<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to third meeting of the 2006 ExCom ...
<DaveG> under the leadership of Director McClure. ...
<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...
<DaveG> facilitator...
<DaveG> Our agenda is at https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2006-05/agendas.html ...
<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have everyone say their name ...
<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...
<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECSC
<BobD> Bob Duggan, Flat World initiative
<don> Don Hill, Conference Comm
<GeorgeM> George McClure, director
<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer
<BillH> Bill Harrison, Past Director
<BillR> Bill Ratcliff Director/Elect
<Lee> Lee Stogner, Membership Committee Chair
<DickR> Dick Riddle SPC Chair
<JohnP> John Parr, Area 8 Chair
<dbower> David Bower, R3 Public Information Officer
<Robbie> Wilfred A. Roberts, Jamaica Section Chair
<JimB> Southcon Director
<DaveG> Hi MaryEllen, please introduce yourself (name and position)
<DaveG> Hi CJLmIRC , please introduce yourself (name and position)
<CJLmIRC> Charles Lord, Leadership Development, NC Council, et al
<MaryEllen> Mary Ellen Randall - Awards & Recognition Chair and Region 3 WIE Rep
<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...
<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...
<DaveG> Director McClure, I would would observe we have a quorum...
<Roy> Roy Harris Special Review Cmte
<DaveG> would you like to make any opening comments before we go over the agenda? GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Just to thank all for taking time from their busy scheduyles to make the e-conference successful!
<DaveG> Thanks GeorgeM ...
<DaveG> Hi EricA (please introduce yourself, name and position)
<EricA> Eric S. Ackerman - R3 SAC - Web Master - Robot Builder
<DaveG> The consent agenda has one item: ...
<DaveG> 3a. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,
<DaveG> Agenda ...
<DaveG> Any objection to approving the consent agenda? ...
<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...
<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...
<DaveG> There are two items on the action agenda (minutes approval and Strategic Plan), and a discussion agenda ...
<DaveG> consisting of several items. Are there additions or changes to the agenda? Q/C?
<Charles> q
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Does Eric wish to present a change in student per diem?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<EricA> Yes
<DaveG> We will add that as action item 9c. Q/C?
<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have an agenda. Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none, we have an agenda and have approved the consent agenda...
<DaveG> Now to officer reports...
<DaveG> Director's Report -- GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> My report, sent in earlier today, matches the discussion agenda. It can be referred to as we go there.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Director-Elect Report -- GA BillR
<BillR> Nothing much additional other than to urge we support the Initiative Champions.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Secretary's report -- nothing beyond supplied report. Q/C?
<DaveG> Treasurer's Report -> GA Charles
<Charles> Report submitted.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Past Director's Report -> GA BillH
<BillH> I regret not being able to attend SECon and the Region 3 Meeting in Memphis.
<DaveG> We missed you. Q/C?
<DaveG> Now to action agenda...
<DaveG> Item 9a. ExCom to approve minutes of its January meeting. ...
<DaveG> these were distributed earlier but changed a bit with feedback from members...
<DaveG> we did not approve them last e-conference due to lack of quorum. Any Q/C?
<DaveG> Everyone ready to vote?
<DaveG> Y to approve, N to not approve. Vote now please.
<BobD> y
<BillR> y
<BillH> y
<EricA> y
<MaryEllen> y
<JimB> y
<Charles> y
<JohnP> y
<GeorgeM> y
<Lee> y
<don> y
<dbower> y
<DaveG> Motion carries. ...
<DaveG> The ExCom to approve the adoption of the Region 3 Strategic Plan 2006+ as proposed by the Region 3 SPC. ,,,
<DaveG> DickR would you like to introduce this motion from SPC? GA DickR
<DickR> Well OK ...
<DickR> the SPC has devweloped the SP2006+... and requests the ExCom approveal of ...
<DaveG> (https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2006-05/sp2006-master.pdf)
<DickR> the plan.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Everyone ready to vote?
<DaveG> Y to approve, N to not approve. Vote now please.
<BobD> y
<Charles> y
<BillR> y
<EricA> y
<DickR> y
<MaryEllen> y
<dbower> y
<BillH> y
<JohnP> y
<don> y
<JimB> y
<GeorgeM> Y
<Lee> y
<DaveG> Motion carries... Thanks to DickR and everyone for their efforts...
