<DaveG> Welcome all to the second part of the region 3 ExCom meeting...
<DaveG> let's start by everyone introducing themselves and their positions. Do so now.
<DaveG> David Green, Secretary/ECC
<PatD> Pat Donohoe - Educational Activities Chair
<JimH> jim howard, past R3 director
<GeorgeM> George McClure, Dir.-Elect
<BillC> Bill Clayton, Hampton Roads Chair
<BobD> Bob Duggan, SPC chair
<BillR> Bill Ratcliff R3 Communications Committee
<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director
<Doug> Doug Gorham, EAB Director of Educational Outreach
<billM-Atl> Bill Marshall, Atlanta Section Chair
<Jim> Jim Beall Southcon Director/Treasurer
<DickR> Dick Riddle, LDO Project Manager
<EricA> Hello Everyone - I cannot stay because I am helping getting the robot boards done. Everything is going fine and hope to see everyone starting Friday. -Okay Dave?
<ChipTD> Chip Dawson, NC Council Chair, R3 Webmaster, SoutheastCon 2004 Chair
<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer
<JohnT> John Twitchell ARC Chair
<Lee> Lee Stogner, R3 Membership Development Chair
<DaveG> Standby just a second eric
<DaveG> Welcome all. I believe Director Harrison has already made his welcome comments so...
<CharlesL> Charles Lord, LD Chair
<DaveG> we will move into tonights agenda. ...
<DaveG> First, our SoutheastCon chair needs to get back to biz, any Q/C for him?
<DaveG> Hearing none...
<EricA> Thanks!! See you on Friday - Eric
<DaveG> Eric -- we look forward to a great weekend in Ft. Lauderdale -- thank you...
<EricA> I hope so as well!! - Eric
<DaveG> for your and your committee's efforts. Bye
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Lots of shrimp, Eric.
<DaveG> <G> OK...
<EricA> Yes on Sunday Brunch - Eric
<DaveG> we have a couple of items on the action agenda that we will get to ...
<DaveG> a bit later this evening but we have a special guest who I think wants to brief ...
<DaveG> us on activities he (and others) will be presenting to the Section Chairs at ...
<DaveG> SoutheastCon. BillHarri do you have any opening comments to make (and after you do)...
<DaveG> please recognize Doug to proceed.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Doug can have the floor -- I fully support the Teacher In-Service Program Doug...
<Doug> Thank you for the opportunity ....
<BillHarri> and IEEE Board Education Board are developing.
<Doug> The teacher in-service program (TISP) features IEEE volunteers develping and presenting technical topics to teachers
<Doug> R3 has been the leader in this effort, beginning in the FWCS
<Doug> Moshe Kam has developed an overall precollege initiative that includes institutioalizing TISP
<Doug> beginning in R3. We have funding to support training of Section "champions" and for the cost of materials and supplies
<Doug> To date we have had 29 presentations, attended by 568 teachers who represent over 59,000 students
<Doug> Our goal is to 'recruit' at least 20 Sections in R3 to scale this program
<Doug> We have flyers, brochures, etc. that explains TISP. Pat D has agreed to distribute these materials during the Council meetings
<Doug> Moshe and I are planning a brief presentation during the afternoon of 9 April
<Doug> We are planning to attend other meetings and network during the day on Saturday.
<Doug> Any advice on meetings to attend is appreciated
<DaveG> Thanks Doug...
<DaveG> Q/C for Doug?
<Doug> At this point I am aware of at least 6 Sections in R3 that are interested in participating
<BillHarri> q
<DaveG> (sorry Doug, please say "End." when you are ready for me to facilitate Q&A.)
<Doug> Some of these include- Melbourne, FL, Atlanta, GA, Jacksonville, FL, Huntsville, AL
<Doug> At this point I will stop to see if there are questions
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Do you have any email info you have available to distribute to the R3 excom and sections?
<Doug> Bill-- Pat and I have generated a message and sent it to all Sections in R3
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Doug> JimH- thanks for that update
<BillHarri> OK
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> This program is even more valuable that we may have thought -- at the Engineering R&D Symposium on Capitol Hill we heard...
