<DaveG> Welcome to the afternoon portion of the Region 3 ExCom for July...
<DaveG> we set our agenda this morning and agreed in doing so that our consent ...
<BillHarri> c\
<DaveG> agenda was approved. We have one discussion item remaining and the information items. ...
<DaveG> BillHarri: I was going to have everyone do introductions again -- do you want to ...
<DaveG> say something ahead of that?
<BillHarri> ga
<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...
<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...
<BruceW> Bruce Walcott, RSAC
<ChrisH> Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair. Hi Everyone.
<don> Don Hill, Conference chair
<DaveG> So to start things off: ...
<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC
<ReginaH> Regina Hannemann Lexington Section Vice Chair
<BobD2> Bob Duggan, SPC chair
<Lee> Lee Stogner - Membership Salesman
<dbower> David Bower, Reg 3 PIO
<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director
<DickR> Dick Riddle,LDO Project Manager
<BillR> Bill Ratcliff R3 Communications Committee
<ChuckC> Chuck Chapman, Canaveral Section chair
<JensH> Jens Hannemann, IEEE Publications Board, Ethics Committee, Lexington Section Member
<Roy> Roy Harris Special review Comt Chair
<JimH> Jim Hoawrd, Past Director
<CharlesL> Charles Lord, R3 Leadership Development Chair, representing NC Council Chair Chip Dawson
<DaveG> Welcome all. BillHarri - I believe you had a opening comment. GA BillHarri
<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<DaveG> I guess he has been called away...
<DaveG> Our item 11a is Fall Region Meeting Plans which is his item as well. ..
<BillHarri> I am sorry, I was off to the side...
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> with Lee.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> We had a great meeting this AM...
<BillHarri> I will try to listen this afternoon...
<BillHarri> and our main immediate missions are SC2005 and the IEEE BoD meetings in Orlando.
<DaveG> Hi JimB -- please introduce yourself (and give position)
<JimB> Jim Beall Southcon Director for R3
<DaveG> Welcome. ...
<DaveG> let's go to discussion item 1: Fall meeting plans ... BillHarri would you start this item? ...
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Fall meeting will be a full Region 3 Meeting in Tampa scheduled from 8:00 to lunch, prior to SC2005 opening, with a hour...
<BillHarri> or so for conclusion of issue decisions R3 will bring to Sections Congress...
<BillHarri> Dave G and Jim H, help with me with the agenda...
<BillHarri> I anticipate George McClure and will need 30-40 minutes, plus...
<BillHarri> introduction of Region 3 attendees to SC2005...
<BillHarri> it will be an abreviated, but important Region 3 meeting...
<BillHarri> if we have issues and motions, we need to distribute that information prior to the R3 meeting.
<CharlesL> q
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> BillH, will we be preceding this with e-conference discussions per our "normal" working model, and if so, will this be an excom e-conf or a R3 committee (section chairs)?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> At the R3 officers brief meeting in Chantilly, we talked about having another e-conf prior to SC2005...
<DaveG> (Shown as 19 Sept/21 Sept on item 15 of this agenda)
<BillHarri> Dave or Jim may recall the date handy -- thanks Dave.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Roy> c
<DaveG> This will be the last face-to-face meeting of the year although there will probably be ...
<DaveG> a November ExCom e-conf to pass the budget (among other things, tentatively scheduled for ...
<DaveG> Nov 14/16.
<DaveG> GA Roy
<Roy> Is the REgion Meeting on the 14th?
<DaveG> 14 October (Friday morning).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillH
<BillHarri> and concluding through lunch if SC2005 committee can arrange it.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> you and Jim need to respond.
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Between now and then, section members and others need to participate the Region 3 ...
<DaveG> Virtual Community and transform our work from April into closer to ready for submission...
<DaveG> recommendations. ...
<DaveG> Time will be short in Tampa so we will need to be nearly done by the time we arrive. ...
<DaveG> We also will need to have any action items identified prior to the meeting so...
<DaveG> that they can be dealt with during the meeting without running out of time. ...
<DaveG> Sections Congress will start about 4:30pm (unless you are speaker in which case it starts earlier) ...
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> we have a region caucus to formally vote our issues into sections congress, a welcome session,...
<DaveG> a keynote and a region dinner. As the host region, we will have the dignitaries who are ...
<DaveG> attending Sections Congress attend our dinner. We start with breakout sessions on ...
