IEEE Region 3 ExCom E-Conf - 16 October 2006

<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to ExCom e-conf before the second Region meeting of the 2006 ...

<DaveG> under the leadership of Director McClure. ...

<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...

<DaveG> facilitator. This is an formal meeting (one night). ...

<DaveG> Our agenda is at ...

<DaveG> It has just been updated a few mins ago so you might want to hit refresh.

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have eveyone say their name ...

<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...

<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...

<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECSC

<PatD> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activities Chair

<BillC> Bill Clayton, Communications Chair

<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer

<SeanH> Sean Haynes, SEC07 Co-Chair

<ChasL> Charles Lord, LD/LDO/KM/NCC/etc

<GeorgeM> George McClure, director R3

<DickR> Dick Riddle SPC Chair

<BobD> Bob Duggan, Flat World honcho

<Lee> Lee Stogner, MD Chair and R3 Sales

<BillR> Bill Ratcliff, Director-Elect

<don> Don Hill, Conf Comm

<BillH> Bill Harrison, Past Director

<Roy> Roy Harris, Special Rev Cmte Chair

<Robbie> Wilfred A. Roberts, Jamaica Section Chair

<JimB> Jim Beall southcon Director

<DaveG> Welcome All...

<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...

<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...

<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...

<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...

<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...

<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...

<DaveG> The consent agenda has one item: ...

<DaveG> 3a. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information ,,,

<DaveG> Agenda ...

<DaveG> ny objection to approving them on the consent agenda? ...

<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?

<DaveG> (ny -> any)

<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...

<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...

<DaveG> GeorgeM: Would you like to make welcoming comments before we work on the agenda? GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Again, thanks to all for participating in the midst of your busy schedule. We should be able to keep this brief.

<DaveG> Thanks...

<DaveG> There are two action items. ...

<DaveG> Both from SPC related to proposed changes to Region structure...

<DaveG> There are two discussion items on the agenda ...

<DaveG> Any additions or changes to the agenda? Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none...

<DaveG> Any objection to approving the agenda as it is on the web (and approving the consent agenda) ? Q/C?

<DaveG> Hearing none, we have an agenda...

<DaveG> Item 4> Director report. GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> It stands as submitted. Our biggest problems are membership recruiting and providing value to members through...

<GeorgeM> our programs. There is more there that most realize, so the Region meeting can be a place to reinforce the messages.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Thanks George. 5. Director-Elect Report -> GA BillR

<BillR> I would hope ...

<BillR> that we get additional responses to the questions that the A/C chairs...

<BillR> sent to the sections. Other than that it looks like a good meeting in Atlanta.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Thanks BillR. 6. Secretary's Report...

<DaveG> Report submitted, just to highlight an experiment being conducted with Comm Comm help...

<DaveG> A Region 3 Volunteer Blog test has been established. If you have content

<DaveG> that should be considered for this blog, please send it to me. The blog

<DaveG> is at and one can subscribe to an RSS feed

<DaveG> to it.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> Q

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> How does the blog intent differ from the Region 3 Forum (online community)?

<DaveG> I'll let others have their spin on this but I would say it is easier to read and does not ...

<DaveG> require one to join the community first. The blog is closer to broadcast and the community is ...

<DaveG> closer to collaboration. We probably need both. Q/C?

<BillC> c

<DaveG> GA BillC

<BillC> That is right. The blog is visible to the entire Internet ...

<BillC> which is both its strength and weaknesss.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<GeorgeM> C

<DaveG> (Thanks BillC)

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Could be useful in attracting non-members. The Forum has remained mostly hidden, with fewer than 60 signed up at last count.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> We should keep in mind as BillC and Dave said that we need a tool kit and not just a single approach orr application. Also this is an experiment to see how well it attracts ...

<BillR> a variety of member and non members alike. We can and will learn something from this.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Item 7. Treasurer's Report --> GA Charles

<Charles> Report submitted.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK...

<DaveG> We now move to action agenda...

<DaveG> oops...

<DaveG> Past Director's Report -> GA BillH

<BillH> Nothing more to report.

<DaveG> <G> Thanks... Q/C for BillH?

<DaveG> Now to action agenda..

<DaveG> First item is item 9a...

<DaveG> Endorsement of proposed changes to Region Commitee ... DickR would you like to introduce? GA DickR

<DickR> OK

<DickR> As you know the SPC has made a proposal to resturcture the R3 Committee and ExCom...

<DickR> the ExCom was sent the restructure on Oct 1 we are asking for ... your endorsement ...

<DickR> for the propose structure....

<ChasL> Q

<DickR> if you have questions please my report at URL

<DaveG> I have just refreshed the item -- some stuff had been chopped off..

<DaveG> thanks JimB for noting. ...

