IEEE 3 ExCom part 2, 12 January 2005

<DaveG> Welcome to part II of the Region 3 Excom continued from ...

<DaveG> last Monday. Our agenda is on the web at ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> (Hi billM-Atl )

<DaveG> Also on this web page is a link to the log of the first half of ...

<DaveG> of the meeting. We have essentially made it to discussion agenda ...

<DaveG> We will use the same protocol as discuss last Monday (and you ...

<DaveG> can see the details in the log if you need the information. ...

<DaveG> (Hi SeanH )

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...

<DaveG> So to start things off: ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC

<BruceW> bruce walcott, rsac

<BobD> Bob Duggan, SPC

<billM-Atl> Bill Marshall, Atlanta Section Chair

<BillR> Bill ratcliff, R3 Communications Committee

<Lee> Lee Stogner, Membership Development

<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director

<GeorgeM> George McClure, R3 Dir.-Elect

<SeanH> Sean Haynes, Sections Congress Co-Coordinator, SEC07 Co-Chair

<CharlesL> Charles Lord, Leadership Development

<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair

<Elizabeth> Elizabeth Kuhn, Area 6 Chair

<DevonG> Devon Gayle, Jamaica Section Chair

<dbower> David Bower, Reg 3 Public Information Officer

<BillC> Bill Clayton, Communications Vice Chair

<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<DaveG> Welcome all ...

<DaveG> I believe our agenda ...

<DaveG> starts with the Discussion agenda ...

<DaveG> 11. Discussion Agenda

<DaveG> 11a. Achieving 100% Section Reporting (HQ E-Mail) Harrison

<DaveG> 11b. Plans for SoutheastCon Region 3 Meeting Harrison

<DaveG> 11c. IEEE Membership Directory McClure

<DaveG> 11d. Fall Region Meeting Plans (to be held in conjunction with Sections Congress) Harrison

<DaveG> 12. Information Agenda Discussed as time permits

<MarkS> Mark Stokes

<DaveG> Does anyone have any items to add to the agenda?

<DaveG> q/c?

<billM-Atl> c

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> Bill Harrison suggested this might ..

<billM-Atl> be a forum to discuss R3 'support' for the ...

<billM-Atl> Aviation Museum in Marietta ...

<billM-Atl> that the Atlanta Section is supporting.

<DaveG> OK, if there is no objection ...

<DaveG> we will add it as item 11e in our discussion agenda. Q/C?

<DaveG> Any other items?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> hearing none ...

<SeanH> C

<DaveG> Ooops, GA SeanH

<SeanH> We may want to add an item to return to SEC07 if Don joins us. We have worked up a budget over the last 2 days.

<DaveG> OK, we will let Don bring it up if he shows and wishes too. Thanks.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> The first item is ...

<DaveG> Achieving 100% Section Reporting (HQ E-Mail) Harrison ...

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> BillHarri: please make any welcoming comments you wish to and then ...

<DaveG> begin this item. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Thanks to all for coming to the meeting tonight...

<BillHarri> We need to make sure all sections are planning to attend the Region 3 meeting...

<BillHarri> in Ft. Lauderdale and Sections Congress 2005...

<BillHarri> do we need person-to-person contact to ensure full attendance?

<DaveG> (Hi Brian, please introduce yourself and give your position)

<Brian> Brian Skelton, MD Vice Chair

<DaveG> BillHarri: did you also want to encourage all sections to report their ...

<DaveG> yearly reports to IEEE by the deadline to get the bonus monies?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Absolutely!

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> It would seem like these might be good actions for Area/Council Chairs to take?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> (Hi hal, please introduce yourself and give your position)

<BillHarri> Let's task them with those actions.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none, I assume our chairs accept the task. Q/C?

<hal> Hello All, I am Halden Morris, Area 9 Chair - Jamaica

<DaveG> Thanks Halden, Brian welcome both.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none...

<DaveG> lets move to ...

<DaveG> 11b. Plans for SoutheastCon Region 3 Meeting Harrison ... GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I have sent out some emails and invitations...

<BillHarri> suggesting we get IEEE HQ executive staff to attend our...

<BillHarri> R3 meeting in Ft lauderdale, dates on my calendar would be April 8/9/10...

<BillHarri> to let our region/sections/chapters know what HQ is doing for us...

<BillHarri> I am thinking we could use Saturday morning, maybe early Saturday PM...

<BillHarri> before our region meeting to hear from HQ staff...

