Activities Report of the Virginia Mountain Section for the period April 2003 - March 2004: Section Officers: Past Chairman: Mark Shepard Chairman: Shawn Addington Vice Chairman: Cy Harbourt Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Squire Section Meetings: April 2003: DARPA and Information Exploitation Office overview May 2003: Spring picnic and tour of VMI Observatory September 2003: Gasoline/electric hybrid vehicles vs fuel cell vehicles October 2003: Tour of local CBS TV station WDBJ January 2004: FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) applications in power transmission and distribution February 2004: Undergraduate student project contest March 2004: Digital photography Section meetings are attended primarily by representatives from local academic institutions (students, faculty, and retired faculty), and local industry (active and retired). Occasionally, the Section holds joint meetings with the regional American Chemical Society on topics of mutual interest. As a complement to the technical programs, the Section holds one or two "Spouses Night" programs each year, featuring topics of wider interest. In addition, last May, the Section held a Spring Picnic, as the first in a possible annual event. The Virginia Mountain Section also supports an Industrial Applications Chapter, a Computer, Control Systems, and Industrial Electronics Chapter, and a Microwave Theory and Techniques/Electron Devices Chapter. Additional Section News: The Virginia Mountain Section is pleased to announce the establishment of the Dan Jackson Memorial Award Fund. Contributions to this fund will be used to provide an annual cash award to a deserving student participating in the Western Virginia Regional Science Fair. The Dan Jackson Award will be presented for the first time on Saturday March 27, 2004. Respectfully submitted, J. Shawn Addington Chair, Virginia Mountain Section - 2004