From: John Parr To: Region 3 Committee/ExCom Subject: Area 8 Report March 21, 2003 The three sections in Area 8 are continuing to hold regular, informative meetings. Progress toward the Area 8 Chair's goals is reported below. Area 8 Chair's Goals for 2002: 1. Establish more frequent and consistent communication with the three sections in Area 8. Report: The achievement of this goal is progressing. I have been in contact with the Section Chairs by email on multiple occasions. I have not yet been in face-to-face meetings with the Louisville or Lexington sections. 2. Make sure all sections have their reports in on time (Meetings, Officers and Financial) Report: This goal was achieved. All sections in Area 8 submitted their reports on time. 3. Make contact with all section chairs within Area 8 at least four times this year. Report: I have been in contact with the Section Chairs by email on multiple occasions. I have not yet been in face-to-face meetings with the Louisville or Lexington sections. 4. Ensure that all sections are aware of, and encourage them to send a representative to SoutheastCon. Report: Because I have been aware of the notifications and encouraging messages sent to the sections by others in the Region 3 hierarchy, Don Hill for example, I did not personally pursue this goal.