<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...
<DaveG> (Lee please introduce yourself and give position)
<Lee> Lee Stogner - Region 3 Membership Development
<DaveG> Thanks...
<DaveG> The consent agenda has one item: ...
<DaveG> 3a. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,
<DaveG> Agenda ...
<DaveG> If we get a quorum will approve this item....
<DaveG> The agenda for tonight ...
<DaveG> is directed towards identifying items for and preparing for ...
<DaveG> the Region 3 Meeting in Memphis. ...
<DaveG> George -> would you like to make any opening comments before we ask for additions to the ...
<DaveG> agenda?
<GeorgeM> Just to thank everyone for taking time to join the conference...
<GeorgeM> and to get our ducks in a row for the Memphis meeting.
<DaveG> Thanks...
<DaveG> Any additions to agenda tonight?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> It would be helpful to have Q&A on Charles' revised budget, especially since we are looking at alternatives for the fall region meeting.
<DaveG> OK, we will add that as item 10c.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Item 4. Director's report.. GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I emailed that around on Sunday - noting our nine initiatives to be considered in Memphis.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> I got all the items that came in by deadline up on the web but since I was traveling for...
<DaveG> RAB FinCom on the weekend, I did not get others up until later (and I missed George's -- sorry).
<DaveG> Hi PatD...
<DaveG> Please introduce yourself and give position
<PatD> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activites Chair
<DaveG> Thanks...
<DaveG> Director-Elect report -- GA BillR
<BillR> Nothing additional from report posted.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Secretary's report... to be filed. Only thing to report is that I will ...
<DaveG> be glad to post additional reports as I receive them.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Treasurer's Report -> GA Charles
<Charles> Revised budget submitted...
<Charles> Excom meeting cost about $25K...
<Charles> Not much other 2006 activity.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> (We will have budget discussion as item 10c.
<DaveG> )
<DaveG> Action Agenda -> Approve minutes ...
<DaveG> Not sure we can do this but did anyone have changes to the minutes?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DickR> c
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> Looking at it now <G>.
<DickR> Ok I looked at it <G>.
<DaveG> <G> I mailed them out about 50m ago, I just added a link to the ExCom page if folks wish to refresh their agenda to see them...
<DaveG> Please send changes to me and we will approve at next meeting...
<DaveG> Next is discussion agenda...
<DaveG> Item 10a. Review of Meetings at SoutheastCon ...
<DaveG> George, would you like to go through this or would like me to ?
<DaveG> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2006-0304/agendas.html#Region3Comm has agenda.
<GeorgeM> Would you do it, Dave? We have a plenary for an hour on Saturday, 8-9 am
<DaveG> sure...
<DaveG> As George says, there is a plenary on Saturday...
<DaveG> you can go to https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2006-0304/
<DaveG> to see the overall schedule...
<DaveG> We start with Leadership training on Friday, then after the opening ceremony...
<DaveG> we go to area/council meetings. As a new edition, BillR will hold a meeting of Area/Council
<DaveG> chairs after those meetings. Meanwhile (earlier in evening was SPC meeting).
<DaveG> ...
<DaveG> Any Q/C on Friday?
<DaveG> On Saturday, we have ...
<DaveG> the Finance Committee, TISP ...
<DaveG> The Plenary or General Session is where things start for most participants ...
<DaveG> Then we have two sets of committee meetings ....
<DaveG> Membership/Education/Conference ...
<DaveG> then ARC, Comm/PAO. which gets us to lunch...
<DaveG> Q/C for Saturday morning?
<BillC> Q
<DaveG> GA BillC
<BillC> Are the various committees going to have ...
<BillC> 'homework' or are we free to set our own agendas?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> What A/V aids will be in the Committee rooms ?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> ga GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I talked to Allan, and he is willing to accommodate requests, but there won;t be LCD projectors everywhere unless asked for specifically. I believe SPC has one, e.g. .
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DickR> c
<DaveG> George/Bill -> do you want to answer BillC's q?
