Date: 12 March 2004 Executive Committee 2004: Bob Cook, Chair ( Joy Reed, Vice Chair ( ) Ardian Greca, Secretary / Treeasurer(resigned) Joe Buxton, Immediate Past Chair ( William Ratcliff - Awards ( Damian Centgraf - Membership ( Bennie Williams - PACE ( ) Scott Hamlin - Educational Activities ( ) Bob Cook - Programs ( Thomas Murphy - Student Activities ( David Black - Newsletter Editor ( The Savannah Section was pleased to have the IEEE Board of Directors and associated committees meet in Savannah in February. We appreciated the attention we received, the 50th Anniversary Banner, and the ability to attend some of the meetings. I am sorry to report that our Section Secretary / Treasurer Ardian Greca resigned due to a life-threatening illness. Please remember Ardian in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. We are currently in a search mode for his replacement. We are also seeking a Program Chair since we seem to be operating on a month - month basis for planning the section meetings / speakers. The Section participated in an Engineering Week Conference on Feb. 26th on Tybee Island in cooperation with several other societies. Members are volunteering as Science Fair judges in Georgia and South Carolina. The Section has also volunteered to offer a day of courses as part ofa summer Engineering academy for local high school students. Planning continues on the section's celebration of its 50th Anniversary on Thursday October 14 2004. Please let us know if any of you will be in Savannah on that date. I won't be able to attend the Region Meeting at SoutheastCon but Chris Hardy and Bill Ratcliff will be attending if you have any questions regarding the Savannah Section. I hope your meetings are productive and I look forward to meeting with you sometime in the future. Robert Cook Savannah Section Chair 2004