IEEE 3 ExCom E-Conf - March 26, 2003

<DaveG> Welcome to part 2 of the Spring 2003 meeting of the ExCom ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Howard. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes ...

<DaveG> and an executive session. We will have both a log (except for any ...

<DaveG> executive session) and minutes. ...

<DaveG> On our ...

<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, executive ...

<DaveG> sessions, and the roster above the agenda has an ...

<DaveG> asterisk for each voting member.

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> So for example: Dave Green, Secretary / ECC ...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)

<DaveG> Dave Green,Secretary/ECC

<WHarri> Bill Harrison, R-3 Director-Elect

<JimH> Jim Howard, R3 Director

<DaveGeer> Dave Geer, Virginia Council Chair

<MarkS> Mark Stokes, SoutheastCon Support Committee Co-Chair (Observing)

<CharlesL> Charles Lord, Leadership Development Chair

<SeanH> Sean Haynes PAOC Chair

<CharlesH> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<George> George McClure, PACE

<bwalcott> bruce walcott, rsac

<dbower> David Bower, Reg 3 PIO

<ChipD> Chip Dawson Nc Council Chair, R3 Webmaster

<JoeyD> Joey Duvall, GOLD Cmte Chair

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff Communications Committee Chair

<DickR> Dick Riddle, Past Director

<don> Don Hill, Conference Chair

<MarileneB> Marilene Baker, SC Council Chair

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<TDavid> Dave Mills, Central Savannah River Section Chair

<DaveG> Again, the proposed agenda is located at ...


<DaveG> At this time, I would like to invite Director Howard to ...

<DaveG> make any comments he would like to... GA (Go Ahead) JimH.

<JimH> Welcome everyone to the 2nd half of our Excom. ...

<JimH> For those that missed the 1st half, a log is available for your use, and a log ...

<JimH> of tonights meeting will be available as well. Again, I really appreciate ...

<JimH> your being with us tonight.

<DaveG> Thanks Jim...

<DaveG> We went through most of the agenda except a significant part of the information agenda ...

<DaveG> last time. We have have a few folks who were not here Monday so we will get to their...

<DaveG> reports as we go through . I know that BillR wants to bring up the Async Voting item ...

<DaveG> again for any additional comment/guidance as to disposition. ...

<DaveG> Are there other items of business besides these tonight?

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> we also had an item last time to review the meeting schedule for SoutheastCon (which we did)...

<DaveG> but I wanted to see if there were any questions? Q/C?

<CharlesL> q

CharlesL CharlesH ChipD

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Was conflict on mtg room for Conferences resolved, or is it moving to the early slot?

<DaveG> Halden has not responded on that issue yet. Let's try to get him to let us know tonight if he comes. ...

<DaveG> Other Q/C?

<DaveG> We also had an item related to the Region Agenda...

<DaveG> with the exception of BillR's item which we will get to, are there other agenda items for ...

<DaveG> the Region meeting?

<DaveG> (Welcome back JimH)

<DaveG> OK, I believe we are ready for your item Bill...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> Now taht everyone has ...

<BillR> taken the opportunity to review the ...

<BillR> asynch voting procedure for the R3 ExCom...

<BillR> Just a few comments...

<BillR> The procedure for electronic voting in the Region 3 ExCom was adopted in November 2001 and has been in effect since approval at SoutheastCon 2002. It is now time to consider the same capability be extended to the Region 3 Committee itself.

<BillR> ...

<BillR> The procedure for electronic voting in the Region 3 ExCom was adopted in November 2001 and has been in effect since approval at SoutheastCon 2002. It is now time to consider the same capability be extended to the Region 3 Committee itself. ..

<BillR> woops sorry

<BillR> Based on ...rn The time frame between meetings of the Region 3 Committee (annually at SECon)rn The expansion of collaboration effort with sections...

<BillR> The challenges that IEEE faces rn The need for reducing expenses...

<BillR> I believe it is time that formal approval methods be expanded to include Electronic Voting. Q/C?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<SeanH> C

<DaveG> Bill, do you want to bring this to the Region Committee as an action item?

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<JoeyD> c

<BillR> Yes, I believe that would be the proper approach.

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> Just curious. With the obvious light attendance tonight, although we may have a quorum...

<SeanH> I'm afraid that we may have an issue with making sure that all members of the ...

<SeanH> Region Comm are informed of anything important and make sure that they can attend.

<SeanH> Or maybe we're talking about e-mail voting?