<BillHarri> and give them feedback about what we need from them.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> q

<GeorgeM> Q

<BillR> Q

<DaveG> (I'll do mine later) GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> The MD Retreats do a good job of that...

<GeorgeM> is that what you have in mind, Bill, or higher level executive perspective?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Higher level: Matt Loeb, Cecilia Jankowski...

<BillHarri> Sally Waselic (sp?), Dick Swartz CFO, etc.

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillHarri> Maybe Board,RAB, TAB volunteers.

<BillR> Just a quick question...

<BillR> Since the IEEE staff will be attending SC05 is this a bit premature and costly to ask them to attend SECon also?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I assume they would come on their own budgets...

<BillHarri> and since SC2005 is in our region, we could help them prepare for sections congress.

<BillR> Q

<DaveG> (Hi don, please introduce yourself name,position)

<DaveG> GA BillR

<don> (Don Hill, Conf Comm Chair)

<DaveG> (Welcome)

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> It isn't only a matter of $ but also time. I am wondering if it is good use of their time at this stage since SC05 is just around the corner so to speak.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Otherwise, we can revert to R3 committee meetings Saturday morning and...

<CharlesL> c

<BillHarri> external visitors for the region meeting.

<DaveG> My q...

<DaveG> The regions are being asked to do some planning for what ...

<DaveG> recommendations they want to make at Sections Congress ...

<DaveG> so that the recommendations are focused, deal with the core ...

<DaveG> problems that IEEE globally can work on, etc. ...

<DaveG> Are we going to allocate time to do this at this meeting ...

<DaveG> or do it another time, or not do it until we get to ...

<DaveG> Sections Congress?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> My issue is: what can HQ do for our local membership?

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> If we assume pretty much the same attendees for both SECon and SC05, so as Dave said, we need to prep our local leaders for SC05 in order to make the difference that forges the future of the IEEE. We will have sessions to introduce what HQ does and what other regions' sections are doing, perhaps we need to look inward to gather the issues within R3...

<CharlesL> 3 years ago we did the breakouts to look at issues and in some cases root causes and I think we sent our region's delegates to SC02 prepared and with good issues in mind...

<BillHarri> c

<CharlesL> I think, IMO, that we should take the time to educate, to discuss, and most of all, to listen and work together.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> And, CharlesL, we did breakouts to work issues in October 2004...

<BillHarri> do we need another round of issue development...

<BillHarri> or should we educate sections and chapters on what should be going on at HQ...

<BillHarri> and educate HQ on what goes on in the field?

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Well, I like the comment "what should be going on at HQ"...

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Are chapter chairs to be funded to go to Ft. Lauderdale?

<DaveG> (oops sorry CharlesL continue)

<CharlesL> I would like to hear that from the section leaders, not HQ - but yes, we need leadership from HQ (and BoD) to hear it from them, rather than a slide show of what HQ *is* doing now.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<DaveG> (Hi DickR, please introduce yourself and give position)

<BillHarri> Another issue for discussion tonight is...

<DickR> Dick Riddle LDO what ever.

<DaveG> (Welcome)

<BillHarri> who will be attending the Region 3 meeting at SC2005...

<BillHarri> and who pays...

<BillHarri> I would like us to revisit that question.

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> do you want to move to that now (it is 11d) and then go to 11c afterwords?

<BillHarri> Either way.

<billM-Atl> q

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> does that affect/change the ...

<billM-Atl> agenda for the R3 meeting this spring?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Yes, I am proposing we have a Saturday morning session with staff execs...

<BillHarri> at the R3 meeting in Ft Lauderdale...

<BillHarri> if not, we would have regular ExCom committee meetings.

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Are chapter chairs funded to attend?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I would expect them to pay their own way, with some consideration...

<BillHarri> in special cases, to request region support.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<billM-Atl> c

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> SC-05 is an opportunity for HQ and the sections ...

<billM-Atl> to talk to each other right? Well the R3 meeting this ...

<billM-Atl> spring could be for R3 and the section to talk to each ...

<billM-Atl> and for R3 to prep the sections for the SC-05 opportunity, as Charles suggested. ...

<billM-Atl> That sounds like a good agenda ...

<billM-Atl> for the spring meeting, and it keeps the topic distinct from the funding ...

<billM-Atl> issues that are still open for the fall meeting. Right?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Could have Vera Sharoff come down to give her SAMIEEE training.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<billM-Atl> c

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<BillHarri> c

<billM-Atl> is SAMIEEE training on the S05 agenda?

