DaveG: Hi, Welcome to First Meeting of the 2004 ExCom ...
DaveG: under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...
DaveG: At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...
DaveG: facilitator. This is a formal meeting potentially with votes. ...
DaveG: We will have both a log (except for any ...
DaveG: executive session) and minutes. ...
DaveG: On our meeting page: ...
DaveG: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2005-01/agendas.html ...
DaveG: we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...
DaveG: executive sessions, ...
DaveG: and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...
DaveG: member. ...
DaveG: We may complete our agenda tonight and NOT have a ...
DaveG: Wednesday session depending on how things proceed. ...
DaveG: Please...
DaveG: try to type ahead of being recognized whenever practical. ...
DaveG: First, let's ask our Director to make any opening comments (but not his report) ...
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: I have a couple of issues we need to consider...
DaveG: (Welcome ThomasB, RoyH)
RoyH: hello roy Harris spec rev ch
BillHarri: one is the region meeting at Ft Lauderdale...
BillHarri: I would like to propose having several IEEE HQ staff people come and tell us...
BillHarri: what HQ is doing for sections and chapters...
Lee: DCC Chat ??
BillHarri: during an extended Saturday morning plenary session, maybe feedback early after lunch on Saturday...
DaveG: (Hi hal)
hal: Hello Everyone, I am Halden Morris, Area 9 Chair. Happy New Year
BillHarri: at our Region Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale.\
DaveG: Thanks BillHarri . We will add this as discussion item 11b to agenda if that is OK?
ThomasB: Hello Everyone, This is Thomas Bellarmine, Florida Council Chair
BillHarri: OK.
DaveG: Welcome again everyone ...
DaveG: What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...
DaveG: into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
DaveG: (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...
BillC: Bill Clayton, Vice Chair Communications Committee
JohnT: John Twitchell - ARC Chair
DaveG: So to start things off: ...
Pat: Pat Donohoe - Educational Activities Chair
Charles: Charles Hickman, Treasurer
GeorgeM: George McClure, R3 Dir.-Elect
Lee: Lee Stogner - Membership Development Chair
don: Don Hill, Conf Chair
DaveG: Dave Green, Secretary / ECC
BillR: Bill Ratcliff, R3 Communications Committee
BruceW: bruce walcott, rsac
DevonG: Devon Gayle, Jamaica Section Chair
dbower: David Bower, reg 3 Public Information Officer
Allen: Allen Thomas Industrial Relations Chair
JoeyD: Joey Duvall - GOLD, WIE, etc.
JimH: Jim Howard, R3 Past Director
hal: halden Morris, Area 9 Chair
DaveG: (Welcome BilMAtl, please introduce yourself as others are.)
ThomasB: Thomas Bellarmine, Florida Council Chair
Elizabeth: Elizabeth Kuhn - Area 6 Chair
BillHarri: Bill Harrison, R3 Director
RoyH: Roy Harris Special Cmte Chair
SeanH: Sean Haynes, Sections Congress Co-Coordinator
BobD: Bob Duggan, SPC
DaveG: We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...
DaveG: speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
DaveG: channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
DaveG: to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
DaveG: You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
DaveG: will resume 'control'. ...
DaveG: The consent agenda has four items: ...
DaveG: 3a. ExCom to endorse Director's Appointments ...
DaveG: 3b. ExCom to approve the minutes of its October 2004 E-Conference ... meeting. ...
DaveG: 3c. ExCom to approve the 2005 Travel Policy (same as last year)
DaveG: although the rate is higher because IEEE sets it higher.
DaveG: 3d. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,
DaveG: Agenda ...
DaveG: Any objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...
DaveG: (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?
DaveG: Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...
DaveG: when the agenda is adopted. ...
DaveG: There is one action item (which is an executive session item if it is ready to discuss) ...
DaveG: which will be covered at the end of the meeting, there are three ...
DaveG: other action items, ...
DaveG: There are several discussion items (one on the agenda), one just added by BillHarri, ...
DaveG: and an information agenda contain reports...
DaveG: Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?
DaveG: If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?
GeorgeM: Q
DaveG: Welcome JohnP, please introduce yourself.
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
JohnP: John Parr, Area 8 Chair ...
GeorgeM: Would it be appropriate to add to the agenda a discussion item on restoring the IEEE Membership Directory? This problem was mentioned at the Oct. e-conference.
DaveG: (Welcome John!)
DaveG: We can put it on as 11c. Q/C?
DaveG: Anything else?
DaveG: If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?
DaveG: We will next go through the Officer reports which are all on-line for...
DaveG: members to read (although a few just went up so you may have to hit refresh) ...
DaveG: in your browser. ...
DaveG: I'll go through each officer and give them a ...