<DaveG> GA DickR?
<DaveG> GA DickR (not a question <G>)
<DickR> Yes SPC asked for a LCD Projector and screen.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> In answer to Billc...
<BillR> Ther will be a few "houskeeping type topics" that I would suggest all committees discuss...
<BillR> like the R3 Initiatives and their committee linkage / contributions...
<BillR> plus cooperation with other committees...
<BillR> but the bulk of their meetings should be aimed at their individual committees issues, challenges, etc. Any comments George, et al?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Agreeing with BillR, ther committees will do their normal functions, with the added challenge of seeing how they can support our nine initiatives.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> the afternoon is the first half of the r3 meeting (we will drill into agenda in a min)...
<DaveG> and then we have the Dinner/Awards Ceremony ...
<DaveG> Q/C on Saturday?
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> The awards portion could be lengthy .. are student competition awards included here too?
<DaveG> I think so. Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I think so, too -- and we have the presentation of Reed Thompson's fellow certificate, and Mary Ellen's slate.
<DaveG> OK. Q/C?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> I have Reed's certificate & Fellow pin and will bring it to Memphis. ...
<BobD> It hasn't been discussed, but I'm assuming I am the guy to make the presentation to his wife & family. Right?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> ga GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I hope so, Bob! <G>
<DaveG> Sunday morning, we will complete the R3 meeting.
<DaveG> Q/C before we did into R3 agenda?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> Related to Reed...Margaret is bringing several outstanding presentations on Leadership ...
<BobD> which Reed had prepared. They're charts & viewgraphs ...
<BobD> Excellently arranged. She'll be giving them to Reg 3 for use in LDO etc.
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> They should also go into the archive that CharlesL is developing for us.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2006-0304/agendas.html#Region3Comm
<DaveG> Consent agenda has only minutes and info agenda...
<DaveG> Then officer reports, then special presentations...
<DaveG> the only one I know of is the Ethics Presentation by Hickman. ...
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> That's my understanding. Ralph Wyndrum will give a talk on membership survey, but that will be at the Sat. lunch.
<DaveG> OK, there is the small possibility of a RAB presentation to be sent to all Region meetings.
<DaveG> Other Q/C on Special Presentations?
<DaveG> Next is action items which I guess will include the budget for 2006. Anything else?
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Do we want to out the discussion of the fall region meeting down as an action item...
<GeorgeM> since we will have alternatives to discuss about it - or would that be discussion?
<DaveG> It would seem that this would have to be a component of the discussion, I think Charles has some background information around this and the budget for presentation.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> TBD, I guess.
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> I am preparing a presentation that shows costs..
<Charles> for meetings for several years. The presentation...
<Charles> will offer alternatives for discussion.
<DaveG> It would seem that perhaps this background, then George's options, plus any tradeoffs would ...
<DaveG> be the discussion prior to getting to the budget vote. Does this make sense?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Yes it does. This gets us to 10c, I think, which is where I wanted to find out how the region supports area/council meetings not a part of the region meeting.
<DaveG> Tonights 10c ...
<DaveG> I'll list Charles and you on 6a action item regarding budget and fall meeting. ...
<DaveG> Any other action items ?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> OK, that moves us to discussion agenda where I will break out each initiative to a line item. ...
<DaveG> GA George
<GeorgeM> Not action,. but query - how long is the ethics presentation?
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Probably 30 minutes.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> So we have several 9 region 3 initiatives to discuss, I assume BillR will set stage and ...
<DaveG> then "owner" will start discussion hopefully with some progress since January.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillR> (yes)
<DaveG> Other Discussion Items?
<DaveG> OK, time permitting we will do the information agenda...
<DaveG> then old business then new business. then next meeting and wrap up. ...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Q
<ChasLT> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Do we have a time to finish by? Is it 11 am, or noon?
<DaveG> I think it is noon. GA ChasLT
<ChasLT> I have a presentation that I would like to give on communications - a review of what resources we have and some tips on using...