<DaveG> There will be a discussion on SAMIEEE and probably training in a lab.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Plus, I have already invited IEEE's IT director, Sally Waselik, to attend...

<BillHarri> SoutheastCon 2005...

<BillHarri> She could be a guest at our Region meeting Saturday, or,,,

<BillHarri> be a part of "What is HQ doing for the local units?"

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Will the information flow be top-down or bottom-up?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Both ways -- we listen to what they have in mind, and...

<BillHarri> we tell them where we think things should be going.

<DaveG> BillHarri: I think you wanted to get some feedback (and have) ...

<DaveG> do you need any other inputs or have other questions to ask on 11b?

<DaveG> (and have gotten some) is what I should have said. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> The basic question I have for the ExCom is...

<BillHarri> do we have a regular Region 3 meeting with committees getting together...

<BillHarri> on Saturday morning...

<BillHarri> or do I invite HQ executives to join in an extended plenary session on Saturday?...

<DaveG> BillHarri, would you like a straw vote done to give you some input?

<BillHarri> Should we take a vote?

<DaveG> Lets ...

<BillR> c

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> There may be one more option that I heard din the discussion...

<BillR> A SC05 prep sessions on Sat morning for the Section and R3 .s

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> "we tell them where we think things should be going" is what the Issues Forum at SC05 does.

<DaveG> Ok...

<DaveG> let's do a straw vote (as opposed to an official vote) ...

<DaveG> ID will mean "Issue Development / Prep for SC05" ...

<DaveG> CM will mean "Committee Meetings" ...

<DaveG> SB will mean "Staff Briefings" ...

<DaveG> Vote your letters now.

<CharlesL> ID

<GeorgeM> ID

<Lee> CM

<BruceW> SB

<BillR> ID

<BillHarri> SB

<hal> ID

<DaveG> ID

<BobD> cm

<SeanH> ID

<dbower> CM

<don> CM

<billM-Atl> ID (I don't know if I have a vote, but since it's a straw poll)

<DickR> cm

<BillC> ID

<DaveG> (all online vote)

<MarkS> ID

<DaveG> 9 ID, 5 CM, 2 SB. ...

<BillHarri> c

<Elizabeth> cm

<DaveG> 9 ID, 6 CM, 2 SB. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Dave, looks like SC2005 has the issue development program for R3 in Ft Lauderdale...

<BillHarri> I will still encourage Hq staff and other IEEE volunteers to attend our region meeting.

<DaveG> Sounds good, they can help by letting the group know when what they are wanting is ...

<DaveG> already done and understand what folks in R3 are thinking. As well as see our ...

<DaveG> great SoutheastCon conference. ...

<DaveG> Would you like to go to 11d while we are thinking Region meetings?

<DaveG> (assuming yes ...)

<DaveG> 11d. Fall Region Meeting Plans (to be held in conjunction with Sections Congress) Harrison

<BillHarri> Yes. We previously decided many Region 3 sections and ExCom members...

<BillHarri> would be at SC2005, but decided not to fund all ExCom members to attend...

<BillHarri> Other regions are planning to have full region meetings at SC2005...

<BillHarri> I would like Region 3 to consider having a full Region/ExCom meeting...

<BillHarri> assuming we can work out the financing.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> This would be without paying the registration fee for SC05 for the additional people?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> q

<billM-Atl> q

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Dave, you or Jim or someone would have to answer GeorgeM's question.

<DaveG> sure...

<DaveG> if they participate in Sections Congress (i.e. stay for that part), they have to ...

<Charles> c

<DaveG> pay the SC05 registration fee meaning R3 would pay it )...

<DaveG> I think it would be "bad" not to cover them if we get them there. ...

<DaveG> The registration fee covers the costs of the meals and events at SC05. ...

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> Never mind, I withdraw the question.

<DaveG> GA Charles

<Charles> If the Region has to pay the registration fee...

<Charles> for all attendees, we would cause a significant...

<Charles> deficit in the 2005 budget.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<BillHarri> c

<GeorgeM> The registration fee covers activities for three days -- the region meeting could be one day.

<DaveG> Jumping in ...

<DaveG> The Region meeting HAS to be on a day that is not SC05 day. They could leave rather ...

<DaveG> than participate in the congress and avoid the fee. We are talking about (I think) ...