<DaveG> GA ChasL

<ChasL> My question was why the report was chopped - never mind <G>

<DaveG> <G>...

<DaveG> well the more official answer after having just looked again and reposted again is that...

<DaveG> there was a character that terminated the upload in the file. Now deleted and it should be ...

<DaveG> readable. All Refresh <G>.

<DaveG> Hi Mary, please introduce yourself and give position.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillC> q

<Mary> Mary Ellen Randall - Awards and Recognition Chair

<DaveG> Welcome...

<DaveG> GA BillC

<BillC> Where does the Archive and Knowlege management fit ...

<BillC> I might have missed it in my quick scan, but I can't find it.

<ChasL> c

<DaveG> It is in item 12. GA ChasL

<BillC> (never mind I just found it)

<ChasL> As Dave said, it got moved under LD and seciton support, as that is its main purpose in new structure

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> I believe this, if approved by the ExCom, will come to the Region committee for action next Spring then go to RAB as it involves Bylaw changes. Q/C?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> All those in favor of ExCom endorsing the motion, please say Y, opposed N, abstain A.

<ChasL> Y!

<BillC> y

<BobD> y

<don> y

<Charles> y

<DickR> Y

<JimB> q

<PatD> y

<BillH> y

<BillR> y

<Robbie> y

<JimB> n

<DaveG> GA JimB

<JimB> Under ExCom #3 Conf Cmt it lists Scon Sr Dir & Scon Jr Dir...

<JimB> In my mind the past present and future SECon Chair need to be part of the cmt

<DickR> c

<DaveG> Thanks. GA DickR

<DickR> I don't have a problem with adding them do you Roy?

<Roy> They are part of the committee, but are not sub-committees.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<SeanH> C

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<Lee> y

<SeanH> I agree with Jim Beall. Could this be added as a friendly amendment?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Roy> c

<DaveG> Am I to understand that the ...

<DaveG> committee would officially have ...

<DaveG> immediate past, present, and all named future chairs of Southeastcon?

<DaveG> GA Roy

<SeanH> C

<Roy> That was my question and what is the proposed amendment?

<DaveG> GA SeanH

<SeanH> I was thinking it would be the immediate past, present, and immediate future (for a total of 3) SEC Chairs.

<JimB> c

<DaveG> GA JimB

<JimB> I agree with Sean. Thes chairs are really more valuable than Southcon

<DaveG> DickR -> do you want to propose to the group a modification for reconsideration or would like to ...

<DaveG> come back to this in a little while ?

<DaveG> GA DickR

<Roy> c

<DaveG> GA Roy

<Roy> I agree with Jim that these are important and have no objetions to adding them.

<DaveG> So the proposal is modify things to add 3 additional members to the committee -- correct?

<SeanH> Y

<JimB> y

<BillR> Q

<DaveG> (to the Conference Committee). GA BillR

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> You answered my question Dave.<G>

<DaveG> <G> OK...

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> Don is SoutheastCon now a part of you Conf Comm?

<don> c

<DaveG> GA don

<don> Yes, but the more the merrier.

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> If SoutheastCon is now a part of the Conf

<DickR> Comm why are we adding it?

<JimB> c

<DaveG> I think folks are treating it as a completeness item...

<DaveG> both of the Southcon Chairs are already on committee also. GA JimB

<JimB> As sent out the proposal to make changes did not have the SEC Chairs shown...

<JimB> I felt that they specifically needed to be listed.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> If Roy agrees I don't have a problem with adding the ...

<DickR> SoutheastCon Chiars as Sean H has said. Roy?

<Roy> I agree.

<BillR> Q

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> Are there any other functions that currently exist that are missing or have not been combined?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Roy> c

<DaveG> GA Roy

<Roy> To my knowledge, all ad hoc comtes were taken care of in the list.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK, as I understand things, everyone is in favor of switching out the prior action for a new action ...

<DaveG> that endorses the excom/region committee changes as published but with the addition of ...

<DaveG> three more folks on the Conference committee specifically named. Q/C?

<DaveG> All those in favor of ExCom endorsing the motion, please say Y, opposed N, abstain

<DaveG> A

<JimB> y

<DickR> Y

<BillC> y

<PatD> y

<don> y

<SeanH> y

<BobD> y

<BillH> y

<Charles> a

<GeorgeM> Y

<Robbie> y

<BillR> y

<DaveG> Motion carries.

<DaveG> Item 9b. Small modification to Region 3 Finance Committee membership but which has to ...

<Lee> y

<DaveG> modify the bylaws to pull any mention membership out and then put all info about membership ...

<DaveG> into the Operations manual. DickR -> would you like to introduce this motion ? GA DickR

<DickR> Ok

<DickR> as you know at the last ExCom meeting we approved...

