IEEE 3 E-Conf - March 15, 2004

<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to Second Meeting 2004 ExCom ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes. ...

<DaveG> and an executive session.

<DaveG> We will have both a log (except for any ...

<DaveG> executive session) and minutes. ...

<DaveG> On our meeting page: ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...

<DaveG> executive sessions, ...

<DaveG> and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...

<DaveG> member. ...

<DaveG> We may complete our agenda tonight and NOT have a meeting on ...

<DaveG> Wednesday depending on how thigns proceed. ...

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now)

<DaveG> So to start things off: ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC

<PatD> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activities Chair

<JohnP> John Parr

<ChipTD> Chip Dawson, NC Council Chair, R3 Webmaster

<CharlesH> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<Lee> Lee Stogner, Membership Development

<don> Don Hill, Conference Chair

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ATC Chair

<BruceW> Bruce Walcott, RSAC

<dbower> David Bower, Region 3 PIO Chair

<JimH> Jim Howard, R3 Past Director

<BobD> Bob Duggan, SPC chair

<CharlesL> Charles Lord Leadership Development Chair

<ThomasB> Thomas Bellarmine Florida Council Chair

<DickR> Dick Riddle, LDO Project Manager

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff, Communications Committee Chair

<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, Director

<DaveG> Welcome all! BillHarri would you like to make any opening comments? GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Good evening, all...

<BillHarri> In my director's report I requested nominatiion for a Women in Engineering representative...

<BillHarri> for Region 3...

<BillHarri> Charles Lord has a nominee, is this the the time to decide that nomination?

<DaveG> We should probably wait a bit ...

<DaveG> if you want to debate it -- OK?

<BillHarri> OK, go ahead with the agenda.

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> I goofed the agenda URL a min ago...

<DaveG> it is ...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<DaveG> The consent agenda has two items: ...

<DaveG> 3a. ExCom to approve the minutes of its Janurary 2004 E-Conference ...

<DaveG> meeting. ...

<DaveG> 3b. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,

<DaveG> Agenda ...

<DaveG> Any objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...

<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?

<DaveG> Hi JoeyD -- please introduce yourself and position.

<JoeyD> Hello! Joey Duvall - GOLD Representative.

<DaveG> Thanks and glad to have you back amongst the healthy!

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> We will move item 9a (Awards) to 10 minutes till 11pm EST or the end ...

<DaveG> of the meeting. This portion of the meeting will be in Executive ...

<DaveG> Session. Only members of the ExCom vote (and past Directors) may ...

<DaveG> stay. We will take this item last so those who exit may have an ...

<DaveG> earlier night. Q/C?

<DaveG> BillHarri: do you want to add the WIE nomination to the discussion agenda?

<DaveG> He must have stepped away, we will put it theere and move it if he wishes...

<DaveG> Any other items for the agenda? Q/C?

<BillHarri> I have been asked to appoiint a R3 liaison for WIE...

<BillHarri> and Charles Lord has proposed a nominee...

<BillHarri> unless someone else has another person to nominate...

<BillHarri> I would recommend we appoint his nominee...

<BillHarri> maybe Charles could give her qualifications, then we can talk about where this new..

<BillHarri> position fits in our Region 3 organization structure.

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Well, to keep it short I will repeat what I sent to BillH originally...

<CharlesL> I nominate Mary Ellen Randall, currently Chair of the Eastern NC Section. Mary Ellen organized and heads up the WIE chapter in our section and is a successful entrepreneur and business owner. She will be at both the PACE meeting and at Greensboro. She would be an excellent asset to R3's excom.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<JimH> q

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> has she been contacted and agreed to serve? Will this be a consulting position only? Is this an Ad Hoc Position for the region?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Those questions need to be answered...I am waiting for responses from WIE...

<BobD> c

<DaveG> GA BobD

<JimH> c

<BillHarri> it would have budget impact, depeneding on tavel, etc. to WIE meetings.

<DaveG> (oops sorry BillHarri , now GA BobD )

<BobD> It would seem to me that until we know more about her duties ...

<BobD> the position would appropriately fit under PAOC.

<DaveG> GA JimH

<JimH> Sounds like we have a lot of unanswered questions, including the nominee willingness to serve, so I would suggest we table this until we have more information.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Let Charles L and me work on this and come to the Region 3 Meeting with a recommendation.

<DaveG> OK...

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Just to quell one concern... I had lunch with Mary Ellen today and she is willing to serve - at least to the point that we understand the position. I also agree that we don't know the expectations of the WIE committee other than Bylaws statement that "REgions may appoint a liason"...

<CharlesL> 3 of the 10 have done so.

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> I kinda of goofed us up and got things going faster than our process <G>... sorry...

<DaveG> I assume that we have an approved agenda unless I hear objections. Q/C?

<DaveG> We will next go through the Officer reports which are all on-line for...

<DaveG> members to read. I'll go through each officer and give them a ...