<DaveG> Monday (after breakfast). Big social Saturday night. More breakouts Sunday ...
<DaveG> and then voting on recommendations and closing ceremonies on Monday. ...
<DaveG> More information at https://www.ieee.org/sc2005 . GA BillHarri
<DaveG> Monday (after breakfast) should have been "Saturday (after breakfast)
<DaveG> ".
<BillHarri> Vote me down, but I would see nothing wrong with having a host-region lunchion, with IEEE 3-Ps, VP of ...
<BillHarri> RAB, EAB, Standards, etc. etc., invited and in attendance...
<BillHarri> no big speeches, just being there and recognized...
<BillHarri> if we have the convention space to accommodate such an event.
<DaveG> Well, I don't know what is planned. We will be hosting them for dinner that night ...
<DaveG> so they may feel the need to visit others during lunch.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> My suggestion would be to make this a Region 3 - oriented event ...
<BillHarri> again, since we are the host region for SC2005.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<Roy> C
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Let Roy go first.
<DaveG> GA Roy
<Roy> Is the Dinner Fri Night for all the SC2005?
<DaveG> There are 10 Region dinners Friday night. The Region 3 dinner will host the ...
<DaveG> folks like the keynote speaker, etc.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> This is an opportunity...
<BillHarri> for our region, not just to perform for IEEE, but to enhance our image...
<BillHarri> the SC2005 organizing committee has done an outstanding job...
<BillHarri> think about how we can put some "icing on the cake"...
<BillHarri> David Bower is on the conference...
<BillHarri> between Dbower, qtang, and the rest of the SC2005 committee...
<BillHarri> you guys may have it all covered...
<BillHarri> GA.
<DaveG> OK. Sounds like something for more discussion later...
<DaveG> JimH do you have any other comments on other parts of the schedule?
<DaveG> GA JimH
<DaveG> Guess he is away at moment...
<BillR> c
<DaveG> Let's see, the other remaining thread is the use of the VC for following up on ...
<DaveG> this issue (and others). But first... GA BillR
<BillR> FWIW, If the budget is there, it doesn't violate protocol, I don't have a major problem. It seems as though the entire conference is our Opus not just a lunch....
<BillR> I would suggest that this be worked with the SC05 committee. Besides I will probably be running around at the last minute and won't do lunch.<G>
<DaveG> OK, on to the VC --> could you start this CharlesL?
<CharlesL> Thanks Dave...
<CharlesL> The Region 3 virtual community has been set up to include discussion areas for the three "legs" of IEEE as discussed at our meeting in Ft Lauderdale...
<CharlesL> There is a discussion area under "general" called "SP05 / SC05" to denote that this is part of both the R3 Strategic Plan for 2005 as led by SPC and the SC05 prep as called for by Director Harrison...
<CharlesL> An invite (late, sorry) to all R3 excom and section chairs is about to be issued to come join the virtual community so that all can contribute to this discussion, which as BillH has stated, is critical to not only the future of R3 but the IEEE itself...
<CharlesL> so please heed the email that you will get in the next day or so and come contribute to these discussions...
<CharlesL> (if you are already a member of the R3 VC, don't wait - contribute today!)...
<CharlesL> to recap very quickly, there are three discussion areas that we tackled...
<DaveG> (Hi GeorgeM , please introduce yourself name/positions)
<GeorgeM> Hello, all- George McClure, R3 DE, making storm preparations
<CharlesL> 1. Serving the Member, 2. Serving the Profession, and last but certainly not least 3. Empowering and Growing the Volunteer...
<CharlesL> If you have questions about using the VC, feel free to ask me (or DaveG).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Thanks Charles...
<DaveG> Item 12 Information items, thank all who sent in reports and for those ...
<DaveG> who did not, I will link them in as soon as I receive them...
<DaveG> having the electronic reports is important as it improves the effectiveness...
<DaveG> of our meetings by letting member prepare for the meeting and ...
<DaveG> provides an archive of our efforts. ...
<DaveG> Let us proceed quickly through the Information Agenda, if you ...
<DaveG> you have no comments beyond what you have said in the supplied report ...
<DaveG> please just hit 'N' when I call on you and members if you have questions ...
<DaveG> about the written report enter 'Q' or 'C' when I mention the report.1
<DaveG> We will start with Director-Elect Report... GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> One change - the East Tennessee section got their L50 report in. That leaves only the Tri-Cities section as delinquent, for the second year.
