IEEE 3 E-Conf - Region 3 Committee Caucus, 21 September 2005

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director Harrison. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting facilitator. ...

<DaveG> The purpose of this meeting is to work on the development of our issues ...

<DaveG> for Sections Congress and then to briefly discuss the Tampa meeting. ...

<DaveG> The meeting page: ...

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> has our agenda for tonight. You can see that we will need to stick to ...

<DaveG> our timeline to keep to a two hour meeting and I thank each of you ...

<DaveG> in advance for helping me keep to the schedule. ...

<DaveG> We will have a log of our discussion. ...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<DaveG> Please type ahead whenever possible or type into notepad to cut and ...

<DaveG> paste by line into the channel when your turn to speak. ...

<DaveG> Our process for tonight is listed as part of the agenda...

<DaveG> 1) Introduction to process (5 mins)

<DaveG> 2) Discussion of each of the ten items (5 mins each)

<DaveG> 3) Approval voting of each issue with numbers listed (1 min each)

<DaveG> 4) Additional items from group, no discussion (5 mins)

<DaveG> 5) Discuss of each of these items (5 mins each item)

<DaveG> 6) Approval voting of each of these issues with numbers listed (5 mins)

<DaveG> 7) Review items

<DaveG> 8) Description of process forward for recommendations - Lord (5 mins)

<DaveG> Any questions on the process? Q/C?

<DaveG> I would like everyone to introduce themselves now so we know names/positions against ...

<DaveG> chat IDs, just enter it now without waiting. ...

<BillC> Bill Clayton, Hampton Roads Section

<BobD2> Bob Duggan, SPC chair

<dbower> David Bower, Region 3 Public Information Officer

<DaveG> David Green, Secretary, ECC

<ReginaH> Regina Hannemann, Lexington Section

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff - Communications Committee

<SeanH> Sean Haynes, Sections Congress Co-Coordinator

<GeorgeM> George McClure, Director-Elect

<DavidE> David Eaton, Northwest Florida Chair

<don> Don Hill, Conference Comm

<DickR> Dick Riddle LDO Project Manager

<MikeH> Mike Hughes, CNC Delegate

<BillHarri> Bill Harrison, R3 Director

<JimH> Jim Howard, Past Director

<TM> Tom Murphy, Savannah Section Delegate

<DaveG> Hi ThomasB (please introduce yourself, name & Position)

<ThomasB> Thomas Bellarmine, Florida Council Chair

<DaveG> Welcome All

<DaveG> You were sent background information on how we arrived at the 10 recommendations so...

<DaveG> we won't go into that tonight but will work our way through these with the idea...

<DaveG> of getting any quick questions out of the way and a little discussion, and then ...

<DaveG> upon completing that discussion, we will ask each of you to say which issues ...

<DaveG> should stay on the table for further consideration eventually to get to 4 issues...

<DaveG> at the 1 hour meeting in Tampa. ...

<DaveG> After that we will have an opportunity to add issues if there are any that seemed ...

<DaveG> to have been missed...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> Thanks for joining this E-conference meeting...

<BobD2> q

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> Any specific recs tonight or just the broader issues?

<DaveG> The ten that are there will hopefully set the tone for that. OK?

<BobD2> ok

<DaveG> (MaryEllen Please introduce yourself and give position)

<DaveG> OK, then let's start...

<DaveG> 1. Packaged technical and non technical training courses that can be delivered electronically.

<BillHarri> This an important opportunity for R3 to be heard.

<MaryEllen> Mary Ellen Randall - Awards and Recognition

<DaveG> Thanks BillHarri

<DaveG> Q/C on this issue?

<BillC> c

<DaveG> GA BillC

<BillC> I think a lot of this type of material is already on line, however much of it is held by the Technical Societies. Particulary on the technical data, I wonder what would be brought forward to the big IEEE and what will be "held back" by the Technical Societies.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Expert NOW will be rolled out next year - continuing education modules paid for by Societies, accessible to members...