<DaveG> chance to add or highlight, ...

<BillHarri> yes, sorry to get us off track.

<DaveG> Director's Report -- do you have any further items to report.

<BillHarri> No.

<DaveG> We don't have a director-elect report at this time...

<DaveG> I refer you to my secretary report noting ...

<DaveG> 1. We are still accepting reports for the meeting (please observe the guidelines) ...

<DaveG> 2. Please check your address in the full roster and make sure we have ...

<DaveG> everything right. ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Treasurer's report: GA CharlesH

<CharlesH> No other comments.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I think I sent an email asking FinCom to consider budget impact of WIE activities.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<CharlesH> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesH

<CharlesH> I plan to add to FinCom agenda.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Thanks.

<DaveG> Next ...

<DaveG> Past Director's report, GA JimH

<JimH> Nothing more to add - thanks again to all those Sections that got their reports in by Feb 20th to receive the extra 10% rebate - Great JOB!!!

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Good job Jim! ...

<DaveG> The Action Agenda has only one item and it is time specific...

<DaveG> On the discussion agenda we have two items:

<DaveG> 10a. Review of Meetings at Region 3 "Meeting" in Atlanta ...

<DaveG> 10b. Review of Region Committee Agenda ..

<DaveG> 10a. Review of Meetings at Region 3 "Meeting" in Atlanta ...

<DaveG> This is shown at ...

<DaveG> BillHarri would you like to make any comments?

<DaveG> I guess he stepped away...

<DaveG> ChipTD: would you like to make any comments?

<ChipTD> y

<DaveG> GA ChipTD

<ChipTD> We are looking forward to seeing everyone in greensboro in a little over a week ...

<ChipTD> I have one request of all the R3 members present ...

<ChipTD> I was Notified today that the student hardware team from University of Technology, Jamaica (Utech) has been denied visa?s to enter the country.

<ChipTD> I have written to my local congressman Represenative Howard Coble, Senators Edwards and Dole

<ChipTD> for assistance.

<ChipTD> If anyone else has a contact with the State Dept to help get these students to Greensboro please

<ChipTD> contact them.

<ChipTD> thanls

<ChipTD> Thanks

<BruceW> c

<DickR> c

<DaveG> Suggest you call Tracy Hawkins tomorrow.

<DaveG> GA BruceW

<BruceW> Chip...I've sent a letter to the US Consolate...

<BruceW> in Jamaica. I haven't heard back...I think the big guns...

<BruceW> are needed.

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> Do we know why they were not allowed in the US?

<BruceW> c

<DaveG> ChipTD, we were talking about this re Sections Congress today ...

<DaveG> and Tracy Hawkins and Mark Apter (RAB VP) worked some of these issues for last sections ...

<DaveG> congress. GA BruceW

<BruceW> DickR, Dave Muir didn't elaborate...

<BruceW> on why the visa was refused.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD> c

<DaveG> GA BobD

<BobD> Maybe the US is retaliating against Jamaica because they let Aristide come there.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Lee> c

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> Is it the students or their equipment that is causing the problem ?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> Does Halden M know about this?

<BruceW> c

<DaveG> GA BruceW

<BruceW> I think so.

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> I agree with Lee it could be the equipment.

<DaveG> Anything else on this issue, I think Chip will follow up perhaps calling on Director if big gun needed -- OK ChipTD ?

<ChipTD> OK

<DaveG> ChipTD: Did you see the discussions related to Data Projectors today -- do you think you can handle the incremental requests?

<JohnT> c

<ChipTD> I have 3 projectors from RFMD, 2 to 3 from NC A&T and 1 from General Dynamics

<DaveG> I guess it is something you need to layout and see?

<BillHarri> q

<DaveG> GA JohnT

<JohnT> I'll bring a projector with me for use at a region function

<JohnT> .

<DaveG> Great thanks.

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<CharlesL> c

<BillHarri> John T may have deleted my question, what was should R3 buy a projector...

<BillHarri> since prices are coming down?

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Off of data projectors...

<CharlesL> I just wanted to point out that everyone needs to register for the conference as R3 attendee...

<CharlesL> plus, all need to register on the page that DaveG set up so we know who is attending what...

<CharlesL> (this last part important for many reasons including meal planning!)...

<DaveG> (

<CharlesL> A/C chairs, please make sure your sections are sending someone and that they register both places...

<CharlesL> and lastly, A/C chairs PLEASE encourage your section reps to attend the Leadership development workshop Friday afternoon (blatant self-promotion).

<CharlesH> c

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> GA CharlesH

<CharlesH> Back to projectors..I do not believe R3 should purchase.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> 10b. Review of Region 3 Committee Meeting Agenda ...

<DaveG> This is shown at ...


<DaveG> BillHarri would you like to make any comments?

<BillHarri> No, just wondering.

<DaveG> Any comments on the Agenda for the Region Meeting?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> ga BillHarri

<BillHarri> Got an email from Hal Flescher, he will not be able to attend.