<DaveG> Good. Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> Awards & Recognition -> GA JohnT
<JohnT> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Communications -> GA BillR
<BillR> Just a couple of points to emphasize...
<BillR> 1) Please notifiy the volunteers, that you work with, the next opportunity for e-conferencing 101 - Charles Lord Web based training is next Saturday on 7/16 9:00PM EDST...
<BillR> 2) Please read the reports from the Comm Comm rrnSubcommittees and join the various discussions on the Region rrn3 Virtual Community. Working between meetings together we rrncan make an impact.
<DaveG> Q/C?Q/C?
<DaveG> Archive - CharlesL?
<CharlesL> Just to add, if you wish to contribute to the discussion on the twiki page and need help, send me the comments and I will be glad to post them.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> ECC -- nothing to add. Q/C?
<DaveG> Newsletter -- Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> sorry, I got disconnected a few minutes ago...
<BillHarri> I will catch up on the log.
<DaveG> 10-4. Public Information -- GA dbower
<dbower> The...
<dbower> report is posted...
<dbower> but would like to add (as suggestion) a photo display...
<dbower> at conference...
<dbower> to highlight reg 3 activities.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Webmaster -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Conferences -- GA don
<don> Just to add, please chime in on the VC about conference registration software.
<DaveG> q/C?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> I understand you have received the final report on Southeastcon 2005?
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> and Internet connectivity for future conferences on the VC as well.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<don> c
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> We have the report from SEC05...
<don> I have not seen the acceptance from HQ yet.
<CharlesL> c
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<GeorgeM> Q
<CharlesL> re the discussion on the Virtual Community re conference software/services...
<CharlesL> this discussion has been limited to a subgroup of members of the community, due to the fact that we were discussing some confidential quotes from vendors that should not be made open to general "public"...
<CharlesL> HOWEVER, anyone who wishes to be part of this discussion is VERY welcome to join in - just ask DaveG or myself to get that 'attribute' added to your VC membership.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Southcon -- GA JimB
<JimB> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Is HQ doing the audit for the SEC05 final report, or was it audited before being sent in? That affects time to acceptance.
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> I have no knowledge of a full audit for SEC05.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> I evidently blew the link on ...
<DaveG> North Carolina Symposium ...
<DaveG> it is https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2005-07/ncse2005.txt ...
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> If the revenues were over $100K, an audit is required, I believe. Hq. will do it for a small fee. I can ask Eric.
<don> c
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> Revenue was under $100k.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Fine. Then acceptance should be swifter.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> North Carolina Symposium -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> (thanks for the URL update Dave - your error rate is still better than six sigma!) We are still putting this together, so please feel free to comment on my report - THANKS!
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Educational Activities -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Finance Committee -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Membership Development -- GA Lee
<Lee> No. Made my points this morning. Please read my report.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Prof. Act. Comm -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Employment & Career Services -- Report Submitted Q/C?
<DaveG> N&A -- GA JimH
<JimH> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Strategic Planning --- Go BobD2
<BobD2> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Student Activities -- GA BruceW
<BruceW> just congrats to Auburn University for their 2nd place in the WW Web Contest...nothing else to add
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Virginia council -- report submitted -- q/c?
<DaveG> NC Council -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Chip sends his apologies; his workload lately has been unbelievable (but not to any other corporate-employed EE). NCC has NCSE coming up and plans an LD retreat, probably around first of the year...
<CharlesL> as far as I know, we have all sections attending SC05.
<DaveG> q/c?
<DaveG> Area 3 -- GA ChrisH
<ChrisH> n
<BillHarri> q
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Do we have names for section reps to SC05? ...
<BillHarri> That info would be helpful for me and for the SC05 Committee.
<DaveG> Registration is in progress. Not a significant number have registered yet.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<CharlesL> q
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Have A/C chairs been tasked with gathering these from their sections and passing along to the SC Coordinators?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Florida Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Tennessee Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 6 -- Q/C?
<BillHarri> cc
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Looks like we have a little telephone work to do...
<BillHarri> who will volunteer?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA lee
<Lee> I will take care of the SC Council
<JimB> c
<DaveG> GA JimB
<JimB> We have two coordinators Butch and Sean doing this.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Thanks JimB
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> SC Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 8 -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 9 -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Gold Rep -- Q/C?