<GeorgeM> There will be some 60 of these by year-end; there are 35 modules ready now.

<DaveG> Thank you. OTher Q/C?

<BillC> q

<DaveG> ga BillC

<BillC> So are we saying that this is already in the pipe?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Motly technical topics - one set by EMS on how to manage.

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<WillieF> Willie J. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Huntsville Section Vice Chair

<BillR> In responmding to BillC...

<BillR> It doesn't mean that it is already in the pipe...

<BillR> There are several more efforts and initiatives underway...

<BillR> part of this I believe is saying that a coordination is needed to pull the various fragmented pieces together...

<BillR> among other things.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM (and this will be the last comment based on our 5m limit).

<GeorgeM> Agreed - there could be interactive modules added on how tomanage section and chapter functins. Those are not in the plan, as far as I know.

<DaveG> Thanks... This was issue!

<DaveG> 2. Develop collaborative work methodologies and transform the culture to match.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> To collaborate, one needs an on-line IEEE Directory. ...

<BobD2> That should be a specific recommendation!

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Bob is right - we sent it to RAB, which sent it to MDC. Now it looks like an online listing of names and member numbers...

<GeorgeM> not very useful unless more pressure is applied.

<DaveG> Let's consider this item 11 and move the discussion back to the original one.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillC> c

<DaveG> GA BillC

<BillC> I think this is really a great idea and obviously Region 3 leads the way.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Can we recommend use of VOIP with Placeware so a separate phone connection is not needed?

<DaveG> Let's put that as subtext of this one. Q/C?

<DaveG> Any section leaders like to speak on this issue? Q/C?

<BillC> c

<DaveG> GA BillC

<BillC> Placeware has its worts. I think item 10 applies.

<DaveG> OK....

<DaveG> Let's move on...

<DaveG> 3. Make IEEE.Net the first place anyone goes for answers.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> What kind of answers?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> Again, we need a directory of IEEE members!

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> I think the member directory is one of the knowledge bases ...

<BillR> but in answer to George...

<BillHarri> c

<BillR> Answers of a technical or non technical nature ...yes. but the idea I believe is that instead of automatically going to Google...

<BillR> the IEEE.nte will earn the reputation of the first place to start an investigation.

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> With George's support, I made a motion to...

<BillHarri> reinstitute the printed (maybe CD) version...

<BillHarri> of the IEEE directory...

<BillHarri> I can bring that issue to IEEE staff and to the BoD in November.

<BillC> c

<DaveG> Thanks. Any further comments on the Issue (recalling that we have captured the directory as 11).

<DaveG> BillC is yours on IEEE.Net?

<BillC> I have a hard time wrapping my fingers around this recommendation. Much of the "good" information are the standards and they are always "locked" up. Beyond that it seem like every IEEE digital library I have access to, only goes so far and to get the full answer I am invited to pay yet another fee.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> Elizabeth, please introduce yourself giving name and position

<Elizabeth> Elizabeth Kuhn, Area 6 chair and Alabama Section chair.

<DaveG> Welcome. We are moving through recommendations in 5m discussion mode ...

<DaveG> and remind folks to type-a-head when possible (like BillC does)...

<DaveG> 4. Create a Knowledge Management methodology.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> An archive, or interactive training modules?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<MikeH> q

<DaveG> GA MikeH

<MikeH> Wouldn't this be part of #3 and #5?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<SeanH> C

<GeorgeM> #5 appears to be delivery, but this one could be the database/archive - with accessibility features.

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> I think this came out of the volunteers session...

<SeanH> What we are really trying to do here is somehow collect a "best practices" for section ...

<SeanH> operations that can accessible for othe section leaders to access.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> A kind of Wikipedia, continuously updated by everyone?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<SeanH> C

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> Maybe. I think the message boards are a good start actually. I think the problem is there is no ...

<SeanH> methodology for collecting the information consistently and providing the results...

<SeanH> to the membership. For instance, what happens to all those meeting report...

