From: Andy Shulick Date: March 18, 2004 To: Region 3 listserv, R3 Secretary Dave Green CC: Dave Geer Subject: Richmond VA Section Report for the 2004 Spring IEEE Region 3 meeting Our officers for the 2004 year are: Chair: Andrew P. Shulick, P.E., PMP, MBA, IEEE Senior Member Vice Chairman: Mark F.Walker Treasurer: Gregory B. Tait, Ph.D., IEEE Senior Member Secretary: A. Vennie Filippas, Ph.D. Activities: * January's section meeting presentation was "Remote Control in Buildings Using Web Techniques" * February's section meeting was an annual joint dinner meeting with the Richmond Joint Engineers Council. * At the end of National Engineers' week in February the section participated in "Career Day" at a local museum to explain electrical engineering opportunities to visiting high school students. * On February 28, 2004 the IEEE Leadership Workshop was presented by Charles Lord -- sponsored by the VA Council and hosted by Richmond Va Section. * March's section meeting presentation was "Java Technology Trends". * In March the section participated in the IEEE 2004 Leadership Workshop. * In March the section will participate in Region 3 meeting in Greensboro. * During the last weekend in March, the section will participate in the Children's Engineering Convention being held in Richmond, which will address technology awareness for teachers K-5 and how to bring this into the classroom. Goals: * Continual support of our two student branches - Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia State University * Increase participation of membership in meetings and activities * Provide value added monthly programs for the membership * Increase and enhance communications to the membership * Cultivate public awareness of the IEEE organization and its membership Respectively submitted, Andy Shulick IEEE Richmond VA Section 2004 Chair