<DaveG> History -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Industry Relations -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Leadership Development -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Leadership by Developing Others -- Dickr(in a second)...
<DaveG> BillR wanted to say (but had to leave) and left text with me...
<DaveG> It is good that this morning we agreed that members working and helping each
<DaveG> other is one of the major benefits of membership. In other words being active
<DaveG> and involved.
<DaveG> In fact Leadership By Developing Others has that as one of the major
<DaveG> objectives.
<DaveG> LDO is the only active project in building the "network" that everyone agrees
<DaveG> is so important. You can't just sell it by e-mail or Newsletters you have to
<DaveG> involve others directly.
<DaveG> It is a Catch 22... you won't realize you should be an active member unless you
<DaveG> are an active member already.
<DaveG> One of LDO's primary objectives is to break that Catch 22 statement. See Dick
<DaveG> Riddle and get involved in rebuilding IEEE networks that everyone agrees is a
<DaveG> real value of membership.
<DaveG> ...
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> I hope that you folks read my report....
<DickR> and now know some other actvities are going on in the region.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Regional Life Member Coordinator -- Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> As I noted in my report, all Life Associate Members are being upgraded to Life regula Members, administratively...
<GeorgeM> and Life Members will be recognized at SC05 - reserved tables, a table top exhbit. There is a speakers list for life chapter meetings to use.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> Section/Chapter Coordination -- GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Cobvered this in my D-E report.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> 2005 Sections Congress -- I think we discussed this -- anything else JimH?
<JimH> n
<CharlesL> c
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Eastern NC Section and NC Council have both contributed but were not in report.
<JimH> c
<DaveG> Could you send that to Charles Hickman (and CC me) and we will make sure it is corrected.
<DaveG> GA JimH
<JimH> We will need to get the lastest report from CharlesH when he returns ...
<JimH> but it should include both of these and the Fla. Council, Orlando Sections, and ...
<JimH> possibly others that have contributed lately.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Special Projects -- Q/C?
<Roy> N
<DaveG> Special Review (Roy is faster than I am ) <G> Q/C?
<Roy> See my report
<DaveG> OK, that completes the information agenda. Thanks Roy!
<DaveG> Is there any old business?
<DaveG> Is there any new business?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Parting shots:...
<BillHarri> Jim Howard and David Green and Quang Tang (and spouses)...
<BillHarri> are making major contributions to Sections Congress 2005 in Tampa...
<BillHarri> we are in debt to their support of our association...
<BillHarri> how we recognize their hard work is not net determined...
<BillHarri> Thank you all for your work on behalf of our profession...
<BillHarri> and we will ask for more of your brains and professional commitment...
<BillHarri> don't go away!
<DaveG> I am sure Quang and Jim echo my thanks for the kind words and thoughts behind them. ...
<DaveG> I would note that the next meeting is 19 September 2h ExCom followed by 21 September Region 3 Caucus .
<DaveG> BillHarri would you like to make any final remarks and adjourn the meeting?
<BillHarri> I think I have said too much already...
<BillHarri> but I will have some challenges for R3 at the meeting in Tampa...
<BillHarri> Thanks to all for a great e-meeting.
<DaveG> Good afternoon all -- stay dry!
<DaveG> BruceW?
<DaveG> Hi BillH
<BillHarri> Hi Dave, and all...
<BillHarri> sorry if I dominated the conversation this AM...
<CharlesL> (better you than me <G>)
<BillHarri> I will let others take their turns ...
<BillHarri> thanks for your help.
<DaveG> Hopefully we will have good attendance this afternoon. I keep watching the ...
<DaveG> hurricane projections <G>. Looks Jim is getting his deluge now.
<BillHarri> CharlesL, you are better at it than I could ever hope to be...
<DaveG> Hi JohnT, ChrisH
<BillHarri> people hurricanes are workable, storms, we have no control over.
<DaveG> <G>
<DaveG> Hi Lee
<Lee> HI
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<DaveG> Hi ChuckC.
<BillHarri> To Lee: I may have missed your response...
<BruceW> Hi all
<ChuckC> Hi Dave.
<BruceW> Hi DaveG
<JimH> Hi all
<DaveG> Hi BruceW... do a "/op DaveG" if you would.
<DaveG> Thanks.