<SeanH> forms that IEEE makes us send in? Is there a way for us to go online and query...

<SeanH> those reports to find out what has worked and what has not?

<DaveG> Thanks. Good discussion. It's time to move on ...

<DaveG> 5. Transform the delivery model of goods and services from a benevolent provider to an enabler.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> I think we have two major items to resolve tonight...

<DaveG> (Hi Mark, Hal -> please introduce yourselves giving name and positions.)

<MarkS> Mark Stokes, Piedmont past chair, etc., spectator

<Hal> Hi All, I am Halden Morris, Area 9 Chair - Jamaica

<BillHarri> one is the agenda for our Friday morning Region 3 Meetion...

<BillHarri> Dave Green and I can work that out and send/hand it out...

<BillHarri> Basically, we will need to schedule time for IEEE officers and staff...

<BillHarri> to participate in our 8 to 12 Region meeting, in addition to...

<BillHarri> our regular R3 abbreviated agenda...

<BillHarri> We may have issues needing a quorum of the Region Committee...

<BillHarri> Should be no problem...

<BillHarri> The other agenda items will depend on visiting IEEE dignitaries...

<BillHarri> I suggest we invilte them to arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 am to be introduced, no long speeches.

<DaveG> Sounds good Bill...

<DaveG> Can we come back to other details for the Region meeting after we finish the issue...

<DaveG> part of the meeting?

<DaveG> Hi Lee, please introduce yourself and give your position.

<Lee> Hi from Birmingham...

<Lee> Lee Stogner - Region 3 MD Chair

<DaveG> Welcome...

<DaveG> we are working our way through the proposed issues/recommendations and are on item 5...

<DaveG> 5. Transform the delivery model of goods and services from a benevolent provider to an enabler.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> I think everyone gets EE Times. IEEE needs a closer tie ...

<MaryEllen> q

<BobD2> with EE Times -- maybe an IEEE section. This would give...

<BobD2> IEEE the image of being more "up to date" for the average engineer.

<DaveG> GA MaryEllen

<MaryEllen> Is EE Times tied to IEEE? Or are you suggesting that it would be good for IEEE's image to be associated

<DaveG> I think BobD2 is suggesting there should be association. They are two separate entities.

<MaryEllen> with EE Times?

<DaveG> Q?C?

<BobD2> It's not tied, but it would do well to be associated.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> If it's IEEE's goods and services we have the same $$$ problems as in #3.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> If EE Times relates to R3's recommendations to SC 2005, go ahead.

<DaveG> OK, we will add this as #12 to make sure it is not lost. ...

<DaveG> It is time to move on...

<DaveG> 6. Transform the member into a “contributor”. (sweat equity)

<DaveG> Q/C?

<SeanH> C

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<CharlesL> I would like to add the rest of the statement from the report: "Transform the member into a “contributor”. (sweat equity) “Being a member”

<CharlesL> should be an active verb. How do we foster that?

<CharlesL> (sorry, cut and paste error)

<DaveG> <G>

<SeanH> I think this also came out of the volunteer session that I was in. The idea here is how to we light the fire..

<SeanH> under our members so they become more active in IEEE.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Maybe provide incentives so that IEEE stuff can be traded for "sweat points".

<DaveG> Q/C?

<MarkS> c

<DaveG> GA MarkS

<MarkS> I had the thought of reduced dues for volunteers (say at least ...

<MarkS> executive committee members)

<MaryEllen> c

<DaveG> GA MaryEllen

<MaryEllen> Do we understand what brings each of us in? What is the value that we perceive? Is there any commonality to our views?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> thhink it ranges from altruism to enlightened self interest.

<DaveG> Good discussion... Time to move on ...

<DaveG> 7. Put IEEE in a position to lead the technology development as opposed to running to catch up.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> This is a major IEEE-USA issue...

<BillHarri> China, India and other economies are outstripping the USA in manufacturing...

<BillHarri> and eventually in technology R and D.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> IEEE-USA DID support the billion dollar nanotechnology research initiative that passed.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> IEEE has members in China and India as well as the USA...