<DaveG> Thank you. It is asynchronous voting and has a few components, you can read the ...

<DaveG> details at

JoeyD JohnT

<DaveG> GA JoeyD

<JoeyD> I believe most of us present tonight are clear on this, but just as a point of note for those who may not recall, ...

<JoeyD> or those new mbrs, or who review the log at a later time, etc., perhaps a brief clarification on the meaning of "Region EXCOM" vs. "Region Committee" will help ...

<JoeyD> I recall this being a question that arises often.

BillR BillHarri

<DaveG> BillHarri: would you like to answer this?

<DaveG> Perhaps, I should give it a try as Bill moves between computers....

<DaveG> The REGION Committee is the governing body of the Region consisting of Region officers, a ...

<DaveG> very few committee chairs (SAC, RSR, PACE) and the Section Chairs. The ExCom (group officially meeting tonight) ...

<DaveG> derives its power from the Region Committee since the Committee has delegated certain ...

<DaveG> actions to the committee through our Bylaws. The Region committee meets only once ...

<DaveG> per year. The ExCom meets more often, about twice face-to-face and several other times ...

<DaveG> by e-conf. The ExCom includes many Committee chairs as well as Region officers. Other Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, does anyone wish to speak against bringing this to the Region?

<DaveG> Good evening Robbie , please introduce yourself (name and position)

<Robbie> Wilfred A. Roberts...

<WHarri> c

<Robbie> Jamaica Section PACE Chair

<DaveG> Welcome Robbie , GA WHarri

<WHarri> I would add that one of the Region 3 orgainzation structure issues we are...

<WHarri> currently looking at is to make the Region 3 ExConm a "proper subset" of the...

<WHarri> Region 3 Committee.

<DaveG> Thanks. Other Q/C?

<DaveG> BillR-> I will add this item to the action agenda.

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> I believe we can return to the Information Agenda ...

<DaveG> I believe we skipped over item 7e Public Information --> anything to add or emphasize from your written report dbower? GA

<DaveG> GA dbower

<DaveG> I guess he stepped away for a min...

<dbower> dbower

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> I posted ...

<dbower> the PIO report for those to read. Nothing else.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C for dbower ?

<WHarri> c

<DaveG> GA WHarri

<WHarri> I think we can do lots more with Public Information...

<WHarri> Maybe we can do some brainstorming at SoutheastCon.

<DaveG> Thanks. Other Q/C?

<dbower> c

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> To compress the report...

<dbower> the initiative would be to encourage sections to use "free" print...

<dbower> and TV/Radio media to get notices out on their meetings and activities.

<DaveG> Thanks. Other Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe the next report is PAO. SeanH -> I appologize for not linking it prior ...

<DaveG> to the first half, do you have any comments you would like to make?

<SeanH> No. The first PAOC E-Conference went well. The second would have been tonight...

<SeanH> but I decided not to schedule a conflicting session.

<DaveG> 10-4. Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe that completes the ones we skipped over and we are about to start the Area/Council reports....

<DaveG> Did I miss anyone?

<DaveG> OK, Area 1/VA Council -> GA DaveGeer

<DaveGeer> Nothing to add to my posted report.

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

CharlesL CharlesH ChipD

<DaveG> Area 2 / NC Council -> GA ChipD

<DaveG> GA ChipD

<DaveG> Hmmm, Guess he stepped away...

<DaveG> Area 3 -> Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 4 / Florida Council -> Q/C?

<ChipD> c

CharlesL CharlesH ChipD

<DaveG> GA ChipD

<ChipD> Sorry I was in a side bar, nothing to add

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C for ChipD ?

<DaveG> Area 5 / TN Council -> Q/C?

<dbower> Dbower

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> Don't think new Chair is on line...

<dbower> but report is posted. New TN Council Chair is Philip lim. he is sending VC, Tim Biglelow to Reg mtg.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> area 6 -> BrianSk is out of town. Q/C?

MarileneB MarkS

<DaveG> Area 7 / SC Council -> GA MarileneB

<MarileneB> Nothing to add to the report

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 8 was reported last time... Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 9 -> GA Robbie

<Robbie> c

<DaveG> GA Robbie

<Robbie> Good evening all...

<Robbie> I logged on for the PAOC e conference...

<Robbie> Our Area 9 Chair is at...

<Robbie> a SoutheastCon 2003 committee meetim=ng at this time

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe that moves us to item 18...

<DaveG> Corporate Comm -> GA BillHarri (or WHarri )

<WHarri> My Corporate Communications report will submitted shortly for posting and will be presented at SECon.