<BruceW> yw
<DaveG> Hi JimH
<BillHarri> but can you join me for the IEEE IR meeting on 29 August in Colorado Springs...
<DaveG> Hi DickR
<DaveG> Hi dbower, BobD2
<DickR> Howdy all.
<dbower> Hi
<DaveG> Hi don
<BobD2> Hi, all!
<don> hi
<BillHarri> It is extremely important for R3 and for BoD.
<BillHarri> I may have asked my q before others joined...
<BillHarri> but I want to pursue the IR issue while I have voice and vote on the IEEE BoD.
<DaveG> OK, it looks like most folks are here/back...
<DaveG> Welcome to the afternoon portion of the Region 3 ExCom for July...
<DaveG> we set our agenda this morning and agreed in doing so that our consent ...
<BillHarri> c\
<DaveG> agenda was approved. We have one discussion item remaining and the information items. ...
<DaveG> BillHarri: I was going to have everyone do introductions again -- do you want to ...
<DaveG> say something ahead of that?
<BillHarri> ga
<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...
<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...
<BruceW> Bruce Walcott, RSAC
<ChrisH> Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair. Hi Everyone.
<don> Don Hill, Conference chair
<DaveG> So to start things off: ...
<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECC
<ReginaH> Regina Hannemann Lexington Section Vice Chair
<BobD2> Bob Duggan, SPC chair
<Lee> Lee Stogner - Membership Salesman
<dbower> David Bower, Reg 3 PIO
<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director
<DickR> Dick Riddle,LDO Project Manager
<BillR> Bill Ratcliff R3 Communications Committee
<ChuckC> Chuck Chapman, Canaveral Section chair
<JensH> Jens Hannemann, IEEE Publications Board, Ethics Committee, Lexington Section Member
<Roy> Roy Harris Special review Comt Chair
<JimH> Jim Hoawrd, Past Director
<CharlesL> Charles Lord, R3 Leadership Development Chair, representing NC Council Chair Chip Dawson
<DaveG> Welcome all. BillHarri - I believe you had a opening comment. GA BillHarri
<JohnT> John Twitchell, ARC Chair
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<DaveG> I guess he has been called away...
<DaveG> Our item 11a is Fall Region Meeting Plans which is his item as well. ..
<BillHarri> I am sorry, I was off to the side...
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> with Lee.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> We had a great meeting this AM...
<BillHarri> I will try to listen this afternoon...
<BillHarri> and our main immediate missions are SC2005 and the IEEE BoD meetings in Orlando.
<DaveG> Hi JimB -- please introduce yourself (and give position)
<JimB> Jim Beall Southcon Director for R3
<DaveG> Welcome. ...
<DaveG> let's go to discussion item 1: Fall meeting plans ... BillHarri would you start this item? ...
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Fall meeting will be a full Region 3 Meeting in Tampa scheduled from 8:00 to lunch, prior to SC2005 opening, with a hour...
<BillHarri> or so for conclusion of issue decisions R3 will bring to Sections Congress...
<BillHarri> Dave G and Jim H, help with me with the agenda...
<BillHarri> I anticipate George McClure and will need 30-40 minutes, plus...
<BillHarri> introduction of Region 3 attendees to SC2005...
<BillHarri> it will be an abreviated, but important Region 3 meeting...
<BillHarri> if we have issues and motions, we need to distribute that information prior to the R3 meeting.
<CharlesL> q
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> BillH, will we be preceding this with e-conference discussions per our "normal" working model, and if so, will this be an excom e-conf or a R3 committee (section chairs)?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> At the R3 officers brief meeting in Chantilly, we talked about having another e-conf prior to SC2005...
<DaveG> (Shown as 19 Sept/21 Sept on item 15 of this agenda)
<BillHarri> Dave or Jim may recall the date handy -- thanks Dave.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Roy> c
<DaveG> This will be the last face-to-face meeting of the year although there will probably be ...
<DaveG> a November ExCom e-conf to pass the budget (among other things, tentatively scheduled for ...
<DaveG> Nov 14/16.
<DaveG> GA Roy
<Roy> Is the REgion Meeting on the 14th?
<DaveG> 14 October (Friday morning).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillH
<BillHarri> and concluding through lunch if SC2005 committee can arrange it.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> you and Jim need to respond.
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Between now and then, section members and others need to participate the Region 3 ...