<DaveG> having them participate in the congress after the Region meeting and the costs associated. ...

<DaveG> we could of course do the meeting and send them home. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> It would seem unfortunate for R3 to be under-represented since SC2005 is in our territory...

<GeorgeM> c

<BillHarri> and it is such a great training and leadership and motivation-building opportunity.

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Four nites in the Marriott Waterside would approach $600.

<DaveG> Charles -> are we talking about 12-20K or so?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<Charles> That is a good estimate.

<BillHarri> We have already agreed to support up to ten R3 speaker-participants...

<CharlesL> c

<BillHarri> Charles, would our budget/assets support how-ever many more ExCom members?

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> Do you think if we strongly encouraged excom folks (and some of the speakers) to look to their sections and employers / schools for help in funding, if that would help (or cause more problems?)?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> I guess I would comment that I think it is a good idea to get more R3 exposure and influence ...

<billM-Atl> c

<DaveG> and continuing the development of our volunteers at a cost that we can afford based on ...

<DaveG> our reserves. ...

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> The response to such a request ...

<billM-Atl> by the sections would depend on the section. For example, one with few ...

<billM-Atl> financial resources might decide to send the speaker/ExCom member (with R3 $) as their ...

<billM-Atl> primary delegate instead of a new fresh face who needs the traing ... and motivation.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Charles> Region 3 has the assets to support many participants...

<Charles> However, the major issue should be value to...

<Charles> the members. Will the SC05 Committee propose a...

<Charles> funding formula as they have in the past?

<billM-Atl> q

<DaveG> GA billM-Atl

<billM-Atl> and that funding formula meant that R3 paid for the ...

<billM-Atl> primary delegate from each section, right? I think R3 sent me to SC-02.

<DaveG> I would comment ...

<DaveG> that the funding formula we have had in the past that I am aware of ...

<DaveG> is how to disperse the Region funds that RAB gave us and the funds ...

<DaveG> the Region has set aside to fund with the sections help in some cases ...

<DaveG> the primary delegate and the supported speakers. I don't think the ...

<DaveG> IEEE SC committee did anything past helping RAB allocate its money to the region ...

<DaveG> and explain how they did it. Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Region 3 has a larger executive committee than some other regions...

<BillHarri> however, it would be (embarassing) not right for other regions...

<BillHarri> to have full excom meetings, and for us not to be in the limelight.

<DaveG> BillHarri: would you like another straw poll?

<GeorgeM> c

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<BillHarri> Please.

<GeorgeM> The registration fee of $350 is waived for the primary delegate, but not for others.

<DaveG> That is correct GeorgeM...

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> The poll (again not official but advisory) ...

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Maybe we can negotiate something with SC2005???

<DaveG> Let's do the poll so you have some more info...

<DaveG> FULL will mean Excom for Region meeting AND SC (12-20K) ...

<DaveG> PARTIAL will mean ExCOM for Region meeting then leave (5K???) ...

<DaveG> REGION will mean stay as is, no additional budget impact ...

<DaveG> vote now.

<BillHarri> FUll

<BobD> Full

<DaveG> FULL

<Lee> Full

<don> full

<BruceW> Full


<SeanH> FULL

<DickR> Full

<BillR> Full

<Elizabeth> full

<CharlesL> full (and look for money)

<hal> FULL

<DevonG> FULL

<billM-Atl> full

<DaveG> OK, looks like advise is Full . ...

<DaveG> Let's move to item 11b ...

<dbower> Full

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> Ooops, I renumbered we have done 11a, 11b now 11c ...

<DaveG> 11c. IEEE Membership Directory

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Wait, did I miss our Treasurer's vote?

<Lee> He's in shock.

<DaveG> Charles, do you wish to register a vote?

<DaveG> (Guess not <G> perhaps Lee is right). We will ask him again when he gets off the floor <G>....

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM on your item 11c.

<Charles> Sorry, I was responding to a question. Full

<GeorgeM> The discussion item was to restore the directory in some form....

<GeorgeM> The description was posted after Monday's e-conference.

<GeorgeM> ..

<GeorgeM> Director Harrison suggests a proposal...

<GeorgeM> so,we could propose for Reg. 3 to define the requirements and explore alternatives...

<BillHarri> c

<BobD> c

<GeorgeM> meeting the user requirements, technical feasibility, and privacy concerns at reasonable cost -- to RAB for their backing while we explore this with staff.

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I will introduce motions to RAB, TAB, and the IEEE Board...

