Region 3 Director-Elect Report

1.  Fleshing Out the Rosters -  A number of sections and subsections in Region 3 lack a full set of officers for the section.  They will be encouraged to  fill the open slots, even with provisional hold-overs from previous slates until the offices can be filled with new volunteers.  Vacant PACE chairs can be filled with section chairs as a collateral duty, and they will be encouraged to do that.  Life members, and other retired members, can be recruited as a valuable resource for section operations.  They have the time and the experience to contribute to section programs and administration.

2.  Membership Brochure - With a 5% drop in membership in a year, IEEE needs to promote membership at the section level, through visibility at expos,  job fairs, college placement offices, technical conferences, tutorials, science fairs, corporate human resource offices, and other venues.  A prototype tri-fold membership brochure has been developed; it will be refined and focus-tested in several sections before being put into final form for use by sections (that can add their own specific data and URL on one of the six panels).

3.  Section/Chapters Coordination - As the Region 3 Chapters/Section Coordinator (RAB Operations Manual, Section 9.1.C.,  9.6.C, Appendix III.G.), contact sections and chapters with problems, ensuring Region 3 support of its Sections' Chapters and enhancement of the Section-Chapters interface.  One salient problem is the compliance with the requirement that chapters having separate bank accounts submit a year-end financial statement to the Section by January 15 for the previous fiscal year.

4.  Ensure that Sections Earn the Reporting Bonus -  Sections have been reminded of the requirement that they will receive the ten percent bonus ONLY if their year-end report is postmarked by 20 February 2004.

5.  Compliance with Section Member Communication Requirement -  Contact sections to review procedures/plans for complying with RAB Operations Manual, Section 9.4.D.5, that a hard copy mailing be sent to all active section members at least yearly, with information on subscribing to the e-mail list, the URL for the Section's Web page, and how members may update their contact information in the IEEE master database.

George F McClure, Region 3, Director-Elect
1730 Shiloh Ln
Winter Park FL 32789
Tel 407-647-5092
Fax 407-644-4076
Mobile 407-758-0321