<DaveG> 10-4. I removed his r3 registration so our counts stayed current. Q/C?

<DaveG> anyone have any anticipated action items or discussion items for the Region meeting ...

<DaveG> not presently listed on it?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none, we will assume we have it right (at least for the moment.)...

<DaveG> This moves us to Old Business -- is there any old business?

<DaveG> Is there any new business? Q/C?

<DaveG> Remembering that we are going to have an action item at 10 mins till 11pm (EST)...

<DaveG> let's go through the information agenda for those folks who are here tonight...

<DaveG> we will be going through it as part of the Region meeting as well so feel free to ...

<DaveG> wait to highlight items till later unless it will help our meeting or progress to...

<DaveG> cover it now...

<DaveG> I'll give the Item and ask for comments, just say "N" if nothing else or provide your item...

<DaveG> folks with Q/C, please issue them as we go through. ...

<DaveG> Any question on process?

<DaveG> Anything else for Awards? GA JohnT

<JohnT> Only that it is supposed to snow here in New Jersy tomorrow morning.

<DaveG> Please don't bring it with you when you come to the conference! <G>...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Communications Committee -> GA BillR

<BillR> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Archive-> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> I would like to address this topic at Greensboro but "N" for now.

<DaveG> 10-4. Q/C?

<DaveG> Electronic Communications -> please urge newsletter editors to sign up for ...

<DaveG> our alias for newsletter editors. ... Q/C?

<DaveG> Public Information -> GA dbower

<dbower> No comments at this time.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Webmaster -> GA ChipTD

<ChipTD> n

<DaveG> q/c?

<DaveG> Conferences -> GA don

<don> N, but I will miss Hal at our meeting.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Southeastcon 2004 -> GA ChipD

<ChipTD> n

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Southcon -> GA JimH

<DaveG> Guess he is away...

<DaveG> Educational Activities -> GA PatD

<PatD> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Finance Committee -> GA CharlesH

<CharlesH> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Membership Development -> GA Lee

<Lee> N, please reveiw your members that are now in arrears.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> N&A -> GA JimH (if there)

<DaveG> Strategic Planning -> GA BobD

<BobD> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Student Activities -> GA BruceW

<BruceW> here is the address for the...

<BruceW> US consolate:

<BruceW> Consul General, US Consulate, 16 Oxford Road, Kingston, Jamaica FAX 876-935-6019

<BruceW> please help our Jamaican students get here!

<DaveG> 10-4. Will the 2005 HW contest be announced at the conference?

<BruceW> Yes

<DaveG> Other Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 2 -> GA ChipD

<ChipTD> n

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 4/ Florida Council -> GA ThomasB

<ThomasB> n

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Area 8 -> GA JohnP

<JohnP> n

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Gold -> GA JoeyD

<JoeyD> Nothing other than...

<JoeyD> to encourage non-GOLDs to attend our session (time permitting, even on an intermittent basis)...

<JoeyD> Saturday afternoon. We'd like to have as many folks from different "demographic" groups participate...

<JoeyD> in our workshop as possible. Thanks.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> Leadership by Developing Others -> GA DickR

<DickR> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Leadership Development Committee -> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> n

<DaveG> q/c?

<DaveG> Section/Chapter Coordination -> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> must be away... Special Review Committee -> GA RayH

<RoyH> N

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe that completes all items except our Executive Session item unless there is something I have forgotten...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DickR> Good night All

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> george will be taking over S/C support, I have nothing other to report in that area tonight...

<DaveG> (I will change the item's owner)

<BillHarri> other than we still have some chapters that need to rejuvenated or dissolved...

<BillHarri> in Orlando and Atlanta.

<DaveG> We will now begin an executive session to consider item 11a ...

<DaveG> those members who are not voting members of the Excom must leave ...

<DaveG> this channel. Director Harrison has announced ...

<DaveG> that he will continue past practice of inviting past Region 3 ...

<DaveG> Directors to participate in the Executive Session. ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> has the roster and has an asterisk next to members with votes ...

<DaveG> (plus the director, immediate past-director, plus director-elect) ...

<DaveG> You may do leave the channel with the command "/part #ieee3 ...

<DaveG> you may wish to go to the hallway by giving the command ...

<DaveG> to take the opportunity for an early exit. Thanks for your ...

<DaveG> participation tonight. We won't be meeting Wednesday. At this time...

<DaveG> will all non-voting members except past Region 3 Directors leave ...

<DaveG> the channel.

<DaveG> (I meant item 9a sorry).



<DaveG> The next ExCom e-conf is scheduled to be ...

<DaveG> 10 July, 10-noon and 2-4 (as needed). ...

<DaveG> BillHarri: please make any closing comments and adjorn the meeting.

<BillHarri> Good night all, thanks for being here.

<ThomasB> good night all

<DaveG> Good night everyone -- thanks!

Last modified: Fri Jul 9 09:24:52 CDT 2004