Conference Committee Report March 12, 2004 The Conference Committee had an excellent meeting in Atlanta. We received and accepted the SEC report from Dave McLaren for a past conference. Thank you Dave. The Conference Committee has converted its old paper and numerous electronic records to one CD formatted disk. After review of the CD by others, the original paper documents will be recycled. There will be no more boxes to pass from one committee chair to the next. The SEC03 committee has completed its report and the report has been submitted to HQ and accepted. The Conference Committee Chair will issue checks to close the conference account this week. Thanks again to the committee for a fine conference. The registration adhoc committee has begun documenting the present program for registration at a conference. SEC04 will be using the early version of the program. SEC05 plans to use a product available in house at their university. SEC06 plans to use the product. If you need to use this product at a Region 3 conference, please contact this Committee. The adhoc committee will work this summer to document the program thus far. The SEC04 committee continues to meet regularly and have prepared an informative conference for you. They want to see you in Greensboro NC in two weeks. The SEC05 committee has prepared the hardware contest rules for distribution at SEC04. The SEC05 committee members will be helping and watching the events in the next two weeks. Make your plans to attend in Ft. Lauderdale April 8-11, 2005. The SEC06 committee is finishing its hotel contract for the second time. The hotel's new management wanted to open the contract negotiations again. Good luck Allan. The Conference Committee still needs sections to bid for SEC07, SEC08, and SEC09. We have several sections that have shown interest in these conferences, but none have forwarded their proposals. Now is the time to jump on the wagon and forward your proposal to the Committee. Respectfully, Don Hill Region 3 2004 Conference Committee Chair 1676 Donelwal Dr; Lexington, KY 40511-9021 859.259.0740 H 859.257.8487 O 859.323.3287 F 859.489.IEEE C