Student Activities Committee Excomm Report (3/04) Bruce L. Walcott ( Trish Davis ( Southeastcon 2004 - Student Activities Update Next week, March 26-28th, is Southeastcon 2004! This year, the student portion of the conference is the result of a dedicated group of students and faculty volunteers at the Guilford Tech, North Carolina A&T, and UNC Greensboro. At the time of this report, 156 students from 33 schools have officially registered for the conference including two schools outside of Region 3! Paper Contest This year, the IEEE Region 3 Paper Contest has the following 10 entrants: Aden Whittaker - University of Technology, Jamaica Wesley Emeneker - Clemson University Adje Mensah and Rebecca Hayman - University of Central Florida John Savidis - Duke University Blake Brannon - UT - Martin David Nash - University of Florida Paul Kuwik, Thomas Largi and Dennis Crump - VMI Tequilla Nicole Clayton - CBU Michael Leon - FIU Mennatoallah Youssef and Genevieve Hankins - ODU The contest will be held Saturday Morning, March 26th from 8-12 in the Georgia Room. Please make every effort to stop by and listen to the presentations. We want to thank Dr. Pat Donohoe, Dr. Stacy Wilson, and Dr. Jens Hannemann for serving as our written judges. So far, Walter Baker, and Hilding Olson have volunteered to judge the oral presentation. We need a third judge and an alternate available on Saturday morning. Please contact Chip Dawson or me if you are a local professional and are interested in judging. Hardware Contest This year's hardware contest will be located indoors on a large 20'x12'indoor carpet. The object for the competition is to build an autonomous vehicle which will "hunt" a deer, a rabbit, and a duck. These are represented by steel ball bearings located at various positions around the course. The order of hunting is determined by an LED signalling Morse Code. This year's contest is a radical departure from contests in the past in terms of physical size and it will be interesting to see the vehicles manage the extra distance demands. Complete rules can be found at: RSAC is extremely excited about the first hardware contest to involve It is a "Walking Robot" contest open to high school students and is the brain child of Dr. Numan Dogan and his Pre-College Program Committee! 20 Kits will provided at no-charge to high schools who wish to enter. Good show, Dr. Dogan, and let us know how RSAC can help! Details located at: Dr. Susan Lea is heading up the Software Contest. A change from previous year's contests is that this year's software contest is using the well-known and established ACM programming contest rules as guidelines. Details for these activities can be found on the student activities web page, Web Site Contest This year, the Regional Web Site Contest will again be held at Southeastcon. Deadline for entry is March 26th. We want to thank Joey Duvall, Trish Davis, and Butch Shadwell for volunteering to judge the event and Lonnie Baxley, Jr. for helping to set-up the web page for the contest. Complete rules can be found at: SPACs Lou Lovas, the SPAA/SPAC chair, graciously consented to conduct an STLW held in Raleigh, North Carolina in an effort to increase the number of SPAC activities in Region 3. So far, we have had two SPACs in our region, one at the University of South Florida (chaired by Carlo Dionson and Be Nguyen-Tucker) and one at Georgia Tech (Chaired by Sriram Narasimhan). Thanks to Carlo, Be, and Sri and their committees for organizing these professional awareness conferences. Student Leadership Training Workshops In terms of student activities this past fall, we held five Student Leadership Training Workshops in Nashville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Raleigh and Orlando. These Student Leadership Training Workshops have proven to be a great way to meet fellow IEEE student leaders at nearby schools as well as a catalyst for planning upcoming student branch activities. RSAC wishes to thank the STLW host schools: University of University of Alabama at Birmingham, Vanderbilt, Virginia Tech/North Carolina State University (co-hosts), Georgia Tech, and the University of South Florida. The workshops could not happen if it were not for the volunteerism of our workshop trainers. Thanks to: Birmingham: David Green and Pat Donohoe Nashville: Bruce Walcott and Andy Dozier Orlando: Eric Ackerman, Joey Duvall, Trish Davis, Butch Shadwell and Jim Howard Raleigh: Lou Lovas Atlanta: John Matthews and Chase Battaglio These fine people took a Saturday away from their families to lead our Student Leadership Training Workshops. The following Region 3 student branches attended one of the five Student Leadership Training Workshops: UAB Miss. State Univ. Vanderbilt CBU UK UT-Martin Tennessee State FIT UCF USF FAMU UNF North Carolina A&T NC GTCC NCSU Virginia Tech GATech Alabama A&M SPSU Auburn Clark Atlanta University FAMU/FSU Respectfully submitted, Bruce L. Walcott Trish Davis