<DaveG> now to convert to actions. ...
<DaveG> We move now to our discussion agenda...
<DaveG> Item 10a. Fall Region Meeting which will be 27-29 October in Atlanta. GeorgeM would you like to add some additional comments?
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> As noted in my report, the planning includes training on Saturday am, if the committee chairs agree to forego committee meetings then...
<GeorgeM> All have agreed (excet that Fincom may have its usual 7 am meeting)..
<DaveG> Q/C? (I missed item 9c, we will come back to it at the end of this item).
<GeorgeM> There can be leadership as well qs PACE training, details TBD. The venue will be the Georgia Power Corp. facility in downtown Atlanta. Meale will be catered in.
<DaveG> (sorry for typing early GeorgeM )
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK, more information to be distributed later...
<DaveG> the other thing I have heard is that hotel rooms are going to be reserved "early" when...
<DaveG> the announcement comes out given other events in the area so please make reservations ...
<DaveG> promptly when the notification comes out. Q/C?
<DaveG> OK, returning to item 9c. Eric -> you have a motion?
<EricA> Yes - After speaking to Charles I am asking to Change the per diem rate to $35.00
<MaryEllen> q
<Charles> c
<DaveG> Is there a second?
<Charles> second
<DaveG> GA MaryEllen
<MaryEllen> what is it now?
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> We paid the $37.50 because that was the amount...
<Charles> distributed to counselors and student chairs.
<DaveG> Eric -> I assume modifying your motion to $37.50 is a friendly amendment?
<EricA> sorry - I mistyped the new rate.
<EricA> Yes
<DaveG> Thanks. Other Q/C?
<DaveG> Everyone ready to vote?
<DaveG> Y to approve, N to not approve. Vote now please.
<GeorgeM> y
<BobD> y
<EricA> y
<Charles> y
<BillH> y
<JimB> y
<BillR> y
<DickR> y
<MaryEllen> y
<JohnP> y
<Lee> y
<don> y
<dbower> y
<DaveG> Motion carries.
<EricA> Thank you!
<DickR> c
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> What is the total $ impact estimate?
<DaveG> GA Charles
<DaveG> I am guessing around $200.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Charles> Each branch gets an increase of $6.25...
<Charles> for three participants; sometimes four...
<Charles> About 20+ Branches; probably 300-400 addition.
<DickR> 10-4 thanks.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK back to discussion agenda...
<DaveG> 10b. Awards and Recognition -- GA MaryEllen
<MaryEllen> we had very little interest in the RAB Awards.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Next item... Supporting Quarterly Web-based Newsletters ...
<JimB> c
<DaveG> GA JimB
<JimB> that didn't seem like a call to action on awards
<MaryEllen> c
<DaveG> GA MaryEllen
<MaryEllen> thanks for the input.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> See also the last item in my report, on A&R - Mary Ellen will have time at each of our face to face...
<GeorgeM> meetings to pass the word and deadlines for submittals of nominations.
<DaveG> Thanks GeorgeM, JimB, MaryEllen ...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Next item... Supporting Quarterly Web-based Newsletters ...
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GeorgeM: would you like to start this item? I know that Quang also submitted a report on this item. GA GeorgeM
<MaryEllen> c
<GeorgeM> Yes, Quang says he will put the second newsletter to bed this weekend...
<GeorgeM> schedule is crucial if the material is to be considered timely...
<EricA> c
<GeorgeM> we have a problem with getting all inputs in on time, so there are two choices - cut it off and go, or wait for input...
<GeorgeM> waiting is not feasible, so an alternative would be to add content between publication dates, but we don;t know if that camn be done. Bottom line: ...
<GeorgeM> PLEASE get inputs in on time.
<DaveG> GA MaryEllen
<MaryEllen> Doing the newsletter is a huge commitment on Quang's part. . .
<MaryEllen> when articles trickle in at different times, it takes even longer to generate . . .
<MaryEllen> so I agree we should hold the deadlines.
<DaveG> GA EricA
<EricA> I can post the material as a PDF and then if you like get all of the R3 email addresses from SAMIEE and let all of the members know about our website and the posted newsletter. I would draft the email first and then you can approve before sending.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> That's an excellent idea, Eric!
<DaveG> c
<BillR> GA Dave
<DaveG> We need to use eNotice for distribution. It is the approved approach and reflects ...
<DaveG> opt-out requests of our membership.
