FLORIDA WEST COAST SECTION REPORT FOR SOUTHEASTCON 2004 Section 2004 Officers: Chairman - John Conrad, john.conrad@ieee.org Vice Chairman - Art Nordlinger, a.nordlinger@ieee.org Secretary - Jules Joslow, jjoslowemi@aol.com Treasurer - Ralph Painter, rdpainter@tecoenergy.com Activities Summary: The Florida West Coast Section is very active and we are fortunate to have enough volunteers to host multiple technical meetings each month. Since the last Region 3 meeting in November 2003 the Florida West Coast Section has participated in (or plans to participate in) the following activities: * A very successful 2004 Awards Banquet, with about 320 attendees from IEEE, ASME, AFE, SOLE and ASHRAE. * Four PES/IAS Chapter member meetings and four PES/IAS Chapter EXCOM meetings. * Two CS/AESS Chapter member meetings. * One MTT/AP/ED Chapter member meetings. * One SP/COMM Chapter member meetings. * One Life Member Chapter Meetings * Four Section EXCOM Committee meetings. * Supported two Teacher-in-Service Program presentations. * Provided judges and awards for FOUR local County Science Fairs and plan to expand into other counties. * Elevated some FWCS members to the Senior Member level. * Prepared for the IA Society I&CPS 2004 Conference we are hosting in May. * Prepared for the MTT Society Wireless & Microwave Technology Conference we are hosting in April. (This is becoming an annual conference hosted by the section.) * Continued preparations for hosting Sections Congress 2005. * Our Student Branch continues to be very active in all our section events. John Conrad Chair, Florida West Coast Section