Northwest Florida IEEE Section
Updated March 25, 2003
When possible, IEEE Northwest Florida incorporates a technical lecture along with the meeting/tour of the month in order to obtain professional development hours towards continuing education for PEs. PDH credited meetings that have taken place recently are shown below.
Sections Congress was attended in October. Valuable information was gathered and used in our section. Recommendations were submitted to IEEE USA on behalf of our section. Some of the information gathered and used is reflected below.
The Florida Council meeting was attended on Feb. 8 in Tampa, FL. Some good ideas were discussed among all the Florida sections. These ideas were discussed with the ExCom at the February section meeting.
An ExCom meeting was held on March 16, 2003 to discuss updating of the Bylaws as well as a recruitment idea to increase membership. Several action items were made and implementation should take place shortly.
Bylaws have been reviewed and updated. Membership has approved. Review process mentioned above was for changes made by RAB. They will be sent to Vicki Waldman by or before March 26, 2003.
All officer, financial and meeting reporting was done before the 10% rebate deadline (February 21, 2003).
o April Ð Pensacola Regional Airport TRACON and control tower
o May Ð Local solar power generation facility
o June Ð Social event
o Potential Meetings Ð
o Television station (WSRE Ð local college station)
¯ All officers have recently received email aliases (e.g,
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida has recently transitioned to postcard announcements for meeting reminders and significantly upgraded our website
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida is now actively promoting job listings in the local community for local employers on our website.
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida has recently created a Majordomo mailing list that will be used for all subsequent meeting announcements in addition to the postcard mailing in hopes of increasing meeting attendance.
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida supported the first annual Regional High School Science Bowl held February 15, 2003 at The University of West Florida. IEEE is provided man power as well as some financial support. In addition, we are assisted the Science Bowl supervisor (Dr. Maqsood Mohammad) in soliciting financial support with the Science Bowl (Use of IEEEÕs name as backing the Science Bowl and requesting funding on behalf of both IEEE and the Science Bowl).
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida is supporting a student scholarship for EE & IEEE Student Members
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida is supporting our local UWF Submarine Team financially for their competition to be held later this year.
¯ IEEE Northwest Florida participated in a local Technology Expo by manning a booth sponsored by IEEE and promoting our local Section to engineers and employees. Certificates of appreciation were given to those who volunteered to help out
¯ Sr. Membership has been pushed extensively and we recently added 2 SR members to our list. More are applying. This has been discussed at every meeting since Sections Congress.
¯ Meeting attendance incentive (door prizes) are helping. Offering cumulative grand door prize for final meeting of the year (Palm Organizer) is also an incentive (more meetings attended = increased odds of winning).