<GeorgeM> Over and over that we need to improve the education preparation for future engineers...
<GeorgeM> it's a mette of U.S. competitiveness versus the rest of the world.
<GeorgeM> matter
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> PatD -- do you have any comments you would like to make?
<BillHarri> c
<PatD> I will be recruiting TISP workshop volunteers ...
<PatD> during the Area/Council meetings. If your Section has not ...
<PatD> already appointed a volunteer, please try to find one.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> George is right on -- if we are to maintain our country's education/technology leadership...
<BillHarri> this program is the perfect opportunity...
<Doug> we have a training session set for 23 July in Atlanta. The training will include information on how to develop this program from within the Section and with the local school district
<BillHarri> I would say we should go for all the Federal and IEEE funds...
<Doug> I think that Ralph Painter from the FWCS will be joining me to conduct this training. Ralph has been very involved in this program
<BillHarri> we can productively utilize for the education of our successors.
<DaveG> PatD, how much time do you think you will need in each Area/Council meeting on Friday?
<PatD> I will try to hit all of the meetings ...
<PatD> probably 7 to 10 minutes per Area/Council.
<DaveG> Thanks, Q/C?
<DaveG> Doug, please continue if you have other remarks.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> Oops, GA BillHarri
<Doug> If anyone has any suggestions as to key meetings or sessions that Moshe or i should attend on Saturday please let me know
<BillHarri> Pat, let me go with you, Doug and Moshe to the council meetings.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<PatD> C
<DaveG> GA PatD
<PatD> Bill, I will make sure that I find you before I go.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> I am sure Doug would be pleased to receive your questions/input by mail or in ...
<DaveG> person at the meeting on Saturday. Doug -- any other comments at this time?
<Doug> my email address is d.g.gorham@ieee.org
<Doug> Thank you very much for the opportunity to discuss this program with you
<DaveG> Thanks, we appreciate you taking time to come here tonight and we look forward to ...
<DaveG> seeing you again Saturday. Please feel free to stay for the rest of the meeting but we ...
<DaveG> understand if you need to run either now or in a bit.
<Doug> As always, I look forward to working with R3
<DaveG> Likewise.
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Let's return to the Action Agenda...
<DaveG> There is a motion to approve the minutes (distributed yesterday) of our January ExCom...
<DaveG> Is there a second?
<BillR> second
<ChipTD> second
<Charles> second
<Lee> second
<DaveG> Thanks. Is there any discussion concerning the minutess?
<DaveG> Minutes.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none, all those in favor of approving say Y, opposed N, abstain A.
<GeorgeM> Y
<Charles> y
<BillC> a
<ChipTD> y
<PatD> Y
<Lee> y
<BillHarri> y
<BillR> y
<Jim> y
<BobD> y
<JimH> y
<JohnT> y
<DaveG> OK, the minutes are approved. Thanks. ...
<DaveG> Are there other action items for tonight before we return to the discussion agenda?
<Charles> q
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Where does the review of the Sections Congress...
<Charles> motion occur?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> It could be here... would you like to make the motion? GA BillHarri
<Charles> Yes, after Bill's comment.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Charles Hickman, R3 Treasurer, Jim Howard, Sc2005, General Chair, Dave Green, SC2005 Program Chair...
<BillHarri> have presented some questions about R3's involvement...
<BillHarri> in SC2005...
<BillHarri> we can deal with that tonight or wait until Saturday...
<Doug> Signing off now. See you Saturday. Ciao
<BillHarri> We can turn the floor over to Jim, Dave or Charles.
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> The Region 3 Finance Committee meets on Saturday morning...
<Charles> We have agreed to review all of the finances associated...
<Charles> with Sections Congress and then make a recommendation...
<Charles> based on this review. Therefore, I recommend that we...
<Charles> rescind the motion made and passed on Monday.
<BillR> second
<DaveG> OK, I will note that motion to rescind has been made ...
<DaveG> by someone who voted in the affirmative during the other half of the meeting ...
<DaveG> and the motion has been seconded. ...
<DaveG> Charles do you wish to make any further comments at this time about the motion?