<DaveG> OK, Q/C?

JoeyD JohnT

<DaveG> Gold Rep -> GA JoeyD

<JoeyD> I have nothing to add to my report at this time - thanks.

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<DaveG> ITem 21 History -> Q/C?

CharlesL CharlesH ChipD

<DaveG> 22. Leadership Development -> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Updated report posted today...

<CharlesL> stand ready to assist all R3 entities with development of their volunteers.

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<DaveG> Regional Life Member Coordinator -> Q/C?

<DaveG> Secton/Chapter Coordination -> GA BillHarri

<WHarri> See report for summary of last year's Sections Survey. We will discuss results and obtain additional input at the Region 3 Meeting.

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<DaveG> Sections Congress Coordinator -> Q/C?

<DaveG> Special Projects -> Q/C?

<DaveG> Special Review Committee -> Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe that completes the Info Agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> Is there any Old Business?

<DaveG> Is there any New Business?

<DaveG> As the updated agenda shows, the plans are for our next meeting to be ...

<DaveG> an E-Conference on 14/16 July at 9pm EDST each night with reports due 7 July prior to the...

<DaveG> e-conf. Of course, the Region Committee meets next week in Jamaica. JimH -> do you have ...

<DaveG> any comments about this?

<JimH> just that I hope everyone will ...

<JimH> be working on getting their goal & objectives completed and have a

<JimH> safe trip to Jamaica!

<DaveG> Thank you Jim. Lee, please introduce yourself.

<Lee> Lee Stogner, R3 Membership Development

<DaveG> Thanks.

<DaveG> Is there any other business for the group tonight?

<ChipD> q

<DaveG> GA ChipD

<ChipD> Does anone remember what the exit tax amount is from Jamaica?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<George> c

<DaveG> GA George

<George> Last time, it was included in the 'tax' portion of the airline ticket.

<DaveG> Thank you. Other Q/C?

<DaveG> Hi hal --> please introduce yourself (name & Position)

<hal> Halden Morris SoutheastCon 2003 Chair

<DaveG> Welcome. Do you have any comments or questions for the group?

<hal> Thanks Dave...

<hal> we just concluded out committee meeting...

<hal> the question with respect to the banquet...

<hal> the committee decided that it would be best for us to stage...

<hal> an awards function without food to include all persons in ...

<hal> at the conference. This would not cost IEEE members...

<hal> Persons would therefore have their regular meal provided by the hotel then come to the awards function...

<hal> at say 7:30pm.

<DaveG> OK. Thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> Any other info items hal ?

<MarkS> c

<MarkS> (q)

<don> q

<DaveG> GA MarkS

<MarkS> Did you get the list of questions/items I wanted to go over tonight (Halden, et al). Are we...

<MarkS> going to go over that list here? or in our channel?

<hal> yes MarkS

<DaveG> I would think it would be better to do in the #SoutheastCon_Suport channel (or here) after we adjourn.

<DaveG> OK?

<MarkS> Sounds good.

<DaveG> GA don

<don> Halden, please comment on your hotel room committment. Did we make the numbers?

<hal> Numbers are looking reasonable...

<hal> we are probably behind by 20 or so...

<hal> this will be achieved when the Jamaican contingent register...

<hal> We also have a few vendors/exhibitors that have not yet registered.

<DaveG> OK. Other Q/C?

<George> c

<DaveG> GA George

<George> Departure tax is US$25, which may be included in your ticket See

<DaveG> Thank you sir. Other Q/C?

<dbower> q

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> What...

<dbower> is currency we need to use. I assume UDS dollars are OK ?

<dbower> I mean US dollars

<hal> U$ is acceptable...

<hal> however the conversion rate is $50 to U$1

<DaveG> Thank you. Q/C?

<hal> Correction...

<hal> $55 to U$1

<DaveG> 10-4. Q/C?

<dbower> c

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> So...

<dbower> it would good to take lots of 1 dollar green stamps for tips

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> JimH -> would you make any closing comments you care to and adjourn our meeting please.

<JimH> Thanks Dave ....

<JimH> and thank all of you for attending tonight. I look forward to seeing ...

<JimH> you all in Jamaica, where we have a lot of work to accomplish, but will ...

<JimH> find time to relax (i hope <G>) as well. Have a safe trip and see ...

<JimH> you there. We are adjourned.

<DaveG> Good night everyone!

David Green
Last modified: Wed Mar 26 22:38:07 CST 2003