<DaveG> Hi, Welcome to January meeting of the 2007 ExCom ...
<DaveG> under the leadership of Director McClure. ...
<DaveG> At his request, I am serving as your meeting ...
<DaveG> facilitator. This is a formal meeting (one night). ...
<DaveG> Our agenda is at https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2007-01/agendas.html ...
<DaveG> We will have both a log (except for any ...
<DaveG> executive session) and minutes. ...
<DaveG> On our meeting page: ...
<DaveG> https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2007-01/agendas.html ...
<DaveG> we have the procedures that we will use for voting, ...
<DaveG> executive sessions, ...
<DaveG> and the roster above the agenda has an asterisk for each voting ...
<DaveG> member. ...
<DaveG> We will complete our agenda tonight...
<DaveG> What I would like to do first is have everyone say their name ...
<DaveG> into the channel. That way we will have a log of names versus nicknames...
<DaveG> (You don't have to wait your turn for this but just do it. Now) ...
<DaveG> Dave Green, Secretary / ECSC
<BillC> Bill Clayton, R3 Comms Chair, Virginia Council Chair
<GeorgeM> George McClure, Director
<BillH> Bill Harrison, Past Director
<PatD> Pat Donohoe, Educational Activities Chair
<Robbie> Wilfred A. Roberts Jamaica Section Chair.
<Charles> Charles Hickman, Treasurer
<BobD> Bob Duggan, Flat World honcho
<BillR> Bill Ratcliff R3 Director Elect
<SeanH> Sean Haynes, SoutheastCon 2007 Co-Chair
<ChasL> Charles Lord, Leadership Development/LDO/NC Council
<devong> Devon Gayle, area 9 Chair
<Roy> Roy Harris Spec Review Cmte Chair
<DickR> Dick Riddle, SPC Chair
<JoeyD> Joey Duvall, GOLD / Florida Council Chair (acting)
<BillL> Bill LaBelle, R3 Newsletter (tentative)
<EricA> Eric Ackerman - SAC - Broward Chair - SEC05
<Lee> Lee Stogner, Membership Sales
<DaveG> Welcome all...
<DaveG> We will use our protocol of asking for recognition to ...
<DaveG> speak by sending "C" for comment or "Q" for question into ...
<DaveG> channel and I will recognize you. Note the use of the "..." ...
<DaveG> to imply that my thought continues on the next line. ...
<DaveG> You end a line with a "." or "?" when done and the facilitator ...
<DaveG> will resume 'control'. ...
<DaveG> The consent agenda has one item: ...
<DaveG> 3a. The ExCom to receive the reports listed in the Information Agenda ...
<DaveG> 3b. ExCom to endorse the 2007 Region 3 ExCom Committee as noted in the ...
<DaveG> present roster. ...
<DaveG> 3c. Region 3 ExCom receive results of e-mail Region vote on ...
<DaveG> modifications to the Region 3 Bylaws and Operation Manual which was ...
<DaveG> completed 31 December 2006. ...
<DaveG> 3d. Region 3 ExCom receive results of e-mail Region vote on ...
<DaveG> modifications to the Region 3 Bylaws and Operation Manual which was ...
<DaveG> completed 31 December 2006. ...
<DaveG> 3e. Region 3 ExCom to approve the minutes of its 11 December 2006 e-conference.
<DaveG> (closer to 5 items than 1 -- sorry)...
<DaveG> Welcome JohnP , please introduce yourself and give position.
<DaveG> Any objection to approving the consent agenda? ...
<DaveG> (Any objection will move them to the action agenda). Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing no objections, we will consider the consent agenda as approved...
<DaveG> when the agenda is adopted. ...
<DaveG> Hi ChrisH...
<DaveG> please introduce yourself and give position.
<ChrisH> Hi Everyone. Chris Hardy, Area 3 Chair.
<DaveG> Welcome...
<DaveG> There are two action items. ...
<DaveG> 9a. ExCom endorse a Bylaw change modifying the notification requirements
<DaveG> of upcoming ByLaw votes from 60 to 20 days. ...
<DaveG> 9b. ExCom to recommend slate of candidates to Region 3 Committee. (May
<DaveG> be held in Executive Session) ...
<DaveG> There are no discussion items on the agenda at this time. ...
<DaveG> The information agenda contains the reports that have been submitted. ...