<DaveG> Virtual Community and transform our work from April into closer to ready for submission...
<DaveG> recommendations. ...
<DaveG> Time will be short in Tampa so we will need to be nearly done by the time we arrive. ...
<DaveG> We also will need to have any action items identified prior to the meeting so...
<DaveG> that they can be dealt with during the meeting without running out of time. ...
<DaveG> Sections Congress will start about 4:30pm (unless you are speaker in which case it starts earlier) ...
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> we have a region caucus to formally vote our issues into sections congress, a welcome session,...
<DaveG> a keynote and a region dinner. As the host region, we will have the dignitaries who are ...
<DaveG> attending Sections Congress attend our dinner. We start with breakout sessions on ...
<DaveG> Monday (after breakfast). Big social Saturday night. More breakouts Sunday ...
<DaveG> and then voting on recommendations and closing ceremonies on Monday. ...
<DaveG> More information at https://www.ieee.org/sc2005 . GA BillHarri
<DaveG> Monday (after breakfast) should have been "Saturday (after breakfast)
<DaveG> ".
<BillHarri> Vote me down, but I would see nothing wrong with having a host-region lunchion, with IEEE 3-Ps, VP of ...
<BillHarri> RAB, EAB, Standards, etc. etc., invited and in attendance...
<BillHarri> no big speeches, just being there and recognized...
<BillHarri> if we have the convention space to accommodate such an event.
<DaveG> Well, I don't know what is planned. We will be hosting them for dinner that night ...
<DaveG> so they may feel the need to visit others during lunch.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> My suggestion would be to make this a Region 3 - oriented event ...
<BillHarri> again, since we are the host region for SC2005.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<Roy> C
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Let Roy go first.
<DaveG> GA Roy
<Roy> Is the Dinner Fri Night for all the SC2005?
<DaveG> There are 10 Region dinners Friday night. The Region 3 dinner will host the ...
<DaveG> folks like the keynote speaker, etc.
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> This is an opportunity...
<BillHarri> for our region, not just to perform for IEEE, but to enhance our image...
<BillHarri> the SC2005 organizing committee has done an outstanding job...
<BillHarri> think about how we can put some "icing on the cake"...
<BillHarri> David Bower is on the conference...
<BillHarri> between Dbower, qtang, and the rest of the SC2005 committee...
<BillHarri> you guys may have it all covered...
<BillHarri> GA.
<DaveG> OK. Sounds like something for more discussion later...
<DaveG> JimH do you have any other comments on other parts of the schedule?
<DaveG> GA JimH
<DaveG> Guess he is away at moment...
<BillR> c
<DaveG> Let's see, the other remaining thread is the use of the VC for following up on ...
<DaveG> this issue (and others). But first... GA BillR
<BillR> FWIW, If the budget is there, it doesn't violate protocol, I don't have a major problem. It seems as though the entire conference is our Opus not just a lunch....
<BillR> I would suggest that this be worked with the SC05 committee. Besides I will probably be running around at the last minute and won't do lunch.<G>
<DaveG> OK, on to the VC --> could you start this CharlesL?
<CharlesL> Thanks Dave...
<CharlesL> The Region 3 virtual community has been set up to include discussion areas for the three "legs" of IEEE as discussed at our meeting in Ft Lauderdale...
<CharlesL> There is a discussion area under "general" called "SP05 / SC05" to denote that this is part of both the R3 Strategic Plan for 2005 as led by SPC and the SC05 prep as called for by Director Harrison...
<CharlesL> An invite (late, sorry) to all R3 excom and section chairs is about to be issued to come join the virtual community so that all can contribute to this discussion, which as BillH has stated, is critical to not only the future of R3 but the IEEE itself...
<CharlesL> so please heed the email that you will get in the next day or so and come contribute to these discussions...
<CharlesL> (if you are already a member of the R3 VC, don't wait - contribute today!)...
<CharlesL> to recap very quickly, there are three discussion areas that we tackled...
<DaveG> (Hi GeorgeM , please introduce yourself name/positions)
<GeorgeM> Hello, all- George McClure, R3 DE, making storm preparations
<CharlesL> 1. Serving the Member, 2. Serving the Profession, and last but certainly not least 3. Empowering and Growing the Volunteer...
<CharlesL> If you have questions about using the VC, feel free to ask me (or DaveG).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Thanks Charles...