<Charles> no
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Any one not ready to vote on the motion to rescind and wish to make a comment? Q/C?
<DaveG> OK, let's vote... Y for approving motion to rescind, N to oppose the motion .
<GeorgeM> Y
<BillR> Y
<BillHarri> Y
<PatD> Y
<Charles> y
<_BillC> y
<JimH> y
<Lee> y
<ChipTD> y
<Jim> y
<DaveG> The motion to rescind succeeds, the R3 FinCom has the task to prepare a recommendation...
<JohnT> y
<DaveG> to the Region Committee. ...
<DaveG> Any other action items?
<DaveG> Hearing none, we return to the discussion agenda...
<DaveG> The 2nd item on the discussion agenda is the review of the R3 meeting agenda...
<DaveG> as you can see, we have some special presentations related to the presentation we ..
<DaveG> had tonight, staff presentations from the CIO of IEEE and the Managing Director of Regional Activities, and...
<DaveG> brief comments from our three Director-Elect Candidates. ...
<DaveG> We have a few action items ...
<DaveG> Related to Sections Congress 2005, ...
<DaveG> are there other expected actions items for the Region ? Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none...
<DaveG> we then have a discussion agenda of Sections Congress 2005 and Leadership by Developing Others...
<DaveG> are there other items for the discussion agenda? Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none...
<DaveG> we should note that it is likely that we will not have time for Section reports in the Region meeting, ...
<DaveG> Director Harrison would like make sure that Area/Council chairs recognized these leaders...
<DaveG> in their reports, and make sure that they have ample opportunity in the Area/Council ...
<DaveG> meetings to discuss their issues and Area/Council Chairs should carry any issues that ...
<DaveG> need to go to the body forward. ...
<DaveG> You will note that the Section Congress issue development ...
<DaveG> took place prior to the actual meeting and will have been reported to the body prior to the meeting as well...
<DaveG> BillHarri: would you like to make any comments about the Agenda?
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Yes -- to thank our R3 Secretary, Dave Green, for...
<BillHarri> moderating this meeting and to say thanks for coming...
<BillHarri> I do have a couple of Board of Directors issues I will need...
<BillHarri> some consultation on before June, not at the meeting this weekend...
<BillHarri> Thanks again for being here, good night.
<DaveG> I think we need to at least ...
<DaveG> quickly go through the information agenda .. would that be OK BillHarri ?
<BillHarri> go
<DaveG> OK, let's start past the officer reports (unless any officer wants to say something)...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> hearing none...
<DaveG> I will call on each person, if you have something please say otherwise say "N". If anyone has Q/C on the same item, ...
<DaveG> please say Q/C? as we go along...
<DaveG> Awards & Recognition -- GA JohnT
<JohnT> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Communications -- GA BillR
<BillR> Just one thing...Please complete the SPC form for your committee and send to Dave.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> Archive -- GA Charles
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<DaveG> (sorry)
<DaveG> He must have stepped away...
<CharlesL> Just a brief point...
<CharlesL> As we are using the training time on Friday afternoon for critical training...
<CharlesL> on skills related to LDO (mentoring and collaboration) and prep for the breakouts...
<CharlesL> and subsequent events at SC05...
<CharlesL> there will not be the traditional "how to IEEE" LD training at SoutheastCon this year...
<CharlesL> A/C chairs, please be sure that we pass this info to your sections...
<CharlesL> There is important training being offered that they are strongly urged to participate in...
<CharlesL> but if they have officers that need training on basic IEEE operations...
<CharlesL> they should bring this up in their A/C meetings Friday night...
<CharlesL> and we can discuss setting up training in your A/C later this year.
<CharlesL> (sorry - wrong topic)
<CharlesL> n
<DaveG> This looks like Leadership Development --- Any Q/C on this?
<DaveG> Thanks for your efforts to prepare this training CharlesL ...
<DaveG> Electronic Communications -- please read my comments regarding e-mail communications...
<DaveG> in my report (especially<G>)...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Newsletter -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Public Information -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Webmaster -- GA ChipTD
<ChipTD> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Conferences -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Any Southeastcon Q/C?