<BillHarri> if you all give me the direction and support to do so...

<BillHarri> either at the February or June meeting series.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD> If we really want to serve the members, help our volunteers do their job, and facilitate our goal of greater networking, we need the IEEE Directory on the web with basic privacy protection.

<CharlesL> q

<DaveG> Sorry BobD ...

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<BobD> ok

<CharlesL> Is there a proposal to form a group (perhaps a study group) in R3 to look at these issues and come back with a proposal for Director Harrison to take forward to the boards and HQ?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> I see it as a study group formed after we have the blessing from RAB.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Why do we need RAB's blessing?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> There could be other regions inventing a solution, too. If we have the torch, they will work with us.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> So why do we need RAB's blessing for me to make a motion? We will put it on...

<BillHarri> the agenda and let them vote on it.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> That should get it started.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> I am a bit confused, I thought we were talking about ...

<DaveG> where to seek RAB's bless to study/propose or ...

<DaveG> study/propose to RAB without prior blessing. GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I have a few bullet holes from RAB already...

<BillHarri> this should not be so contriversal as Bill Marshall's...

<BillHarri> aviation museum and education center proposal.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> Hi RoyH, please introduce yourself and give your position

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<RoyH> Roy Harris Special Review Cmte Chair

<DaveG> (welcome)

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> I suggest that, if we have broad enough support here, that those interested in seeing this happen work with Director Harrison to develop his proposal for RAB...

<CharlesL> If a framework for what needs to be done (the elements discussed here - security, privacy, logistics, etc) can be spelled out rather than propose "here is a good idea"...

<CharlesL> so that the members of the Board can see the "whole picture" of what is being proposed...

<CharlesL> then they can act and if they agree to support put their resources behind it, using what R3 resources they wish to make use of to make it happen.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> BillHarri: do you want to take an action item to appoint an adHoc group?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I think CharlesL, BobD and I can get something together...

<BillHarri> Anyone else with recommendations can chime in.

<DaveG> Anyone else like to participate ?

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> I don't think that you need anyone's premission to form...

<DaveG> (anyone who wants to participate should "I will" into the channel)

<DickR> a study group within Region 3 to develop this issue.

<BobD> c

<DaveG> All we asking here is those want to paritipate in the issue. GA BobD

<BillR> (I believe that CharlesL and BobD will keep me plugged in as necessary)

<BobD> I don't think we need a big study. The justifications I stated earlier are all that really needs to go in the motion.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Yea, Bob.

<DaveG> Let's move to 11d...

<DaveG> Oops, we are past that...

<DaveG> now to 11e. billM-Atl, cosidering the hour, could you give a brief ...

<DaveG> version so folks will have heard about this when we talk some more later?

<billM-Atl> I did not get a chance to email you all a summary ...

<billM-Atl> about this, but it is the project that I talked ...

<billM-Atl> about at the R3 meeting. ...

<billM-Atl> This is an effort by a group of 'local' leaders to ...

<billM-Atl> build an aviation museum & education center in ...

<billM-Atl> Marietta (a NW suburb city of Atlanta). ...

<billM-Atl> It has significant IR/PR/K-12 outreach opportunities. ...

<billM-Atl> There is a lot of 'potential' $ available for the museum ...

<billM-Atl> to pull from, but only about $150-300K in the current

<billM-Atl> accounts for startup expenses. ...

<billM-Atl> They hope to hire an educational director early this year ...

<billM-Atl> to help build the outline of the new program that they ...

<billM-Atl> have planned -> having this program in place is one of ...

<billM-Atl> the key milestones that those potential capital funding ...

<billM-Atl> sources are waiting for.

<billM-Atl> ...

<billM-Atl> I am asking first that R3 submit a letter of endorsement ...

<billM-Atl> to the museum that they can take to their deep-pocket contacts ...

<billM-Atl> as evidence that there is enough broad support for this ...

<billM-Atl> to sustain it past startup. ...

<billM-Atl> I asked Bill H. in November what else might be done. He volunteered ...

<billM-Atl> to ask for something big, although I have no idea what is possible ...

<billM-Atl> or likely. Just to pick a starting point, I asked him if "IEEE" ...

<billM-Atl> whoever that might be w.r.t. this could match local member donations ...

<billM-Atl> to the museum. Just to pick a label, I suggested a Section Centennial ...

<billM-Atl> fund raiser with the local members make donations and IEEE matching ...