<GeorgeM> Q

<BobD2> we should be publishing news of new developments worldwide...

<Lee> c

<BobD2> another reason to be in bed with EE Times.

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> I missed the first part of the meeting...

<CharlesL> c

<Lee> is this the part where we can say that R3 needs to have a Industry Relations program that benefits the Member >

<DaveG> You have now said it <G>...

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Wondr what that means for protection of intellectual propertyvs. oriental piracy?

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> food for thought here - as has been mentioned, EE Times is one of many pubs that compete with IEEE's Spectrum and our other 100s of pubs. We do great with stds and the 'academic' papers, but we get our tail kicked by the trade mags. Why? How can we be more relevant? and this goes to the topic 9 also.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<WillieF1> c

<BillHarri> I attended a "China Summit" meeting which I have not yet...

<BillHarri> reproted on, but could bear some discussion at our R3 meeting at Tampa.

<DaveG> GA WillieF1

<WillieF1> I lost network connection but back under new nickname "WillieF1"

<DaveG> Thanks.

<DaveG> I think it is time to move to the next item...

<DaveG> 8. Resolve the “Dilemma of Outsourcing”

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> For IEEE Galactic that is not a problem.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> I would like to add the rest of what Dick and I reported for clarification (for any that didn;t read the report):...

<CharlesL> Resolve the “Dilemma of Outsourcing”; how can the IEEE help our region’s

<CharlesL> engineers and future engineers take a more proactive and lifelong role in their

<CharlesL> lifelong career? If small business or consulting are the future of our

<CharlesL> profession, then why is so little of IEEE’s resources and effort in these areas?

<CharlesL> .

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> I recommend everyone read Thos. Friedman's "The World Is Flat".

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Seems we need to distibguish between IEEE and IEEE-USA's roles here.

<BillHarri> c

<DaveG> Q/C?

<SeanH> C

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> I don't think that is for us to decide. If it is an issue that is brought up and accepted by the congress..

<SeanH> then it is IEEE's job to then task the appropriate people with resolving it.

<DaveG> Thanks. Time to move on ...

<DaveG> 9. Bring IEEE into the role of Technology’s Guide and Conscience. Right now the guide is (Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, Comp USA, etc and the media.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<CharlesL> c

<DaveG> GA CharlesL

<CharlesL> I think this is where BobD's point re EE times fits...

<CharlesL> We (the IEEE) need that closer tie with the engineer that (IMO) we have lost...

<CharlesL> EE times had a reported, Bob Bellinger, who reported all the time on what the IEEE was doing because we (the IEEE) were open with the outside press...

<CharlesL> and the members and we actually seemed to communicate better person-person that we do in today's on-line world. Wha'happened? Not for me to answer nor (I think) anyone here but we need to work at it.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> Bellinger retired, I think.

<DaveG> Thanks...

<DaveG> Time to move I guess (and appologies to BillHarri for missing his C on #8 earlier -- my bad).

<DaveG> 10. IEEE should lead by example and ensure that it uses open standards wherever possible.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> IEEE endeavors to set the standards for others to conform to - and then sell them.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> cc

<DaveG> IEEE should lead in following standards like web standards such as building to support many web browsers.

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<BillHarri> Keep this conversation going...

<BillHarri> It should distill into some good R3 recommendations for SC200s.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<ReginaH> c

<DaveG> GA ReginaH

<ReginaH> IEEE should try to promote open standards ...

<ReginaH> whenever it is not in the role of the seller, e.g. websites or document formats...

<ReginaH> it should not try to use compny software like windows etc but promote open standars in these points

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Like Linux?

<ReginaH> c

<DaveG> GA ReginaH

<ReginaH> linux is just one example, open office another

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> Good discussion all! ...

<DaveG> we have two items already in our "other ideas" which we will come back to...

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> but for now, we are going to do a sort of approval voting to get the relative ...

<DaveG> strength of these items. ...

