IEEE Lexington Section Report for SouthEastCon 2004 The Lexington Section is off to a busy start for 2004. We recruited a new vice-chair who recently moved into the Lexington area. Her enthusiasm and fresh ideas will enhance our executive committee. In January we held our first ever Hands-on Model Contest. It was fun and a great success with 6 entries. We awarded prizes for each category and reimbursed contestants for the cost of the materials. The models then became Section property and were used for later activities. One such activity was a middle school career day where Jerry enthralled future engineers with the models. On February 28th the Section had an exhibit at the University of Kentucky Engineer's Day (UK E'day). Seven volunteers served through the 4 hour event constructing and giving away about 50 DC motors. We had a crowd around our exhibit table most of the day. Two days earlier we hosted the UK student paper competition awarding prizes from 3 local organizations; LexAir, Carnahan Conference and Lexmark. At the meeting we approved $1250 support for travel expenses for pre-college robot team to compete here in Greensboro, NC and $1250 for student travel expenses for 6 UK students to attend the Intel Science Fair in Portland, OR. The Section also received a formal 'thank-you' from the Bluegrass Amateur Radio Club for a $500 donation last year. The money was used help construct a new transmission tower. Our March meeting is tentatively planned as a tour of Okonite, a cable manufacturer in Richmond, KY, followed by dinner at a local restaurant. Our average attendance has been 16 members including 6 students. We encourage student participation by offering meals for $2. Meeting notices are sent by email to all those with addresses listed in SAMIEEE. Post cards are mailed to the others. Discussion items at our meetings always include potential employers and the outsourcing of technical (EE) jobs. 2004 IEEE Lexington Section EXCOM ------------------------------------------------------ Ray Williams (Chair) Melissa Gray (Vice-Chair) Jessica Walker (Secretary) Don Hill (Treasurer and Membership Development Chair) Elwood West (Awards Chair) Hank Dietz (UK Student Branch Co-Advisor) Bruce Walcott (UK Student Branch Co-Advisor) Tom Seeley (Webmaster) Brian Elmer (Student Chapter Chair) Jerry Goerz (Past Chair) Respectfully submitted, Ray A. Williams IEEE Lexington Section Chair 859-232-3965