<billM-Atl> up to $100K ... "100 thousand dollars for 100 years" kind of thing. ...

<billM-Atl> I think that's what Bill H. was referring to when he mentioned bullet holes. ...

<billM-Atl> In short, I want to do two things here: ...

<billM-Atl> 1) remind you all of the museum

<billM-Atl> 2) ask you to endorse it ...

<billM-Atl> I don't know what Bill H. wants to do about this at this level and at this time.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<billM-Atl> (I hope I cut and paste that all ok)

<DaveG> (good job!)

<BillHarri> Based on Bill Marshall's input, and the fact he has been appointed to the Board of Directors...

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> for this museum and education center program...

<BillHarri> I made a "last minute" presentation to RAB at the San Antonio Board series...

<BillHarri> They liked the concept, but turned down the $100K I asked for...

<BillHarri> It was seen more as a local project, not a global regional effort...

<BillHarri> I got some good suggestions, like going to the IEEE foundation, etc., etc....

<BillHarri> The concept of going to multiple, regional education centers seemed appealing...

<BillHarri> but not a RAB budget item...

<BillHarri> Region 3 has more than this one opportunity to influence our youngsters...

<BillHarri> into following our lead into math, science, technology careers...

<BillHarri> Bill M, Region 3 and the Atlanta Section are positioned to lead the way...

<BillHarri> I would like for Region 3, the Atlanta Section, and our other sections to support...

<BillHarri> this kind of projects...

<BillHarri> I need some input on what kinds, and amount of funds Region 3 can contribute to this...

<BillHarri> specific project, and how we can make it into a global effort...

<BillHarri> Matt Loeb, IEEE HQ, and I are looking into similar museum/educational center efforts...

<BillHarri> Thanks.

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri and BillM-ATL, given the hour we will move this discussion to e-mail for input, future discussion and to develop possible actions if no objection. ...

<DickR> c

<DaveG> DickR are you objecting?

<DickR> No just a comment Have you talked...

<DickR> to IEEE-USA about this project?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Pre-college is now under the Education Activities Board, so it is IEEE galactic.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri but please note we have don hill's quick action item to do.

<BillHarri> I will be exploring this issue with EAB and other IEEE units, including the BoD. Bill Marshall...

<BillHarri> and I will be spreading the word, looking for input and support.

<DaveG> Thanks. GA don with your motion.

<don> Sean H, Adeeb H, and Geo M have reviewed the budget with minor modifications and suggestions.

<don> Motion: Whereas, the R3 Conf Comm has reviewed and modified the proposed SEC07 budget, we approve the VC proposal to host the SEC07.

<DaveG> Is there a second?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> second.

<DaveG> Thanks. Discussion?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> c

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> After the budget, there should be a MOU between the VC and R3.

<DaveG> (I assume you mean after the approval). Q/C?

<DaveG> Any objection to voting now?

<BillHarri> Go.

<DaveG> Vote Y if supporting, N if opposing, A to abstain (which is like a no vote).

<GeorgeM> Y

<BillR> Y

<DickR> y

<don> y

<BillHarri> y

<dbower> y

<Charles> y

<BruceW> y

<SeanH> Y

<BobD> y

<CharlesL> y

<hal> y

<DaveG> I would observe that it passes...

<DaveG> Given the hour, we will not do the Information agenda -- please read it (and if ...

<DaveG> necessary send in your report). Ask questions of submitter by mail if you have ...

<DaveG> any. Marks has a Registration comment. GA MarkS

<MarkS> I just wanted to mention that the SoutheastCon 2005 registration pages are up and...

<MarkS> running...

<MarkS> The main site will not have url's until the morning (as Eric is probably asleep and had ...

<MarkS> to teach tonight). So I'll give the R3 site here.


<DaveG> Thanks Marks. Thanks everyone for your patience and hanging on ...

<MarkS> Please feel free to register.

<DaveG> BillHarri: please make any quick closing comments and adjourn the meeting.

<BillHarri> Thanks to all for coming...

<BillHarri> we had a very productive meeting...

<BillHarri> these econferences turn out to be a very effective way to deal with serious issues...

<BillHarri> thanks to the communications committee and all of you for your support.

<DickR> Good night All.

<CharlesL> Another comment re SoutheastCon 2005: April 8 may seem a long way off, but remember we are going to Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break, so get your travel (including hotel) reservations in EARLY. *AND* please register!

<BillHarri> Bye, all.