DaveG: chance to add or highlight, Director's Report -- GA BillHarri
DaveG: (Hi ChrisH, please introduce yourself and give your position)
BillHarri: My report stand as submittet.
DaveG: Q/C?
ChrisH: c
DaveG: GA ChrisH
ChrisH: Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair. Hello everyone.
DaveG: Welcome...
DaveG: Past Dir Howard, GA
BillHarri: d, not t.
JimH: my report will be posted to the web shortly. nothing to report at this time.
DaveG: JimH said "Past Dir rpt to come and will be posted later." Q/C?
DaveG: (sorry JimH)
DaveG: Q/C?
DaveG: Secretary's Report ...
DaveG: Nothing additional. Q/C?
DaveG: Treasurer's report, GA CharlesH
Charles: Report submitted; financial details on budget.
DaveG: OK, we will have the budget as an action item below. Q/C for the treasurer?
DaveG: Director-Elect , GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: My report is aimed at section chairs; I hope they got it (sec-r03@ieee.org.....
GeorgeM: ) without the bounce that came on the Excom address.
DaveG: Q/C?
DaveG: That completes the officer reports ...
DaveG: we shall move to action items...
DaveG: First item is approval of 2005+ Strategic Plan ... GA BobD
Elizabeth: c
DaveG: If you could wait one BobD...
DaveG: GA Elizabeth
Elizabeth: Sorry for the delay...As a section chair, I did receive Mr. McClure's report today.
DaveG: Thanks. ...
DaveG: GA BobD
BobD: The Strat Plan for 2005+ has been ...
BobD: published and is on the Web. ...
BobD: It is an updated version of the 2004 plan with some inputs from the Strat Planning Conference. ...
BobD: We ask the ExCom to approve the 2005+, and we ask all committees to ...
BobD: seek to align their Goals & Objectives where feasible with the R3 Strat Plan.
DaveG: This comes from a committee so needs no second ...
BillHarri: c
DaveG: Hi CharlesL, please introduce yourself and give position.
CharlesL: Charles Lord, R3 Leadership Development (sorry I'm late)
DaveG: Welcome, GA BillHarri
DaveG: (Hi Bear, please introduce yourself and give your position)
BillHarri: We should plan to have a Region 3 booth at SC2005 with literature/handouts.
Bear: Dick Riddle LDO Project Mang.
DaveG: Thanks BillHarri. Q/C?
DaveG: Any Q/C on the Strategic Plan motion?
DaveG: Any one wish to speak against the motion?
DaveG: Anyone wish to vote against the motion?
DaveG: Hearing none, is there any objection to considering it adopted by the ExCom?
BillHarri: I approve, can I second the motion
DaveG: It is not necessary but it appears everyone agrees with your position.
DaveG: We shall consider it adopted without objection.
DaveG: Q/C?
BillHarri: Good.
DaveG: Agenda item 2...
DaveG: Don does the conference committee wish to bring forward this motion that the ...
DaveG: ExCom award SoutheastCon 2007 to the Richmond Section?
DaveG: GA Don
don: The Conf Comm would like to ...
don: approve the Richmond Section to host the SEC07.
DaveG: Q/C?
GeorgeM: c
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: They have done their homework -- looks like a good choice.
DaveG: Thank you . Other Q/C?
BillC: c
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillC
BillC: The Virginia Council, not ...
BillHarri: Do we need a vote, here and now?
BillC: Richmond Section has applied.
don: c
DaveG: GA don
don: We appreciate the oversite correction.
SeanH: C
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: To clarify. We are planning SEC07 in Richmond hosted by the VA Council.
DaveG: BillHarri ...
Charles: q
DaveG: the motion in October in the Region meeting delegated the decision to the ...
DaveG: ExCom for its approval after the furnishing of a revised budget to the ...
SeanH: C
DaveG: Conference Committee. I think the motion was to award it to the Richmond section at that time. ...
DaveG: as to whether we need to take action now or not, we are behind the usual schedule for doing this. ...
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: The way I remember it was that the Conference Committee was to review the budget and sugget...
SeanH: any changes. As yet I have heard no comments on the budget nor been given and recommendations for changes.
DaveG: Q/C?
Charles: Is there a precedent for this Council/Section arrangement?
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
SeanH: C
BillHarri: Where are we on this, do we book it or not?
DaveG: From the unapproved minutes of the Region meeting ...
DaveG: The Conference Committee moved that The Region 3 Committee award SoutheastCon 2007 to the Richmond section subject to the approval of the Region 3 ExCom after budget review.
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: I don't think a Council has been a sponsoring entity. However, multiple sections have been sponsors. We are just doing this as 4 sections of the VA Council.
DaveG: Don, do you think you should take this off-line and look at it a bit?
SeanH: That is the way I remembered it Dave.
don: c
DaveG: GA don
don: Will do.
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: I will be available to address the issue.