<DaveG> Item 12 Information items, thank all who sent in reports and for those ...
<DaveG> who did not, I will link them in as soon as I receive them...
<DaveG> having the electronic reports is important as it improves the effectiveness...
<DaveG> of our meetings by letting member prepare for the meeting and ...
<DaveG> provides an archive of our efforts. ...
<DaveG> Let us proceed quickly through the Information Agenda, if you ...
<DaveG> you have no comments beyond what you have said in the supplied report ...
<DaveG> please just hit 'N' when I call on you and members if you have questions ...
<DaveG> about the written report enter 'Q' or 'C' when I mention the report.1
<DaveG> We will start with Director-Elect Report... GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> One change - the East Tennessee section got their L50 report in. That leaves only the Tri-Cities section as delinquent, for the second year.
<DaveG> Good. Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> Awards & Recognition -> GA JohnT
<JohnT> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Communications -> GA BillR
<BillR> Just a couple of points to emphasize...
<BillR> 1) Please notifiy the volunteers, that you work with, the next opportunity for e-conferencing 101 - Charles Lord Web based training is next Saturday on 7/16 9:00PM EDST...
<BillR> 2) Please read the reports from the Comm Comm rrnSubcommittees and join the various discussions on the Region rrn3 Virtual Community. Working between meetings together we rrncan make an impact.
<DaveG> Q/C?Q/C?
<DaveG> Archive - CharlesL?
<CharlesL> Just to add, if you wish to contribute to the discussion on the twiki page and need help, send me the comments and I will be glad to post them.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> ECC -- nothing to add. Q/C?
<DaveG> Newsletter -- Q/C?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> sorry, I got disconnected a few minutes ago...
<BillHarri> I will catch up on the log.
<DaveG> 10-4. Public Information -- GA dbower
<dbower> The...
<dbower> report is posted...
<dbower> but would like to add (as suggestion) a photo display...
<dbower> at conference...
<dbower> to highlight reg 3 activities.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Webmaster -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Conferences -- GA don
<don> Just to add, please chime in on the VC about conference registration software.
<DaveG> q/C?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> I understand you have received the final report on Southeastcon 2005?
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> and Internet connectivity for future conferences on the VC as well.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<don> c
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> We have the report from SEC05...
<don> I have not seen the acceptance from HQ yet.
<CharlesL> c
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<GeorgeM> Q
<CharlesL> re the discussion on the Virtual Community re conference software/services...
<CharlesL> this discussion has been limited to a subgroup of members of the community, due to the fact that we were discussing some confidential quotes from vendors that should not be made open to general "public"...
<CharlesL> HOWEVER, anyone who wishes to be part of this discussion is VERY welcome to join in - just ask DaveG or myself to get that 'attribute' added to your VC membership.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Southcon -- GA JimB
<JimB> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Is HQ doing the audit for the SEC05 final report, or was it audited before being sent in? That affects time to acceptance.
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> I have no knowledge of a full audit for SEC05.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> I evidently blew the link on ...
<DaveG> North Carolina Symposium ...
<DaveG> it is https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2005-07/ncse2005.txt ...
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> If the revenues were over $100K, an audit is required, I believe. Hq. will do it for a small fee. I can ask Eric.
<don> c
<DaveG> GA Don
<don> Revenue was under $100k.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Fine. Then acceptance should be swifter.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> North Carolina Symposium -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> (thanks for the URL update Dave - your error rate is still better than six sigma!) We are still putting this together, so please feel free to comment on my report - THANKS!
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Educational Activities -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Finance Committee -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Membership Development -- GA Lee
<Lee> No. Made my points this morning. Please read my report.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Prof. Act. Comm -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Employment & Career Services -- Report Submitted Q/C?
<DaveG> N&A -- GA JimH
<JimH> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Strategic Planning --- Go BobD2
<BobD2> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Student Activities -- GA BruceW
<BruceW> just congrats to Auburn University for their 2nd place in the WW Web Contest...nothing else to add
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Virginia council -- report submitted -- q/c?
<DaveG> NC Council -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Chip sends his apologies; his workload lately has been unbelievable (but not to any other corporate-employed EE). NCC has NCSE coming up and plans an LD retreat, probably around first of the year...
<CharlesL> as far as I know, we have all sections attending SC05.
<DaveG> q/c?
