IEEE Region 3 Sections Congress Coordination Report for SECon 2004 Sections Congress 2005 is coming. Sean Haynes and Butch Shadwell are acting as facilitators to make sure that we get 100% representation at Sections Congress from Region 3. For those that may be unfamiliar, it is a meeting of delegates from every section in the world done once every three years. Sections Congress is October 14-17, 2005, in Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Marriott Waterside. The host section is the Florida West Coast Section. Having this meeting in region 3 is not only a great honor, but a great opportunity for our sections to participate at a level that is not usually possible. Last year I sent email to all the R3 section chairs reminding them to save money in the budget to send a delegate(s) to this conference in 2005. Typically, the section ends up covering about 1/3 of the travel costs. Depending on where you are located, this may be as little as $100 or as much as $700. For those sections that can afford it, it is good to send more section members to the conference. There will still only be one primary delegate. The Tampa Section has a huge project to put the world congress of the IEEE. Region 3 asks that all sections help defray the organizational costs by making a contribution to the support fund. We are suggesting that each section contribute $2 per member grade or higher as of January 1st. If your section finds this figure difficult to do, we will gratefully accept whatever you can do to help. Make contributions to: Charles Hickman Attn: Section Congress 2005 Support 3244 Burning Tree Drive Birmingham, AL 35226 Butch Shadwell ( ) is the coordinator for all sections in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Jamaica, and Mississippi, and Sean Haynes ( ) is covering Virginia, Kentucky/Indiana, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. We will be regularly directing updates and reminders to the section chairs until we get the names of the primary delegate to Sections Congress. So if section chairs want to get less email, let us know the delegates name soon. Here is a link to the Sections congress PowerPoint slide show that Tracy Hawkins has done at headquarters: Respectfully submitted, Butch Shadwell Sections Congress Co-Coordinator