ARC Report - March Region 3 Meeting John Twitchell, ARC Chair There will be a full slate of awards presented at the SoutheastCon 2004 Awards Luncheon. In addition to Employer Professional Development, Outstanding Service, the Joseph M. Biedenbach Outstanding Engineering Educator, and Outstanding Engineer awards, we will recognize Lee Stogner and Charles Lord for the Citations of Honor they will receive at the IEEE - USA Leadership Workshop March 19 - 21 in Atlanta (see Wake Forest University will be recognized as a supporting friend of IEEE, Tallahassee will receive the RAB membership growth award for Region 3, and Savannah, Alabama, and Atlanta will receive anniversary awards. Bruce Walcott will preside over the student awards program. ARC encourages each of you attending SoutheastCon to participate in the awards luncheon, and help recognize all of these volunteers and supporters of our Region 3.