IEEE Tallahassee Area Section Report March 2004 Officers: Chair: Bruce Harvey Vice-Chair: Thomas Baldwin Treasurer: Mark Weatherspoon Secretary: Helen Li Summary of Goals and Activities: This year the Tallahassee Section is focusing on greater interaction between the section and the two student chapters (Florida A&M University, and FAMU-FSU College of Engineering), and improving industry interaction. We are providing support for the senior design students to enter the SoutheastCon 2004 Hardware Competition. This will be the first time for the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering to enter the hardware competition. The section is providing seed money for the project and providing a preliminary design competition. We involved local industry engineers as judges in the local competition. Recent Meetings: 11/18/2003: Student Robotic Design Competition and Meeting. This was a joint meeting with the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Student Branch. Preliminary designs for the SoutheastCon Hardware Competition were judged by local industry representatives. Also, the current slate of officers were nominated to continue in their current positions for 2004. Attendance at the meeting included 37 members and student members, and 11 non-members. 12/18/2003: Holiday Social. Attendance: 3 members and 1 guest. Attendance lower than usual due to the delayed meeting date (after the local universities were on break). 1/24/2003: Speaker: Butch Shadwell. Topic: Machine Vision. Business: FL Council report, annual section reports, member communication, SoutheastCon Hardware Competition update, and future meetings. The technical presentation was held jointly with the Dept. of ECE, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Graduate Seminar. The business meeting was held at a local restaurant following the technical meeting. Attendance: 18 members and student members, and 32 non- members. 2/27/2004: E-Week Banquet. IEEE joined the Florida Engineering Society for the annual E-Week banquet. The Section subsidized the tickets to IEEE members. The IEEE officers were presented as well as the student officers from both the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Student Branch and the FAMU Student Branch. Attendance: 18 members and student members and 1 guest. Bruce A. Harvey, Ph.D.