SeanH: C
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: One last item. We are not as behind at it seems. We have a hotel (The Richmond Marriott) and are working on contract with them (there a couple items that I want to finalize...
SeanH: before sending it out to the Region and MPS for approval).
DaveG: 10-4. Perhaps on another channel (#r3conf) folks can multi-task and address the ...
DaveG: issue and bring it back. Any objections to this course?
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: Let's settle it at SECon/Region 3 meeting in Ft Lauderdale.
DaveG: You are the boss but it may be tough on the folks trying to tie down hotel contracts to not have an official standing.
DaveG: Q/C?
GeorgeM: c
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: If a hotel contract is pending, can it wait until April?
BillHarri: c
SeanH: C
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: Hotels are our customers -- we can deal with them.\
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: They have not been hounding me for a contract. We do have the date blocked off, so it won't be an issue unless they want...
SeanH: to sell the space we don't need.
DaveG: OK, Q/C?
CharlesL: c
DaveG: GA CharlesL
CharlesL: In case there are any multi-taskers that wish to discuss the issue, #r3conf is open (please don't ignore this meeting though <g>)
DaveG: Q/C?
GeorgeM: q
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: Is the essential question whether the VA Council or the Richmond sectios is financial co-sponsor?
DaveG: Q/C?
SeanH: C
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: The Virginia Council is the financial co-sponsor. It is written as such. Being that the 4 sections of the VA Council fund the Council...
SeanH: it means that all 4 sections equally share the burden and the profits.\
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: That makes for an interesting MOU (Memoranding of Understanding).
GeorgeM: q
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: Who will be in charge of local arrangements? The Richmond section, or all four VA Council sectyions jointly?
SeanH: C
DaveG: GA SeanH
SeanH: We have a local arrangements committee chaired by Andy Schulick of the Richmond Section. Adeeb Hamzey...
SeanH: also of the Richmond section is the conference co-chair. I am confident that we have the local...
SeanH: angle all wrapped up.
DaveG: Q/C?
GeorgeM: C
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: I don;t see a problem here.
DaveG: Q/C?
BillHarri: c
don: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: I do not see a problem, but we need all the i's dotted and t'crossed.
DaveG: GA don
don: Neither Sean nor I have the complete correspondence nor data to complete this at home tonight.
CharlesL: c
DaveG: OK, sounds like we will postpone and let you bring it back. ...
DaveG: GA CharlesL
CharlesL: (sorry, finish your proposed action Dave)
DaveG: I think if there are no objections, we will let don bring it back when it is ready. Either at another excom excom (or any additional part of this one or in Fort Lauderdale as he sees fit. ...
DaveG: Moving on, GA CharlesL
CharlesL: I withdraw my "c" - you have answered
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: I have two items we may have started at the beginning of the ExCom meeting...
BillHarri: One is the agenda for our April Region Meeting, two is agenda, time, place for our fall ExCom meeting...
BillHarri: One, I would propose and seek ExCom approval to bring IEEE HQ executives...
BillHarri: to our Ft. Lauderdale Region/ExCom meeting to tell us how IEEE Headquarters...
BillR: Q
BillHarri: is supporting our sections and chapters. We could focus on HQ staff on Saturday morning...
BillHarri: April 9th, with some spillover after lunch.
DaveG: GA BillR
BillR: Just a point of clarification...
BillR: can this itme and others dealing with the Region Meeting at SeCon be folded together in 11b as defined earlier?
DaveG: Is that OK BillHarri?
BillHarri: My second issue is whether we should have a full region meeting, including ExCom, at SC2005. I think we should.
BillHarri: Sorry to jump ahead.
DaveG: Your second issue sounds like a distinct topic -- shall we call it 11d?
BillHarri: GA
DaveG: OK...
DaveG: Action item 10c ...
DaveG: Approval of Budget for 2005. GA Charles
Charles: Proposed 2005 budget submitted; recommend...
GeorgeM: q
Charles: and request approval.
DaveG: Is this from a committee effort or does it need a second Charles?
Charles: Let us get a second because I did not have...
Charles: allof the year-end data in time to circulate...
Charles: to the Finance Committee.
DaveG: Is there a second? (Say "Second" if you do).
BillR: second
GeorgeM: second
DaveG: We have a motion. GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: What are the $5K and $20K items on receipts under loans?
DaveG: Q/C?
Charles: The $20k is the advance payable to IEEE...
Charles: for the Section support for Sections Congress.
DaveG: Q/C?
GeorgeM: c
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
Charles: If you are referring to the $5k in the proposed...
GeorgeM: The then $27.7K item for sections congress is Region 3 expenses?
Charles: column, this is to cover requests for ...
Charles: up front support to SoutheastCon bidders.
GeorgeM: Okay.
DaveG: Q/C?
