TREASURER'S REPORT 12 MARCH 2004 This report includes Region 3 financial information for the year 2003 and a budget update for 2004 (see attached spreadsheet: Budget - 2004). To serve the needs of our members, a number of program areas were defined that resulted in a negative budget forecast for 2003. Travel expenses of about $65k were related primarily to two Region meetings, one in Jamaica and one in Atlanta. These meetings provided opportunities for Section leaders to become more involved in guiding Region programs. The student conference in Jamaica brought together students from over 30 schools to participate in a wide range of activities. The Region provided $19.2k for student activities throughout the year. Another major area of participation for our members is professional development, and Region 3 supplemented IEEE-USA funds by about $3.7k. For the year, program disbursements exceeded program revenues by $36.5k. The 2003 long term investment (LTI) returns exceeded the forecast significantly; $25,874 compared to $3,000. The LTI value at the end of 2003 was $131,574. Total assets for the Region were $233,394. A balanced 2004 budget has been prepared. The disbursements for 2004 are essentially the same as for 2003. However, an increase in the rebate from IEEE Headquarters and funds from the Region 3 assessment are expected to result in an increase in program receipts. As a result, the Region can continue to fund ongoing and new programs for the members. One example of a new initiative is the Leadership by Developing Others (LDO) program funded at $5,500. This program, along with many others, will ensure that Region 3 remains at the forefront in IEEE. Submitted by, Charles E. Hickman Region 3 Treasurer