<EricA> okay - will do!
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Are we recycling the articles submitted for the April Newsletter where applicable?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> My understanding is that the articles Quang has now are those from April. He has not asked for a new round before this weekend, so I think your assumption ias correct.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Then he has some of the Articles he indicated were missing in his report this afternoon so I would ask that...
<BillR> Quang examine the list of Articles and send any corrections out as quickly as he can to solicit any additional needed ...
<BillR> and then hold to the cutoff.
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<DaveG> (CGI344 - please introduce yourself and give position)
<CGI344> Devon Gayle...
<GeorgeM> Suggest that authors of articles thought missing - but were not - resubmit them. I will ask Allan about the Southeastcon report.
<CGI344> Area 9 Chair
<DaveG> Hi Devon, welcome
<DaveG> Q?C?
<DaveG> Moving to item 10d. R3 Initiatives...
<CGI344> Good Evening all
<DaveG> BillR would you like to make any opening comments on this item? We can then ask for ...
<DaveG> comments/questions on each one if you like. GA BillR
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Thanks Dave...
<BillR> Everyone is busy very busy these days so if we are to accomplish the Initiatives in 2006-2007 we will definitely need to support each other's effort. Dave has set up a project management space for our use.
<DaveG> We will walk through each now and collect status or questions for follow-up ...
<DaveG> HELP DESK -- Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Bill Marshall has been working 60+ hour weeks, so has asked for an extension on the schedule for the HelpDesk.
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Thanks George...
<BillR> that brings up a point regarding the duration of these Initiatives...
<BillR> even though we have targetd 2006-2007 for the ...
<BillR> envelop of the Initiatives we still need to make steady progress and especially help each other plusthe Champions do not need to feel that they are alone and should ask for our help when needed.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Membership -- Lee was e-conferencing in remotely has left but I am sure he will see the log...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Hi PatD (please introduce yourself with name and position)
<PatD> Pat Donohoe (Educational Activities Chair)
<DaveG> Welcome
<DaveG> next initiative, Awards -- GA MaryEllen
<MaryEllen> It appears that there is an IEEE initiative on the Awards process, including some automation of the process.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillR> Q
<MaryEllen> IT just came to my attention and I haven't had a chance to check out what is planned there yet.
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Mary Ellen are you plugged into that project?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<MaryEllen> Not yet, but I plan to.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Knowledge capture -- GA CJLmIRC
<CJLmIRC> We have not been making the progress that I would have liked so far...
<CJLmIRC> much of what still holds us up is a ruling from HQ as to the legal requirements for what needs to be kept and in what format(s)...
<CJLmIRC> We will have some answers (and actions) before the fall mtg, even if it means camping out on Hoes Ln for a week.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Is the delay ownign to the auditors, for Sarbanes-Oxley requirements?
<DaveG> Hi ChrisH (please introduce yourself name/position).
<ChrisH> Hello. Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair
<DaveG> (Welcome Chris)
<CJLmIRC> George, it may be their latest excuse at HQ but the request was made before this was an issue.
<DaveG> ChrisH: Sarbanes-Oxley does not apply to Non-profits although they are trying to comply with the "intent".
<GeorgeM> c
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Whjo do we need to lean on at Hoes Lane?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<CJLmIRC> It would help to team with whoever the boards have appointed the 'champion' of the SC05 initiative...
<CJLmIRC> there are more than one entity that we need answers from...
<CJLmIRC> there are the legal issues, particularly with NY corporate law...
<CJLmIRC> there are financial issues, primarily from IRS requirements (and NY law)...
<CJLmIRC> and there are the legal requirements by however Corp Legal interprets our bylaws and other governing docs...
<CJLmIRC> ask any one of these players and they point to the others.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> A can of worms - maybe we should get clarification on the earliest available RAB agenda.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Next item: Volunteers -- GA GeorgeM (or BillR)
<GeorgeM> We have an advisory committee to serve as a sounding board and offer suggestions ..
<GeorgeM> made up of the standing committee chairs. Have done a literature search for tools - posted today.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<CJLmIRC> Progress continues on the LDO project...
<CJLmIRC> Bill Ratcliff and I will be presenting workshops for the Eastern NC Section on July 11...
<CJLmIRC> followed by another workshop for the Lower Cape Fear Subsection on the 12th...
