IEEE Miami Section Report to IEEE Region 3 Meeting Southeastcon 2003, Jamaica, April 4-6, 2003 1. All section reports were submitted to head quarters on time before the February 20, 2003 deadline. The section officer, meeting and financial reports were e-mailed as well as sent by post and headquarters confirmation was received. 2. We had several meetings (15 in all since September, 2003 through end of March 2003), EMBS (2), Power (4), Communication (2), Computer (1), IA (3) and Engineering Management (1)and the Miami Section (3). Some lectures had 70 IEEE members and students attending. The average is about 25. Topics include; Artificial Intelligence, Nano-Systems, Power Systems, Communication Systems, etc. 3. PES Chapter and the Section conducted a ? day tutorial on Substation Automation By Mr. John McDonald who is the PES secretary on October 25th, 2002. More than 50 attended. We charged $30 and waived the fee for students or who complete IEEE membership applications. 4. Found new Chapter Chairs for Engineering Management Chapter (Ms Malathi Palaniappa) and IA Chapter (Dr. Jean Andrean) and We have a new Treasurer (Dr. Tad Babij). We are in the process of creating GOLD Chapter (Graduates of the Last Decade). We have identified the Chairman of this affinity group. 5. Future City: This year 34 schools from around the state participated. The regional finals were held January 25th, 2003 at FIU Engineering Campus. Sponsors included FES, FIU, FPL and IEEE Miami section. It was a very nice all day event with more than 300 people and many volunteers and judges. There was an article in the Miami Herald and the winning Team from Epiphany Catholic School in Miami will represent the State at the National Finals to be held in Washington DC during the Engineers Week. 6. We had several activities during the Engineers week. Celebration events included an Engineering Gala inviting many local schools, Lectures, a Picnic, and Awards. These activities were done in collaborations with other society Chapters including SWE, ASME and FES. 7. The Section will Sponsor the International Conference on Nano Systems Feb 15-19, 2004 and the section will sponsor the IEEE CEFC'2006, May 7-12, 2006. 8. Plans are underway for the Future City Competition next year, I have submitted an official proposal for special project to Region 3 and the Florida Council to help us expand the Competition activities throughout the state. Copies of this proposal were sent to Director Jim Howard and FC Chairman Eric Ackerman. 9. Our PACE representative, Dr. Kang Yen attended the Seattle conference 10. The student branch at FIU is participating in Southeastcon in Jamaica with 10 students who are participating in the hardware, software and student paper competitions. One of the student papers selected for the regional top 10 papers is from the IEEE/FIU student branch. 11. More than 7 activities are planned within the next two months including professional, social as well as technical meetings. Communication Society, Engineering Management Society and Computer Society chapters have planned lectures. 12. The 2003 Section Officers are as follows: CHAIR: Osama A. Mohammed VICE CHAIR: Nand Tripathi SECRETARY / TREASURER: Tadeusz Babij MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Osama A. Mohammed PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Kang K. Yen AWARDS: Kang K. Yen COM-19/VT-06 Chapter: Tadeusz Babij PE-31 Chapter: Juan Farah EMB-18 Chapter: Malcolm Heimer IA-34 Chapter: Jean H. Andrian C-16 Chapter: Alexander Perez-Pons EM-14 Chapter: Malathi Palaniappa GOLD: TBA Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Osama Mohammed Miami Section Chair