IEEE Palm Beach Section Report Section Officers:Chair Richard Seibel Vice Chair Norman Bleshman Secretary/Treasurer Richard Seibel Educational Activities Norman Bleshman PACE Carl L. Hussey Membership Development Carl L. Hussey Newsletter Editor Richard Seibel Activities: * Meetings held once per month, total 12 for 02/03. Some meetings are joint with societies. Some are family oriented allowing spouses and children to attend. * Major domo started, half of membership on emailings of section eBulletin. * SAMIEEE transferred to current Chair. * Electronic newsletter (eBulletin) sent once/month. * Chair attended Section Congress 2002 for training. Returned and implemented more than 10 recommended items for running section. * VIP training for ExCom, Tampa, January, 02. * Participated in high school science fair in judging and awards. 800 people attended awards ceremony. * Balanced participation in industry, government and academia. * Represented at every Florida Council meeting. * 2002 reports submitted on time. * Student branch at Florida Atlantic University now activated. Membership increased to 81% of eligible enrolled students. Participating in Southeastcon robot competition. Ten students traveled to event. Goals: * Form affinity groups. Currently there is interest in Life Members. * Rebuild website. * One or two paper mailings of newsletter per year. * Increase revenue by means of eBulletin advertisements. * Bring Distinguished Lecturer Tour to section. Currently, Communications Society plans a lecturer in December. * Increase senior membership. * Retain members per negative results of current Membership Development Report. * Continue on-going relationships with industry, government and academia. Find and foster new ones. Submitted March 30, 2003