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM (if on topic, if off topic, please hold till after voting).

<GeorgeM> Save my comment for #13.

<DaveG> Will do...

<DaveG> Please enter the numbers of the issues you wish to consider going forward as one of the four issues we can submit. So, if you support issues

<DaveG> 1,2,3,4,5 enter

<DaveG> 1,2,3,4,5 as your vote (now).

<BillC> 1,2,10,11

<DaveG> (You can vote for all of them or just 1)

<BobD2> 2,6,9,10

<WillieF1> 1,3,4,8

<ReginaH> 10, 6

<CharlesL> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

<MikeH> 1, 5, 6, 8

<TM> 1,2,3,5,9

<DavidE> 1,3,5

<DaveG> (only 1 through 10 now please)

<ThomasB> 1,2,3,4,5

<GeorgeM> 1,2,4,5

<Hal> 1235

<SeanH> 2,4,5,6,8

<BillHarri> 1,2,3,4,5

<dbower> 1,2,4,5

<DickR> 2,3,4,6

<Lee> Industry Relations, Employment Assistance.

<DaveG> (lee for your vote to be counted in this phase it will have to be for numbers.

<DaveG> OK... we will audit the count later but ...

<DaveG> --1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---10-

<DaveG> --11--11--8---8---10--6---1---4---3----4

<DaveG> is what I get...

<DaveG> #1 got 11 and #10 got 4...

<DaveG> Now we have had two more suggestions that have had some discussion ...

<DaveG> 11. Create an accessible member directory.

<DaveG> 12. Closer association to with organizations like EE Times. ...

<BillHarri> c\

<DaveG> Are there others?

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<GeorgeM> C

<Lee> c

<BillHarri> I will continue to work with staff and BoD on that issue.

<DaveG> OK. ...

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> #13 - Expedite the issuance of debit cards to sections/area/councils

<DaveG> GA Lee

<Lee> Build the IEEE Network.

<DaveG> OK we will make that 14.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BobD2> c

<DaveG> GA BobD2

<BobD2> I hope there will be emphasis on the specific trecs e.g. 11 & 12, rather than the broader issues.

<BobD2> Recs, not trecs.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, continuing our process...

<DaveG> I will note we have discussed 11 and 12, let's spend a min or two on ...

<DaveG> 13. Expedite the issuance of debit cards to sections/area/councils ...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> This is in the works at IEEE Procurement, but seems to be slipping. Treasurers would have debit cards for routine meeting cost use, rather thasn having to tote a checkbook.

<DaveG> I believe it is being announced at Sections Congress.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillHarri> q

<DaveG> GA BillHarri

<SeanH> C

<BillHarri> In general, personal finances, I do not favor debit cards...

<BillHarri> it may make sense for IEEE units, but I would need to be convinced.

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> IEEE Treasurers have been using checks for years. I don't see this as an "issue"...

<dbower> c

<BillC> c

<SeanH> I see this as convenience for the treasurers for performing certain types of transactions...

<SeanH> but I don't know if speeding the issuance of something that is in the works is really an "issue" that ...

<SeanH> we need to bring forward to the entire congress. As a prior treasurer of a section, I really did not see...

<SeanH> having to tote a checkbook as a hinderance (other than you had to make sure any location you were using accepted them)...

<SeanH> and even then, if they didn't I'd put it on my credit card and write a check to myself.

<DaveG> GA dbower

<dbower> I think checks are best.

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> All OUs would have the cards. They really fill a need overseas, where I charged $25K on personal credit cards to front for a society's expenses.

<DaveG> Thanks. Time to move on ...

<DaveG> 14. Build the IEEE Network

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Lee> c

<DaveG> OOps, before we do 14, BilLC I missed you. GA on #13 last comment.

<BillC> Most places do not take checks. We end up putting a lot of meeting expenses on our personal credit cards. It gets real messy.

<DaveG> Thanks. GA Lee on #14

<Lee> To Build the IEEE Network, we will have a ongoing set of activities at the Section Level to promote the value of the IEEE...

