To: Region 3 Excom
CC: Palm Beach Section ExCom, Florida Council ExCom
Date: March 20, 04
Subject: Palm Beach Report
Section Executive Committee
Chair:                                                   Richard Seibel   
Secretary/Treasurer:                             Richard Seibel
Co Vice Chairs:                                   Carl L. Hussey  
                                                             Norm Bleshman
PACE Chair:                                        Carl L. Hussey 
Educational Chair:                                Norm Bleshman
Membership Development:                  Richard Wu        
Industrial Relations Co Chairs:             Tony Jamroz     
                                                             Miguel Gutierrez
Foundation Chair:                                Carl L. Hussey
Newsletter Editor:                                Richard Seibel
Awards and Recognitions Chair:         Richard Seibel
Chapter Chairs                
Communications Society  Co Chairs   Cyril Iskander   
                                                             Hari Kalva       
Computer Society Chair                       Mohammad Ilyas
Power Engineering Society Chair        Carl L. Hussey
Signal Processing Society Chair           Nurgun Erdol   
Life Member Chapter
Chair:                                                   Ed Wolff          
Vice Chair:                                          Tony Jamroz
Secretary/Treasurer                              Krishna Praba  
Membership is approximately 1000.
*Section by-laws updated and approved.
*Section reports submitted by February 20 for 10% rebate.
*Established Life Members chapter as result of Chair attending Sections Congress 2002.
*Established Foundations Chair (VIP) and filled position.
*Increased number of section and chapter meetings, seventeen total. Most number in several years.
*Recruited and trained three new officers.
*Increased communications to membership. Sent eBulletin one per month, continually enhanced section
  web site, and mailed one paper newsletter.
*Section chair attended Communications Society conference (Globecom 2003) and received training as
  chapter chair. Returned with training materials and for new chapter co-chairs.
*Continue to rejuvenate section societies by more communications, recruiting volunteers, and
 access society resources.
*Increase industrial relations activities. Access ETI database and contact companies located in section
  to introduce Palm Beach Section.
*Send eBallot in 2004. Paper ballot had low results, 10 out of  1000 mailed.
*Increase educational activities in pre-college and community college areas.
*Facilitate senior member applicants by establishing a pool of members acting as references.
*Increase awards and recognitions nominations.
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla CA, has broken ground for a new campus located in Palm Beach County.
Scripps Florida will be engaged in biological and drug research and will one of the bio-technology
clusters located in the state of Florida. It is predicted that 5000 people will be eventually employed.
This is a ground floor opportunity for IEEE and the technology community.
Richard Seibel
Palm Beach Section Chair