<DickR> adding two members to the Finance Committe in proincipal...

<DickR> the proposed word changes the Bylaws and Ops Man were sent to the ...

<DickR> ExCom on Oct 3. We ask for you endorsement.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Hi HaldenM (please introduce yourself and give position)

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Are we ready to vote? Q/C?

<HaldenM> Halden Morris, PACE Chair Jamaica, Pardon my lateness

<DaveG> Welcome ...

<DaveG> All those in favor of ExCom endorsing the motion, please say Y, opposed N, abstain A

<JimB> y

<Charles> y

<BillC> y

<DickR> Y

<ChasL> y

<GeorgeM> Y

<BillH> y

<SeanH> y

<don> y

<BillR> y

<BobD> y

<DaveG> Motion carries.

<DaveG> OK, we move to discussion agenda...

<DaveG> Review of meetings at Region Meeting ...

<JimB> Refreshed up and down the pike Never got the last part even cleared the agnda...

<DaveG> Basic plan is at ...

<JimB> out but still no excom part. I had most of it in my mind.

<DaveG> (sorry for the confusion JimB)

<DaveG> BillR would you like to make some comments about the meeting?

<DaveG> GA BilLR

<BillR> Sure...

<BillR> The intent as we briefly discussed last time is to spend focused time ...

<BillR> on 3 Initiatives Help Desk, Membership and Leadership during this brief face to face time...

<BillR> That is not to say ignoting the other because time is allocated for those discussions also...

<BillR> The training on Friday, the Plenary Session on Friday evening , the Focused discussions and ...

<BillR> the time Saturday is intended to dovetail to allow the Sections to take back not only facts but plans of action.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<Mary> c

<DaveG> GA Mary

<Mary> Is there any problem bringing information to hand out - on another topic?

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillR> c

<DaveG> GA BillR

<BillR> Mary... you and others are encouraged to bring items forth and there will be time on Saturday evening as well as "networking"

<DaveG> Q/C?

<BillR> opportunities as always.

<DaveG> Thanks BillR. Q/C?

<ChasL> c

<DaveG> GA ChasL

<ChasL> I will say this again later, but want to make sure everyone knows that on Friday...

<ChasL> even though we start at 10AM and need people there if possible...

<ChasL> if they can get there at noon, or 2PM, etc they are encouraged to come join us in progress. The more the sooner the merrier!

<DaveG> Q?C?

<DaveG> OK, let's look at the Region 3 Committee meeting agenda...

<DaveG> We presently have no Action items and discussion items from the commmittee reports.

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DickR> c

<DaveG> GA DickR

<DickR> Now that the ExCom has endorsed the SPC proposal I may want to....

<DickR> add them to the discussion agenda.

<DaveG> OK. let GeorgeM and I know. I don't see a problem adding it if you like. Q/C?

<DickR> 10-4

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> OK. let's take the same approach we did last meeting and do a round-table. I'll call ...

<DaveG> on each attendee and if you have comments, say them, if not say "N" and we will move on...

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> BillC?

<BillC> N

<DaveG> ChasL?

<ChasL> n

<DaveG> BillH?

<DaveG> BilLR?

<devong> n

<DaveG> (devong, please introduce yourself and give position)

<HaldenM> n

<DaveG> BobD?

<BillH> n

<Robbie> n

<BobD> n

<DaveG> Charles?

<Charles> N

<DaveG> devong?

<BillR> n<G>

<devong> Devon Gayle, Area 9 Chair

<DaveG> DickR?

<DickR> N

<DaveG> (Thanks Devon)

<DaveG> don?

<don> n

<DaveG> HaldenM?

<DaveG> JimB?

<JimB> n

<DaveG> Lee?

<HaldenM> h

<DaveG> Lee?

<DaveG> We will try lee again in a min

<DaveG> ...

<DaveG> Mary?

<Mary> RAB awards are due Oct 18th - in 2 days. Region 3 awards are due December 1st.

<DaveG> Thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> PatD?

<PatD> N

<DaveG> Robbie?

<Robbie> n

<DaveG> Roy?

<Roy> See you as soon after lunch as possible on Fri.

<DaveG> thanks. Q/C?

<DaveG> SeanH?

<SeanH> Just a quick comment to ask people to book hotel rooms for SEC07 at ...


<DaveG> GeorgeM, the next ExCom will be Dec 11 9-11p Eastern. Please make any closing comments you have (I know you have had connection problems tonight)...

<DaveG> GA GeorgeM

<GeorgeM> Sorry - got bounced several times. Thanks again for all the participation. Looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

<DaveG> Q/C?

<DaveG> Thanks everyone. Have a good evening and safe trip over to ATL. We are adjourned.

<BobD> Goodnight, all!