<Lee> For example, IEEE awareness at the Student Level...

<Lee> IEEE Mentoring a Gold at the young engineer stage...

<Lee> Career Guidedance and Employment Assitance at the Member stage...

<Lee> and a good Communications Program to keep things tied together...

<Lee> You may say that we already have all of this but the programs are spotty and independent...

<Lee> A real Build the Network program would make sure that these actions are implemented, monitored and improved over time...

<Lee> Bottom line, the value of Membership would go up.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<Hal> c

<GeorgeM> Lee has a great idea - capturing it in a few words for a SC recommendation will be a challenge.

<DaveG> GA Hal

<Hal> I think we need to promote IEEE in the media...

<Hal> to build a base and hence a network

<DaveG> OK, time to do approval voting ...

<DaveG> Vote on 11, 12, 13, 14 only as before...

<DaveG> 11. Create an accessible member directory.

<DaveG> 12. Closer association to with organizations like EE Times.

<DaveG> 13. Expedite the issuance of debit cards to sections/area/councils

<DaveG> 14. Build the IEEE Network

<DaveG> Vote now.

<BillC> 11,13

<BobD2> 11,12

<ReginaH> 14

<dbower> 11,12,14

<SeanH> 11,12,14

<GeorgeM> 11, 13, 14

<Lee> 14, 12

<TM> 14

<DavidE> 14

<WillieF1> 11, 12, 14

<ThomasB> 11,12

<Hal> 11,12,14

<MikeH> 12, 13

<CharlesL> 12

<don> 13,14

<DickR> 11,14

<BillHarri> 11,13

<DaveG> OK, I get ...

<DaveG> 11---12---13----14

<DaveG> 9----8----5-----10

<DaveG> Thanks all for your participation in the process...

<BobD2> 12 has 9

<DaveG> Charles, please tell us what the process is from here and in Tampa (briefly).

<CharlesL> OK thanks Dave and all of you for your participation!...

<CharlesL> Dick and I will go over the log of this meeting and will capture all of the comments as well as the votes to be sure that we have all of what has been said...

<CharlesL> we will solicit more input where possible and will be asking some of you for more info on what you may have said tonight, as we have seen the seeds of some more great ideas...

<CharlesL> What we will compile is a list, combined where possible *without* losing content (as BobD requested)...

<CharlesL> you will see a report of this, both on the VC as well as mailed out to all of you, before we go to Tampa...

<BillHarri> You guys are great. All I will need is a few introducuray slides for the plenary...

<BillHarri> session in Tampa.

<CharlesL> at the Friday evening meeting in Tampa, we will present these, without further discussion, as they will be written up beforehand, and you will get the chance to then make your vote on the issues that you want to see go forward to the delegates...

<CharlesL> we will have an approval vote, but you will only have a limited # of votes each round. "friendly" admendments to combine issues may be proposed, and if accepted, will get voted on...

<CharlesL> at the end of the evening meeting we will have no more than 4 issues, specific (and I predict GREAT because they came from the greatest bunch of volunteers in the IEEE!) issues...

<CharlesL> that will go forward to the delegates (please see the doc that Dave mailed out to you this AM)...

<CharlesL> one word of note - if an issue that you feel strongly about does not make this list, do NOT let it die...

<CharlesL> there will be many more chances that weekend (and in the future of course) to make great things happen!

<DaveG> 10---9----5-----11 (was my recount -> Charles and crew can fix this up from the log) ...

<DaveG> BillHarri, you have already told us the big picture of the meeting ...

<DaveG> in Tampa, would you like to make some other comments about the upcoming ...

<DaveG> meeting? GA BillHarri

<ThomasB> Bye All

<DaveG> BillHarri: must have stepped away for a min...

<DaveG> We will post the agenda for the meeting to the web site and send out a notice of ...

<DaveG> it. ...

<DaveG> Any Q/C before we close for tonight?

<DaveG> Hearing none, thank you for your attention and participation both now and in Tampa ...