Louisville Section Report for SoutheastCon 2004 The Louisville Section was established in 1926. We celebratef our 75th anniversary in October 2001 with dinner at the University Club with Region Director Dick Riddle and past Director Dan Jackson. We have 359 members of Associate grade or higher plus 66 student members and 48 affiliate members for a total of 473. Our Section Officers are: Chair, David Eastham; Vice Chair, Warren Wickes, Secretary, James Graham & Treasurer Jeffrey Haeberlin Adel Elmaghraby is our Computer Engineering Chapter Chair. Our Standing CommitteeChairs are: Educational Activities, Joe Cole; Membership, David Eastham; Professional Activities (PACE), Joe Cole; Student Activities, Tom Cleaver. We had 5 Section meetings in 2003: 2 technical, 2 social and 1 administrative. We plan to schedule a greater number of technical meetings in 2004. Our net worth on Dec 31, 2003 was $ 8,617.95. Our program expenditures were $ 4,357.59 in 2003 Submitted by, Warren Wickes Vice Chair