IEEE Huntsville Section 2004 Section Report Section Officers: Chair Sonya Hutchinson Vice Chair Keith Jadus Treasurer Willie Fitzpatrick Secretary Wayne Wolf Member at Large Buddy Bishop, Scott Trites Past Chairs Eric Grigorian, James Anderson Active Society Chapters or Affinity Group Chairs AES Kaveh Heidary Joint Communications/APS/MTT (JCAMS) Mark Barnes Computer Skip Grierson Controls Charles Bishop Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Paul Stover GOLD Keith Jadus We just wrapped up our exciting 50th Anniversary and Engineer's Week Banquet. The Huntsville Section was formed in November 1953 by Stephen Johnston who was in attendance at the banquet. We had great region support from Region 3 with Secretary David Green presenting our 50th Anniversary banner to our current chair and fist chair. The past chairs, who were able to attend, were presented plaques at the banquet. The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) IEEE student branch and other local university societies hosted a 5k run as part of Engineer's Week. The Huntsville Section meets monthly to conduct section business along with society chapter and student branch updates. The chapters have several beneficial presentations throughout the year. The Huntsville Section welcomes our newly formed Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Chapter, which has a strong following. The JCAMS and GOLD societies are about to hold elections for new leadership. The AES Society helped host the 2003 IEEE Radar Conference in Huntsville this year. The Huntsville Section saw great reward from its involvement in conferences this year. The section hosted the 2003 IEEE Radar Conference with support from Region 3 and the AESS Society. The conference was a success benefiting the local membership. The section, Region 3, and AESS will see a surplus from the Radar Conference this year since it was a financial success. We received a large surplus this year from AUTOTESTCON 2002, which was hosted by the Huntsville Section. The Huntsville Section formed a conference committee to help plan for upcoming conferences. The section also sponsors the UAH Student Branch Team, which competes in the robot competition at SouthEastCon. We present Special Awards to students in math, science, computer science, and engineering at the regional and state Science Fairs with a US Savings Bond. We also support local K-12 science and engineering projects.