Lead Organization
Ad Hoc project Team
To improve the methods and capabilities used to develop, grow and encourage volunteers and volunteerism in Region 3
George McClure, Chair
Bill Ratcliff
Major Activities / Milestones
- Assign Team: 29 January 2006.
- Initial Plan / Milestones:
- Collect suggestions for process.
- Describe the objectives, enlist volunteers to ad hoc committee to work the problem.
- Survey tools available—books on the topic,etc
- Solicit 2-3 sections as testbeds to apply the suggested tips
- Collect feedback from those sections.
- Distill into “Section Best Practices” chapter on Volunteerism
- Phased Implementation throughout 2006 and 2007
Objectives, Actions and Deliverables:
- Enhance R3 Succession Planning Process for Volunteers and improve
involvement of Sections
- Structure job to fit volunteers’ time
- Express appreciation for job completion, encourage trying another one
- Provide mentoring, section-level training
- Making it a pleasant experience encourages repeat performances
- Provide an “Elevator speech” for use at meetings
- Introduce other section/chapter members – reach out – make them feel
- Have job descriptions to be filled
- Contact through meeting sign-in sheets
- Personal contact – face-to-face contacts and phone calls best
- Increase awareness of existing recruiting capabilities like the
Volunteer Toolkit