To: Region 3 ExCom Subject: Region 3 Communications Committee Report - March 2004 In addition to the activities listed in the January 2004 Report the committee has been concentrating on developing the February Newsletter and presentation material for the BoD / Organizational Unit meetings in Savannah in February. The discussions regarding the major activities for the Communications Committee to address in 2004 ... <> Newsletter re-design Production <> Use of brochures, pamphlets, flyers...? <> Uncover root cause issues that involve communications within the Region <> What should be the mix between the Interactive and Broadcast Models? <> e-conferencing Project Completion / Shutdown Loose ends? <> Direction / Parameters for the next phases of web design <> Enhanced control over SPAM and security awareness. Please participate in these discussions on Newsgroups, Twiki, and the Region 3 Virtual Community. Charles Lord will be offering training in these and other areas in Greensboro no matter whether you are experienced or just starting out. (besides being informative ... you will have a good time). The Communications Committee meeting on Saturday 3/27/2004 is focusing on computer security issues in a wireless (WiFi) environment. Please plan on attending this brief but power packed hour to assist you in protecting your laptop from invasion by the curious or ??? See you in Greensboro. _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff Region 3 Communications Committee Chair 2004 e-mail