<DaveG> Area 3 -- GA ChrisH
<ChrisH> n
<BillHarri> q
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Do we have names for section reps to SC05? ...
<BillHarri> That info would be helpful for me and for the SC05 Committee.
<DaveG> Registration is in progress. Not a significant number have registered yet.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<CharlesL> q
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Have A/C chairs been tasked with gathering these from their sections and passing along to the SC Coordinators?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Florida Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Tennessee Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 6 -- Q/C?
<BillHarri> cc
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Looks like we have a little telephone work to do...
<BillHarri> who will volunteer?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA lee
<Lee> I will take care of the SC Council
<JimB> c
<DaveG> GA JimB
<JimB> We have two coordinators Butch and Sean doing this.
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Thanks JimB
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> SC Council -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 8 -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Area 9 -- report submitted -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Gold Rep -- Q/C?
<DaveG> History -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Industry Relations -- Q/C?
<DaveG> Leadership Development -- GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Leadership by Developing Others -- Dickr(in a second)...
<DaveG> BillR wanted to say (but had to leave) and left text with me...
<DaveG> It is good that this morning we agreed that members working and helping each
<DaveG> other is one of the major benefits of membership. In other words being active
<DaveG> and involved.
<DaveG> In fact Leadership By Developing Others has that as one of the major
<DaveG> objectives.
<DaveG> LDO is the only active project in building the "network" that everyone agrees
<DaveG> is so important. You can't just sell it by e-mail or Newsletters you have to
<DaveG> involve others directly.
<DaveG> It is a Catch 22... you won't realize you should be an active member unless you
<DaveG> are an active member already.
<DaveG> One of LDO's primary objectives is to break that Catch 22 statement. See Dick
<DaveG> Riddle and get involved in rebuilding IEEE networks that everyone agrees is a
<DaveG> real value of membership.
<DaveG> ...
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> I hope that you folks read my report....
<DickR> and now know some other actvities are going on in the region.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Regional Life Member Coordinator -- Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> As I noted in my report, all Life Associate Members are being upgraded to Life regula Members, administratively...
<GeorgeM> and Life Members will be recognized at SC05 - reserved tables, a table top exhbit. There is a speakers list for life chapter meetings to use.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> Section/Chapter Coordination -- GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Cobvered this in my D-E report.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> 2005 Sections Congress -- I think we discussed this -- anything else JimH?
<JimH> n
<CharlesL> c
<DaveG> GA CharlesL
<CharlesL> Eastern NC Section and NC Council have both contributed but were not in report.
<JimH> c
<DaveG> Could you send that to Charles Hickman (and CC me) and we will make sure it is corrected.
<DaveG> GA JimH
<JimH> We will need to get the lastest report from CharlesH when he returns ...
<JimH> but it should include both of these and the Fla. Council, Orlando Sections, and ...
<JimH> possibly others that have contributed lately.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Special Projects -- Q/C?
<Roy> N
<DaveG> Special Review (Roy is faster than I am ) <G> Q/C?
<Roy> See my report
<DaveG> OK, that completes the information agenda. Thanks Roy!
<DaveG> Is there any old business?
<DaveG> Is there any new business?
<BillHarri> c
<DaveG> GA BillHarri
<BillHarri> Parting shots:...
<BillHarri> Jim Howard and David Green and Quang Tang (and spouses)...
<BillHarri> are making major contributions to Sections Congress 2005 in Tampa...
<BillHarri> we are in debt to their support of our association...
<BillHarri> how we recognize their hard work is not net determined...
<BillHarri> Thank you all for your work on behalf of our profession...
<BillHarri> and we will ask for more of your brains and professional commitment...
<BillHarri> don't go away!
<DaveG> I am sure Quang and Jim echo my thanks for the kind words and thoughts behind them. ...
<DaveG> I would note that the next meeting is 19 September 2h ExCom followed by 21 September Region 3 Caucus .
<DaveG> BillHarri would you like to make any final remarks and adjourn the meeting?
<BillHarri> I think I have said too much already...
<BillHarri> but I will have some challenges for R3 at the meeting in Tampa...
<BillHarri> Thanks to all for a great e-meeting.
<DaveG> Good afternoon all -- stay dry!
<BobD2> Bye, all!
<ChuckC> My pleasure!
<BruceW> Bye all...See you in September
<ChrisH> Thanks everyone. Have a great weekend.
<JensH> Thanks for having me as a Guest.