Charles: c
DaveG: GA C
DaveG: GA Charles
Charles: The IEEE Foundation has approved $25k for...
Charles: Sections Congress that will go directly to RAB>
DaveG: Q/C?
DaveG: Charles, what are the planning assumptions for the present travel line in the budget?
DaveG: Q/C?
Charles: Basically the same as this year; I believe a...
Charles: total Region meeting at Sections Congress...
Charles: would exceed the budget.
GeorgeM: Q
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
BillHarri: c
GeorgeM: Line B-4.13, $27.7K for SC expense - is that a Region meeting?
DaveG: Ga BillHarri
Charles: No, that is the Region share for primary delegates...
GeorgeM: Okay
Charles: and approved speakers.
DaveG: q
DaveG: (after BillHarri)
BillHarri: I would hope CharlesL and IEEE HQ can provide leadership and SAMIEE training at SECon.
Lee: c
DaveG: Charles ...
DaveG: Is it fair to say that there was a giant "pre-pay" to the Region in 2004 and that ...
DaveG: given that, the 2005 budget where a lot of those expenses that match up with ...
DaveG: 2004 income makes the 2005 initially look bad (deficit) but ...
DaveG: looking at the two values, we are in pretty good shape for 2005? GA Charles
Charles: The "pre-pay" shows up as deferred revenue...
Charles: and is then reflected into the proposed 2005 budgat...
9:40 PM
Charles: These "pre-pay" items are below the line in 2004...
Charles: This is a complicated question and probably...
Charles: a poor answer.
GeorgeM: C
DaveG: GA Lee
BillHarri: c
DaveG: GA Lee
Lee: R3 Membership can also help teach SAMIEE.
DaveG: GA GeorgeM
GeorgeM: Won't MD be there to teach SAMIEEE? I was going to suggest calling the question.
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: Thanks to Lee for the SAMIEE contribution...
BillHarri: Also, we are not here to hoard assets, we need to spend our dollars to support our members.
DaveG: Q/C?
DaveG: Any objection to voting?
DaveG: All in favor of the 2005 budget as proposed say "Y", if opposed say "N" , if abstaining say "A". Vote now.
GeorgeM: Y
Pat: Y
BruceW: Y
ThomasB: y
BillHarri: y
BobD: y
Charles: y
BillR: y
JohnP: Y
hal: y
JohnT: y
SeanH: y
Elizabeth: y
Lee: y
DaveG: Motion passes.
don: y
ChrisH: y
DaveG: JohnT advises me that the Action item related to the awards board is not ready so that ...
DaveG: completes our action agenda and moves us to the discussion agenda...
BillHarri: c
DaveG: (Sorry John)
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: My other issue is whether we have a full
BillHarri: Region and ExCom at Sections Congress 2005...
BillHarri: we do not have to decide that tonight...
BillHarri: but I would like the ExCom to review and reconsider that question.
DaveG: We have both your issues on the discussion agenda as items 11b and 11d. We are to item 11a (another one of your items). Do you wish to reorder the discussion items?
BillHarri: No, I am sorry I do not have the agenda on line.
DaveG: 10-4....
DaveG: For everyone...
DaveG: 11a is Full Section Reporting ...
DaveG: 11b is Region 3 Activities re Southeastcon ...
DaveG: 11c is IEEE MEmbership directory
DaveG: 11d is Fall meeting with SC congress...
DaveG: going to 11a -> BillHarri, Full Section Reporting. GA BillHarri
DaveG: (Again sorry JohnT for the accidental "boot")
BillHarri: I apologize for not being fully connected -- had problems with my PC...
DaveG: (there is a copy of the HQ E-Mail online: https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2005-01/section-report-email.txt)
ThomasB: q
BillHarri: I would like for us to have a face-to-face meeting in Ft. Lauderdale at SECon and at Sections Congress in Tampa, barring Region 3 expenses.
DaveG: GA ThomasB
ThomasB: Two questions: I was not able to send my report to R3-EXCOM 2005 and why text files onlY?
DaveG: Thomas, can we add this to the discussion agenda or cover this during the communications report?
ThomasB: OK
BillHarri: c
DaveG: Thank you. ...
DaveG: GA BillHarri
BillHarri: It looks like we will need to continue some of these conversations Wednesday...
BillHarri: Can we call resume Wednesday at 90 PM?
DaveG: That will be fine. Do you want to distribute the discussion agenda that will precede the information agenda?
BillHarri: Yes, please.
DaveG: BillHarri, please make any closing comments and recess the meeting until 9pm Eastern (Wednesday). GA BillHarri
BillHarri: Thank you all for joining the meeting this evening. We have lots of issues...
BillHarri: and opportunites to further our careers. See you again Wednesday.
RoyH: bye
DaveG: Good night all. Thanks for your participation and patience.