TN Council Report for the Region 3 meeting. Tim Bigelow conduct one successful council in Jamaica - 2003. The result of that meeting initiated the need to revise our bylaws. The TN bylaws was discussed and revised during the last November Region 3 meeting in Atlanta, GA. Feedback was received in early February 2004. The final version will be presented at the 2004 Region 3 meeting in Greensboro, NC. The council participated a conference with Region 3 past and present directors. One of TN council's concerns is the inactivity of Chattanooga section. We are currently following up with the section. The chair has invited the section chairs to attend the Region 3 meeting in Greensboro, NC. Joe Legate, Secretary/Treasurer submitted the financial report within the specified time frame. TN Council met all the requirements. Philip Lim Area 5/Tennessee Council Chair