To: Region 3 Excom, All Region 3 Sections From: Charles J. Lord, P.E., Region 3 Leadership Development Chair Subject: Region 3 Leadership Development Report - March 2004 Leadership Development continues to thrive and grow in Region 3 as we continue to grow and support our leaders old and new. A LD workshop was held February 28th in Richmond, VA for the officers of the sections within the VA Council. Many thanks to Adeeb Hamzey and the leaders of the VA Council for putting this together. A mini-workshop is being held immediately before SoutheastCon 2004, on Friday from 1-5 PM at the Greensboro Marriott. Please plan your travel accordingly to take advantage of this opportunity. There are tentative plans to hold Saturday workshops in Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia (Atlanta) this year. The dates are still to be determined for each of these. I continue to support other initiatives in R3; I will be holding conference training for the next two years' SoutheastCon committees this year in Ft. Lauderdale and Memphis. I am also providing Mentoring and Teambuilding training for the Leadership by Developing Others (LDO) Project. I am also looking at various on-line training initiatives that will allow the rollout of training to more of our local leaders. Plans are to do a pilot training online with either the LDO pilot team or the R3 Excom. Please feel free to contact me for any questions or training needs. Charles J. Lord, P.E., CQMgr IEEE Region 3 Leadership Development Chair IEEE NC Council Treasurer IEEE Eastern NC Section PACE Chair IEEE SoutheastCon 2004 Registration Chair