To: Region 3 Committee/ExCom From: Joey A. Duvall, R3 Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) Committee Chair Subject: R3 GOLD Committee Winter Report Date: 20 March 2003 Exciting news! Two sections have expressed interest in, and are carrying out efforts to form GOLD Affinity Chapters in their areas: Atlanta and Central Savannah River. The Region GOLD Committee will be working with the section chairs and the newly-designated Chapter chairs, Wah Myint and Brandie Phillips to facilitate the formation. Also, many thanks to David Mills, Bill Marshall, and Mary Lynn Smith for their support and efforts during this process. Welcome aboard! An informal, yet thorough program has been planned for GOLD attendees at SoutheastCon 2003. Roughly 75% of the existing chapters will be represented, and numerous others have expressed interest in networking with the group during the conference. Input was solicited from the Region GOLD leaders - the agenda was developed from their responses. Items to be addressed include: general guidelines for Affinity Group operation, specific concerns (adapted from participants' feedback), and the Region Committee's G&Os (see below). We are exited to take our efforts to the next level! Thanks to all of those who have participated. SoutheastCon 2003 GOLD Committee Agenda General: 1. Meeting and Reporting Requirements 2. Funding 3. Others Specific Discussion items, concerns, clarification needs: 1. What is our goal? 2. What is the relationship and interaction among these entities? a. RAB GOLD b. Region GOLD c. Individual Affinity Groups 3. What kinds of programs and services should we be trying to offer? 4. What level of frequency and budget are other sections using? 5. How closely should we be working with Student Activities and the local Student Branches? 6. Given the perceived "shortage" of success stories, what has worked in the past for people? 7. How do we build a base of GOLD members (includes those "early career" members, as well as those interested in promoting the efforts of the members) who are motivated to make an Affinity Chapter a success? 8. Once established, how do we KEEP the motivation of the members and the momentum going? 9. How do we deal with the attrition factor? 10. How do we determine the needs and interests of our constituency? Surveys (if so, how to effectively carry this out)? 11. How can the Region 3 committee help you? NEW: E-conferencing - see item 3.iii below. a. General. b. Do we wish to pursue it? Revised Goals and Objectives: [STATUS IN BRACKETS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION] GLD_1. Establish and develop the R3 GOLD committee roster. Begin with willing EXCOM volunteers and R3 section GOLD Chairs. [IN PROCESS] GLD_2. Develop strategic, tactical, and operational plans. Work with various R3 committees to determine the most effective direction for the GOLD committee to take, specifically concentrating efforts on developing the existing Chapters and formulating a more effective 'infrastructure,' rather than propagating the "uncertainty." [IN PROCESS] GLD_3. Develop methodology to effectively increase and improve communication among volunteers: i. Establish R3 GOLD e-mail alias [DONE - SEE ITEM ii] ii. Populate R3 GOLD e-mail alias ( [UPDATE TO OCCUR FOLLOWING SOUTHEASTCON 2003] iii. Conduct a minimum of 1 e-conf meeting during the year. Depending on the success of this, may decide to increase frequency [DISCUSSION ITEM FOR SOUTHEASTCON AGENDA] iv. Work with the R3 Web Coordinator and Electronic Communications Chair to establish R3 GOLD page [WILL DISCUSS DURING SOUTHEASTCON - ACTION ITEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION TO OCCUR FOLLOWING] GLD_4. Develop a GOLD training "package" for use at SoutheastCon. The goal is to have something useful that volunteers may take back to their section for utilization in local activities. [WILL DISCUSS DURING SOUTHEASTCON - ACTION ITEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION WILL FOLLOW] GLD_5. Promote and assist with new Affinity Chapter formation and help the existing groups utilize them as opportunities to network and further their own needs. [IN PROCESS - ATLANTA AND CENTRAL SAVANNAH RIVER ARE FORMING SECTION GOLD CHAPTERS] GLD_6. [NEW] Promote GOLD-related Awareness and objectives to section chairs - goal is to get 100% participation at SoutheastCon 2004! Respectfully Submitted, Joey A. Duvall R3 GOLD Chair