To: Region 3 Executive Committee
From: David Bower, Region 3 Public Information Officer
Date: July 8, 2005

Report: Public Information Activities

1. Organized and shipped various display materials to use at 2005
SoutheastCon for Region 3 promotional purposes. Photographs, standup
displays, and other materials were sent regarding various Region 3
activities. Also, various photographs were shipped to Director Bill
Harrison for his use as appropriate. An "IEEE Lion" obtained from
Headquarters was also shipped to use as a prize drawing at SoutheastCon.

2. Submitted an article to Quang Tang, Region 3 Newsletter Editor, for
possible use. The article was titled: " Simple Displays for Promoting
IEEE and Section Activities." A "Sidebar" article was also included
titled: "Promote IEEE Membership with A Simple Display."

Regarding the "Sidebar" article to promote membership, sections are
encouraged to prepare a simple 8x10 inch standup display to use at
section meetings, along with IEEE membership materials obtained from
headquarters. For those interested, these are the steps:

(a) Purchase a simple 8x10 inch cardboard standup display at an office
supply store. The type with the clear plastic cover is desirable, since
the display can be used again with other posters. The cost for such a
standup display is less than $ 5.00. (b) Order the supplies you'll need
electronically from IEEE Headquarters at using the "Membership
Development Supply Request Form." It is suggested you order the "Join
IEEE Poster" to use in the standup display (mentioned above), along with
other items as desired.

I am sending photographs of the simple display items mentioned above to
the Region 3 Secretary as a component of this report; and will also be
glad to send these photographs electronically to anyone who is

3. Sent various photographs regarding Region 3 activities to Quang Tang
for possible use in the newsletter.

David Bower
Region 3 PIO
