Region 3 Meetings - March 2004

Location: Greensboro Downtown Marriott

Date(s): March 26-28, 2004

If you need to cancel your registration or have questions, please send a message to .

If you need to change your registration, fill out a new registration and send a message to asking for the first submission to be deleted.

First Name (Bill)
Last Name (Harrison)
E-Mail (
Name of Spouse (if attending) (Joan)
IEEE Membership Number (12345678)
Section (Atlanta)
Position 1 (Section Chair, PACE Chair, Awards Chair, ...)
Position 2 (Section Chair, PACE Chair, Awards Chair, ...)
Position 3 (Section Chair, PACE Chair, Awards Chair, ...)
Section Chair (or representing Section Chair)
Hotel Registration Complete
Conference Registration Complete
Traveling by plane car
Arrival Date/Time (/Carrier/Flight if flying)
Departure Date/Time (/Carrier/Flight if flying)

  Time Event
1300 - 1645 Leadership Development Training
1500 - 1645 Leadership by Developing Others - Project Overview
1700 - 1800 Opening Ceremony
1900 - 2200 Area 1 / Virginia Council
1900 - 2200 Area 2 / North Carolina Council
1900 - 2200 Area 3 (GA)
1900 - 2200 Area 4 / Florida Council
1900 - 2200 Area 5 / Tennessee Council
1900 - 2200 Area 6 (AL, MS)
1900 - 2200 Area 7 / South Carolina Council
1900 - 2200 Area 8 (KY, IND), Area 9 (Jamaica)
1900 - 2100 Strategic Planning Committee
0700 - 0800 Finance Committee
0800 - 0845 Region 3 Welcome / Introductions
0845 - 0945 Professional Activities Organization
0845 - 0945 Communications Committee
0845 - 0945 Educational Activities: Pre-college
1000 - 1200 Conference Committee
1000 - 1200 Membership Committee + Public Info. + Industry Relations
1000 - 1100 Educational Activities: Pre-college (repeat)
1100 - 1200 Educational Activities Committee
1100 - 1200 Awards Committee
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1700 Region 3 Meeting
1300 - 1700 GOLD
1700 - 1730 Hardware Contest Finals
1830 - 2030 Region Dinner
My spouse will also attend.
2045 - 2200 E-Conferencing Training
0800 - 1200 GOLD
0830 - 1200 Region 3 Meeting (cont'd)
1200 - 1400 Awards Lunch
Send in your information.

Web: .
Last modified: 02/29/2004