<CJLmIRC> (the LCFSS is one of our inert OUs on the endangered list)...
<CJLmIRC> if our use of an LDO workshop works to foster activity in Wilmington, we may take the show on the road to Tri-Cities next...
<CJLmIRC> We will also be rolling out the next phase this fall, where we start training trainers at the area, council, and section levels...
<CJLmIRC> This should be the first big step toward this program becoming self-sustaining...
<CJLmIRC> and being the key to this becoming 'The Way We Do Business'.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Referring to the past item (Knowledge capture), I would note that the SC2005 recommendation...
<DaveG> assignments are at https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/sc/2005/SC05_Recommendations.htm ...
<DaveG> and appear to assign the task to the IEEE Executive Director with a request for ...
<DaveG> guidelines and pilot by 4Q06. ...
<DaveG> GeorgeM may wish to volunteer the R3 initiative team to help on this (esp. pilot).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<CJLmIRC> George, I have not met our new ED. Perhaps you could make an intro and make the offer as Dave suggests?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Can do - Jeff Raynhes was not on board until Nov. 17, so this item may have eluded him. We can get it visibility and offer assistance.
<GeorgeM> Raynes
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> MOving onto TISP, GA Pat
<PatD> We had a good Teacher In-Service training session at SECON 06 ...
<PatD> The key now is to get the Sections that have trained volunteers to ...
<PatD> incorporate this precollege activity into their normal Section ...
<PatD> activities (on a year-to-year basis). We can continue to grow ...
<PatD> the program and get more Sections and volunteers involved.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> On to Flat World, (You may wish to hit refresh on agenda page so BobD's update link works) ... GA BobD
<BobD> My report was submitted 5/17. Nothing further.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> (And thanks for leading us all on getting reports in!)
<DaveG> New Income -- GA Charles
<Charles> Nothing written yet, but have received email...
<Charles> suggeastions. Also, coordinating with Conference...
<Charles> Committee. Right, Don?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<don> Conf Comm Report will be submitted in the next few days. 07 is advancing. 08 wants to finalize the hotel contract.
<don> Yes.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Will Quang have info on 07 by this weekend for the newsletter?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<don> c
<DaveG> GA don
<don> I can get the basics from my file or Adeeb.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> BillR, do you wish to make any wrap up comments on the initiatives?
<BillR> Just Keep moving forward and holler if you need help!
<DaveG> Thanks...
<DaveG> Any old business ? Q/C?
<DaveG> Any new business ? Q/C?
<DaveG> To make sure we cover everything but do it in the time remaining...
<DaveG> I am going to call on each person for any items. Please answer "N" if you have nothing else for the group tonight...
<DaveG> this is your chance to highlight something to the group if you feel it is needed. Q/C on process?
<DaveG> Roy -- anything?
<DaveG> GA Roy
<DaveG> Robbie -- anything?
<Robbie> N
<DaveG> PatD -- anything?
<PatD> Be sure and read my report regarding the Expert Now program. More to come later.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> MaryEllen: anything?
<MaryEllen> N
<DaveG> JohnP: anything?
<JohnP> n
<DaveG> JimB: anything?
<JimB> N
<DaveG> EricA: anything?
<EricA> no
<DaveG> don: anything?
<don> Nothing to add tonight.
<DaveG> DickR: anything?
<DickR> n
<DaveG> DGayle: anything?
<DaveG> GA DGayle
<DGayle> n
<DaveG> dbower: anything?
<dbower> y
<DaveG> GA dbower
<dbower> My report is posted.
<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?
<DaveG> CJLmIRC: anything?
<DaveG> ChrisH: anything?
<ChrisH> N
<DaveG> Charles: anything?
<Charles> N
<DaveG> BobD: anything?
<BobD> n
<DaveG> BillH: anything?
<BillH> n
<DaveG> BillR: anything?
<BillR> n
<DaveG> We will get to GeorgeM in a second...
<DaveG> the next meeting of the ExCom is scheduled as an E-Conf on 21 August 9pm Eastern with reports due 18 August. ...
<DaveG> GeorgeM, please make any comments you would like to and then adjourn the meeting. GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> We had a productive session - with some issues clarified and some actions to pursue. Thanks to you all for...
<GeorgeM> your participation. Looking forward to the Aug. 21 e-conference.
<DaveG> Thanks GeorgeM . Good night everyone! We are adjourned.