<DaveG> Does anyone have any changes or additions to the agenda? Q/C?
<Charles> q
<DaveG> Welcome dbower -- please introduce yourself and give position.
<GeorgeM> C
<dbower> Hi
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Pass 2007 budget?
<dbower> David Bower, R3 Public Information Officer
<DaveG> We will make the budget item 9c
<PatD> Q
<DaveG> Welcome JohnP , please introduce yourself and give position.
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Add discussion item on travel reimbursement policy
<JohnP> John Parr, Area 8 Chair. "I'm back."
<DaveG> Welcome JohnP...
<DaveG> OK GeorgeM -- item 10a ...
<DaveG> GA PatD
<PatD> Will we approve the Employer Professional Dev. Award recommendation
<DaveG> We can make that 9d
<DaveG> Other items?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK, we have two additional action items and 1 discussion items, anything else?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> If there are no objections, we will assume we have adopted an agenda. Q/C?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none, we have an agenda...
<DaveG> GeorgeM, please give any opening remarks and comments from your directors report to the group. GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Welcome to all, and thank you for taking your personal time to attend to the Region's business.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> My report covers annual reports, mostly.
<DaveG> (sorry GeorgeM). Q/C for GeorgeM ?
<DaveG> Director-Elect's report -> GA BillR
<BillR> Just a few additions...
<BillR> I not have received input from all of the Initiative Managers...
<BillR> Bob Duggan ...The Flat World Initiative continues to be active and very communicative... Thanks Bob.
<BillR> Between now and mid February I will publish the combined Project Plans before I am totally distracted by the February Board Series.<G>
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> I suggest the Initiative Managers be listed as ad hoc committees under the ExCom.
<BobD> Committee chairs, that is.
<DaveG> c
<BillR> GA Dave
<DaveG> They are listed in the information agenda.
<DaveG> (ahead of committees).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillC> q
<DaveG> GA BillC
<BillC> Shouldn't they be listed on https://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2007-01/roster2007.html
<BillC> ?
<DaveG> GeorgeM -> GA
<DaveG> (shall we add to discussion or cover now?)
<GeorgeM> Add to discussion.
<DaveG> OK 10b
<BillR> (discussion agenda)
<DaveG> Other Q/C for BillR?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> I must leave for a few minutes but will return.
<DaveG> OK.
<DaveG> Secretary's report: filed. Still accepting reports although would greatly appreciate them by announced deadline.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Treasurer's Report -> GA Charles
<Charles> Two reports submitted. No further info.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Past Director's Report -> GA BillH
<BillH> See Item 9b, when we get to it on the agenda.
<DaveG> 10-4.
<DaveG> Alright, we will move to action item agenda...
<DaveG> Item 9a, is a ByLaw change to reduce the time between notification and vote for ByLaws. DickR please introduce.
<DickR> On behalf of the SPC....
<DickR> I move that the ExCom endorse the change.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> 60 days made sense when communications was via horse back -- but today it is outmoded. 20 days makes more sense.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> BobD
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> It'll certainly help streamline our operations!
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> If no other comments, we will ask the voting members of the ExCom to vote Y to approve, ...
<DaveG> vote N to disapprove, or A to abstain. Vote now.
<ChasL> Y
<PatD> Y
<BillC> Y
<GeorgeM> Y
<Charles> Y
<BillH> Y
<DickR> Y
<ChrisH> Y
<devong> y
<Lee> y
<JoeyD> Y
<EricA> Y
<Robbie> y
<JohnP> y
<dbower> y
<DaveG> Motion carries.
<DickR> c
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> Thanks folks I'll be offline....
<DickR> for a couple of min I have to get this to the...
<DickR> Section Chairs we still are under the 50 day rule <G>.
<DaveG> 10-4.
<DaveG> Our next action item is to receive the N&A report and either accept their slate as the ...
<DaveG> the slate to send to the Region 3 Committee or add to it ...
<DaveG> If we chose to modify the slate or discuss those on the slate, we will need to ...
<DaveG> go to executive session. The executive session will be at the end of the meeting so ...
<DaveG> that those who are not able to participate can leave for the evening ...
<DaveG> Any question about process? Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Or question - as I read the bylaws, Excom can make additions form the floor, but the region committee cannot --...
<GeorgeM> is that correct?
