Memphis Section Report Philip Lim, P.E. January 2004 - A new slate of officers for the 2004 term. The EXCOM meets once a month during lunch time. Memphis Section bylaws was reviewed. No plan to make major changes since the section does not require to have a bylaws to operate with. February 2004 - Participated in the Engineer Week celebration. Recognized Dr. Semahat s. Demir, our EMBS chair, as the Featured Engineer of the year. All meeting and financial reports were submitted within the February 20, 2004 time frame. This should qualify the section for the additional 10% bonus. March 2004 PES/IAS chapter conducted a meeting to view the students papers and hardware competition at the Southeastcon. Participated in the Science Fair for Junior and Senior High school. Outstanding recognition for Memphis Section - Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division who is a big supporter of professional organizations such as IEEE will be receiving a professional recognition award at the 2004 Region 3 Award Luncheon. We have several meetings planned for the rest of the year. Allan Long will be elaborating more at the Region 3 meeting.