reporting...
JoeyD>> Also have been trying to gain info from the R3 GOLD leaders w.r.t. their known/intended SoutheastCon participation - awaiting more feedback...
JoeyD>> Lastly, looking forward to a successful year - with good mentorship, some help and effort, I believe we have a decent outlook. Thanks!
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> I am sure the members here are available to help...
DaveG>> History -> Q/C?
DaveG>> Leadership Development -> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> sorry, was away...
CharlesL>> I ask all Area and Council chairs to read my report and seriously consider training for their sections' officers
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> Regional Life Member -> Q/C?
DaveG>> Section/Chapter Coordination -> BillHarri GA
BillHarri>> No more.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Sections Cong 2002/5 Coordination -> GA DanJ
DanJ>> Nothing to add. All of you have the SC Coordinator report plus the G&O's and my SC'02 #18 update.
DaveG>> Thanks... Q/C?
DaveG>> Special Projects -> Q/C?
DaveG>> Special Review Commitee -> GA RoyH
Eric>> Dave, Sorry my little one woke up and I just gave him a bottle. He is back to sleep.
RoyH>> Nothing to add
DaveG>> Q/C for Spec Review?
DaveG>> Eric, any comments from Florida Council?
Eric>> I am trying very hard..
Eric>> to make sure that every section attends SoutheastCon
Eric>> and that we bring as many students as possible -0-
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
George>> Q
DaveG>> GA George
George>> Another topic -- do we have a schedule/deadline for inpouts to the next region 3 newsletter?
DaveG>> I think the Newsletter editor will distribute that info by e-mail shortly ...
DaveG>> to the group -- right BillR?
BillR>> yes
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
George>> C
DaveG>> GA George
George>> Confirming -- our spring PACE training is the Seattle workshop; in the fall, likely Atlanta.
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> this would include seattle, sec03, and atlanta - is IEEE-USA funding all of this?
George>> No, Seattle is IEEE-USA, I believe
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> CharlesH, is this correct. Do we have funds in the region for 2 additional pace mtgs?
CharlesH>> We have not budgeted for a third conference.
DaveG>> Q/C?
George>> Q
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA George
George>> Which is the third conference? With Seattle a week before Jamaica, I was assuming no Jamaica PACE training.
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> George, the third mtg would be Atlanta. Sean, DonH and I have discussed this at length ...
George>> Okay. We'll kill Atlanta. Sean will cover Jamaica.
JimH>> and due to a mulitude of reasons, we need to treat SEC03 the same as any other sec.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, I have been advised that we will try the awards action without Exec session...
DaveG>> to keep things moving...
DaveG>> GA JohnT
JimB>> c comment before you go into Ex Session
DaveG>> JimB -> we are not yet going into Exec Session. Do you want to make a coment?
JimB>> Re Awards and the n/l Tonight's results should be given to the editor so as to publish in this edition and take advantage of the pr opportunity. It should occupy at least a page.
JohnT>> Agreed, good idea
DaveG>> Thank you. GA JohnT
JohnT>> The Awards and Recognition Committee received seven nominations for Outstanding Engineer, five nominations for Engineering Educator, and three for Outstanding Service. The Teller’s Committee, consisting of Past Director D. Powers, Director Elect W. Harrison, and J. Twitchell, ARC Chair, compiled the evaluations of the Area/Council Chairs
JohnT>> The recommendation to the EXCOM is as follows:
JohnT>> Outstanding Service – Percy (Butch) Shadwell – For identifying and putting into practice ways to inspire members of the electrotechnology profession toward development and maintenance of the highest levels of technical expertise and ethics.
JohnT>> Outstanding Engineering Educator – Takis Kasparis – For excellence in teaching, course design, and research.
JohnT>> Outstanding Engineer – Neelkanth G. Dhere – For engineering and research contributions to the profession in the area of thins-film photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical solar cells, and for advance
JohnT>> At the pleasure of Director Howard, you may vote on these individually, or as a group
DaveG>> OK...
JohnT>> And I'm sorry, I had to tell you all his real name is Percy
DaveG>> <G>
JohnT>> V/W
MarkS>> c
DaveG>> I assume Director Howard would say do it as a group as long as no one ...
JohnT>> C/Q
DaveG>> objects or wants to make comments.
DaveG>> Voting will be limited to those with vote ...
DaveG>> which is detailed on the roster off the agenda....
DaveG>> MarkS -- your comment?
MarkS>> (Like the little green engine #6) {Percy of Thomas the Tank engine}
DaveG>> <G>. OK, any objections to voting as a group?
DaveG>> (meaning all awards)
DaveG>> Hearing no objections and seeing no "C's", would the voting members please ...
DaveG>> enter "Y" to vote in favor of the awardees and "N" to vote against, "A" to abstain (not necessary to enter for the non-voting members). Vote now.
Voting occurred.
DaveG>> Motion carries. I believe either JohnT or JimH will be ...
DaveG>> notifiying the awardees and as usual we ask that you remain silent about ...
DaveG>> these till either John or Jim tells us this has been carried out. JohnT -> do you have anything else?
JohnT>> I will coordinate with Director Howard, and will put something together for the newsletter
DaveG>> Thanks, Q/C?
DaveG>> JimH, I turn the meeting over to you for any closing comments and either ...
PatD>> C
DaveG>> turn it back to me or adjorn the meeting at your discretion. (but first ...
DaveG>> a c from pat).. GA Pat
PatD>> I have enough results from my committee to do the Prof. Dev. Award.
DaveG>> Please present your motion.
PatD>> EAC recommends that Region 3 present Dynetics, Inc. of Huntsville, AL ...
PatD>> with the 2002 IEEE Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award ...
PatD>> For outstanding contributions to employee continuing education ...
PatD>> and professional development.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> All those approving this award (same rules/group as last time please).
(Voting occurred)
DaveG>> Motion carries. Same comments re silence till the "all clear". And now...
DaveG>> here's JimH
JimH>> Thanks Dave ...
JimH>> another fine job by Dave Green, everyone please give Dave a round of ....
JimH>> applause for this great work!! ...
BillR>> YEA
PatD>> clap
CharlesL>> <clap clap clap>
don>> thanks Dave.
BillHarri>> clap
ChrisH>> whoo hoo!
MarkS>> AAHHH.. not the clap?!!!
DanJ>> clap
Eric>> zippy do!
MarkS>> Good job bob..
JohnT>> clap again!
BobD>> clap!!!
bwalcott>> clapity
JimH>> thanks ...
JimB>> clap clap
JimH>> and thanks to all of you for hanging in there for this entire meeting ...
JoeyD>> Thanks Dave!...<applause...>
JimH>> over the next few days we will be working out the details on SEC03 travel ...
JimH>> and will be in touch with the excom mbrs about this. Please remember ...
JimH>> the R3 fincom recommended that only voting mbrs be supported to sec03 ...
JimH>> and we are trying to see if the funds are available for other excom members ...
JimH>> to attend as well. ....
JimH>> Thanks again for everyone attending and have a safe and happy new year ...
JimH>> and give yourselfs a round of applause!! Night ALL.