<ChasLT> and not abusing some of them. It is a good segue into the person-person thrust of the weekend...
<ChasLT> I would like George and BillR to think about when the best time to put this in...
<ChasLT> it should be heard by all, not the few that come before dinner on Friday.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> (GeorgeM -> Alan's schedule shows we can go till noon although we usually suffer from some members having to leave as the morning goes on)
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Is it too late to do harlesL's pitch after the Sat. nite dinner?
<ChasLT> c
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> GA ChasLT
<ChasLT> if you do I predict no more than 20% would particpate
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> ChasLT -> how long would this presentation be?
<ChasLT> up to an hour - can be shortened if necesary. Content can be worked out ahead of time with George and Bill
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I was thinking, then, after CharlesH's ethics talk. On Sat. afternoon.
<ChasLT> (sounds good to me)
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> What should title be?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<ChasLT> C
<DaveG> GA ChasLT
<ChasLT> let me think a few and will come back with this
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Other Q/C?
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> that moves us to 10c. George -> do you want to start this off?
<GeorgeM> Yes...
<GeorgeM> We have had area/council meetings which sometimes requested funds from R3. Other times, maybe not. Is there a policy we can use...
<GeorgeM> to figure the R3 cost in the fall meeting is really separate area/council meetings, with R3 officers present?
<GeorgeM> "if the fall meeting"
<DaveG> Q/C?
<ChasLT> c
<DaveG> ga ChasLT
<ChasLT> well I think I am only A/C chair here tonight so I have to be careful speaking for my 8 colleagues...
<ChasLT> but my concept, for NCC, is that we have a meeting at our cost, with minimal support from R3...
<ChasLT> mostly to support participation by R3 folks, any extra activities or mtg time beyond a normal council meeting (typically half day)...
<ChasLT> the question I would have is how we combine the results of the 9 mtgs, whether they culminate in an excom face-face, econf, or <?>...
<ChasLT> other issue I throw into the discussion is training. Both Adeeb and I have toyed with idea of concentrating on training at fall meeting (LD and PACE).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Good concerns - we will have to factor them into the Memphis discussion of alternatives.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> We may also consider getting the Section MD Chairs together.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Q
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> I believe that the key to our discussion regarding alternative...
<BillR> meeting models centers on dividing the meetings into smaller groupings that can utilize smaller hotels, with less travel expense and meal costs and still achieve...
<BillR> the advantages of face to face. Also increased use of the e-conferencing and other electronic communications capabilities...
<BillR> This will hopefully change the trend of increased major hotel costs ...especially for meeting space and food.
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> For years we have done PACE training. Given the current state of R3 decline, we may want to do some face to face MD training.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Perhaps this is a good place to try the new remote meeting capability, demonstrated last year with LDO.
<DaveG> I think George means "Internet Conferencing". Q/C?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> Are we doing PACE training this year ?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<ChasLT> c
<DaveG> GA ChasLT
<ChasLT> yeah, that was in St Louis 2 weeks ago
<DaveG> We did not do training last year.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> (as R3 again because of closeness of IEEE-USA event and R3 Region meeting).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> We need to be aware that we need to spend...
<Charles> IEEE-USA allocation or lose money in subsequent years.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> I would suggest proponents of various alternatives come with budgets for those alternatives ...
<DaveG> or work with the Treasurer so that there will be sufficient information to move to ...
<DaveG> a decision. Charles -> would you want this information prior to R3 FinCom meeting?
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Sounds like a great idea.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> That concludes our discussion agenda. ...
<DaveG> Any new business?
<DaveG> George, I would note that you plan to have the next ExCom be an e-conf on 22 May at 9-11 EDST, with reports due by 17 May. Would you please make any ...
<DaveG> closing comments and adjourn the ExCom?
<GeorgeM> Yes - the discussion tonight was helpful in getting ready for the Memphis meeting...
<GeorgeM> thanks to you all for participating. See you in Memphis.
<DaveG> Good night!