From: "Bill Harrison" Date: March 13, 2004 12:17:44 PM CST To: , Cc: "David Green" Subject: Director's Report for Region Meeting Reply-To: DirectorÕs Report I appreciate the opportunity to serve IEEE Region 3 as your Director for 2004-2005. I mentioned in the January 2004 Region 3 newsletter that following Jim HowardÕs leadership as Director for the Region 3 is an awesome challenge. As Jim warned me, the volume of emails and phone calls seems, some days, overwhelming. They come from Region 3, outside the Region, and from my Board of Directors duties. However, please be in contact. I appreciate your patience if I do not respond immediately to your query or issue. If your issue or concern is urgent, and I have not responded in a day or two, please email or call to remind me: Email:; telephone: 404-378-5553; Fax: 404-378-4447. The tools and techniques Region 3 has developed allow us to file and access our committee and project reports on the Internet. It speeds up handling our routine operational matters, and it makes us more efficient and more proficient in taking care of the regionÕs business. I would encourage all sections to explore ways to use these communication and collaboration methods. Region 3 has been recognized by our peers in the USA, and around the world, for our innovative projects and programs. Other regions, especially widely dispersed regions such as Region 8, Region 9 and Region 10 are extremely interested in the way Region 3 conducts business via electronic meeting technologies. Region 3 is also a recognized leader in Membership Development activities, IEEE Employment Assistance for members whose careers have taken unexpected turns, and Industry Relations projects. As many of you know, I have been on a Òsoap boxÓ promoting IEEE Industry Relations for several years. Region 3 conducted a very successful industry relations project with financial and people support from the IEEE foundation and several technical societies. There are lots of other IEEE volunteers working on Industry Relations in their local areas. The IEEE Board of Directors has finally appointed a Board level Industry Relations Committee. I was asked to serve on it (since I have been promoting the idea for several years). I will keep you informed, and expect you to get involved as we move forward with IEEE/industry relationships. Bill Sims has agreed to serve as Industry Relations Representative for Region 3. Each section will be asked to identify a person to fill that role, either with a present section officer, or a new section ExCom position. Another person we need to identify at the Region 3 level is a Women In Engineering representative. Volunteers or nominations? Please contact me for more details. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve Region 3 and IEEE. Bill Harrison