<DaveG> SouthCon -- GA Jim
<Jim> n
<DaveG> GA JimH
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Educational Activities -- GA PatD
<PatD> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Finance Committee -- GA Charles
<Charles> no
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Professional Activities -- Q/C?
<DaveG> N&A -- GA JimH
<DaveG> Q/C?
<JimH> no
<DaveG> Thanks....
<DaveG> Strategic Planning - BobD
<BobD> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Student Activities -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Virginia Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> NC Council -- GA ChipTD
<ChipTD> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 3 -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Florida Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Tennessee Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 6 -- Q/C?
<DaveG> S/C Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 8 -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 9 -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Industry Relations -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Gold -- Q/C?
<DaveG> History -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Leadership by Developing Others -- GA DickR
<DickR> Please read my report and attend the LDO/SP/Operational plan session on Friday.
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Membership (Sorry Lee) -- GA Lee
<Lee> y
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> We need to raise the awareness of R3 Membership....
<Lee> The numbers are steadily going down...
<Lee> Everyone of us needs to help find the next Member or we won't be able to....
<Lee> support future activities...
<Lee> I look for your support this weekend.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Thanks...
<DaveG> Life Member -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Section/Chapter Coordination -- GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> WE have some chapters stiull in need of new officers...
<GeorgeM> I mentioned them in my D-E report. I will circulate an oppportunity for a distinguished lecturer from AESS to come down in the fall..
<GeorgeM> The society will pay travel, chapters pick up local expenses. Hoe we can get 3 chapters to hear him. ...
<GeorgeM> Also want to collect Beast Practices from our chapters and sections -- what works in getting good meeting attendance? - from the...
<GeorgeM> Friday nite meetings.
<DaveG> Thanks, Q/C?
<DaveG> Sections Congress Coordinator -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Special Projects -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Special Review Committee (Roy sent mail he could not make tonights meeting -- travel) -- Q/C?
<DaveG> SPAC Coordinator -- GA JimH
<JimH> no
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> That completes the information agenda...
<DaveG> and moves us to old business. There is an item there reminding us of ...
<DaveG> the e-mail ExCom vote. JohnT do you want to say anything else about this item? GA JohnT
<JohnT> Hang on, I need to look at my notes.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> OK. GA BillHarri
<JohnT> Yes, I need to remind you that the email vote was unamiously in favor of the ARC recommendation...
<JohnT> for the outstanding awards, and there were no "no" votes....There was one abstention from an excom...
<JohnT> member who was also a candidate (a successful one, at that).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> While JohnT looks up his notes, I want to sign up for George' Beast Practices seminar.
<DaveG> <G>
<DaveG> Any new business ? Q/C?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> There's a new book just out by Tom Friedman of the NY Times ...
<BobD> called "The Earth is Flat". It points out how the world ...
<BobD> playing field has been leveled by fiber optics. ...
<BobD> All the big R&D outfits are setting up research labs in Asia ...GE, Intel, Microsoft....
<BobD> I think this book will be a must for everyone concerned about ...
<BobD> international competitiveness, off-shoring, jobs for engineers, etc.
<BobD> Friedman will be on the Discovery channel at 8pm tomorrow night. This guy is great! ...
<BobD> I recommend anyone thinking strategic would do well to read the book.
<DaveG> Thanks BobD, Q/C?
<DaveG> Any other new business? Q/C?
<DaveG> BillHarri: our next ExCom meeting is scheduled for July 9 (10-noon, 2-4pm), reports due 6 July, and of course before that ...
<DaveG> we have our Region meeting in Ft. Lauderdale. Please make any closing comments you ...
<DaveG> would like to make and adjourn the ExCom.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> I think I made my closing comments a few minutes...
<BillHarri> thanks to all for being here tonight..
<BillHarri> we will have a serious SC 2005 preparation session...
<BillHarri> some important IEEE staff visitors (our objective is to indoctrinte staff)...
<BillHarri> (sorry for sp goof) into how we serve members in the field...
<BillHarri> and determine how we can serve members through our local and transnational programs.
<DaveG> good night everyone -- see you in Florida.