<DaveG> That is my reading as well. The Region Committee can only choose to select a subset of the list sent to them.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK, I'll ask BillH to make the motion from N&A mentioning the three N&A recommend nominees and then we will see what is next. ...
<DaveG> GA BillH
<BillH> The N&A Committee moves approval of the recommended candidates for 2008-09 Delegate/Director-Elect: ...
<BillH> Eric Ackerman, Don Hill and Lee Stogner.
<EricA> Go DON!!!
<DaveG> I would note that who ever is elected for this position ...
<Lee> Go Eric !!!
<ChasL> <g>
<DaveG> will become the Delegate/Director for 2010-11. ...
<DaveG> Does anyone wish to add to the slate? (To do so requires that you already have obtained their willingness to serve). Q/C?
<DaveG> Hearing none, does anyone wish to discuss the candidates in Executive session? Q/C?
<DaveG> Then it would appear it is time to vote. Y/N/Abstain. Vote now.
<GeorgeM> Y
<BillC> Y
<Charles> y
<BillH> Y
<DickR> Y
<PatD> Y
<ChrisH> Y
<JohnP> y
<EricA> Y - well maybe - what the hell!
<JoeyD> Y
<devong> y
<dbower> y
<DaveG> Motion carries.
<Lee> I like all three - Y
<DaveG> Item 9c. 2007 Budget. GA Charles
<Charles> The Region 3 Finance Committee recommends...
<Charles> approval of the proposed 2007 budget submitted..
<Charles> on 18 January 2007.
<DaveG> (Hi Don, please give name and position)
<DaveG> Q/C on budget?
<don> don hill, conference comm
<ChasL> q
<DaveG> GA ChasL
<ChasL> I know budget based on last few years' spending habits...
<ChasL> but LD/LDO has three requests for LD workshops outside of SoutheastCon...
<ChasL> (NC, FL, and VA). Any chance of a friendly admendment to restore LD or LDO funding?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Do you have a number?
<DaveG> Q
<BillR> GA Dave
<ChasL> last year budget was $3K I think. Proposed 07 is $350. can we restore to $3K and hope we don't spend that much?
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> The Finance Committee members are online...
<Charles> Any comments from them?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> 3 meetings at $800 wopuld be $2400; perhaps added to the $350 for materials, etc. - comes close to $3K.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillH> C
<DaveG> GA BillH
<BillH> I support restoring LD/LDO funds.
<DaveG> Q: What was spent in 2006?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<DaveG> (WillieF - welcome, please give name and position)
<BillR> I would hope that if approved we would actively pursue these training sessions which are needed.
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<WillieF> Willie Fitzpatrick, Chair Huntsville Section
<DaveG> Welcome.
<Charles> In 2006, $1400 was spent.
<DaveG> Charles: consider this friendly or shall we vote on the ammendment?
<Charles> Friendly
<DaveG> OK, other Q/C?
<ChasL> (thanks!!)
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> In an effort to understand some of the budget items...
<BillR> 1) I sent e-mail to Lee and Adeeb requesting insight into how the Employment Assistance has yielded results in the past few years relative to the budget expenses...
<BillR> and 2) to Lee and Jim Howard regarding how the $10k was to be allocated to Membership Development and the associated plans...
<BillR> While I feel many of these projects are needed I feel it is important that we prepare the plans accordingly and track the progress especially in these times of tight budgets.
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> I haven't been able to collect imput from Adeeb relative to Employment Assistance, I will have my report tomorrow.
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Isn't the employment assistance expense the licenses for the Harris Infosource database? The issue is whether members are deriving benefit from...
<GeorgeM> that information in their job searches...
<GeorgeM> A new development is making the Employment Navigator free to members, where there was formerly a charge for 6 months access.
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> Yes that's correct but I did not want to speak without Adeeb. I run 10 to 15 queries per week for R3 Members along with providing other guidance. A number of our Members aren't able to research on their own and our service greatly benefits them. The Employment Navigator even in it's new form won't provide employer contact information.
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> A lot of activity and demands on Lee's time, but it is hard to get a metric on efficacy.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> If more budget for LDO training means less for licenses, we might have to think about the relative merits of the two.
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> Why is Employment Assistance the first to go instead of other line items ?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<BillR> c
<GeorgeM> Just an example of the need for metrics -- for whichever line item is considered.
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> Agreed, there was not a "first to go" list we simply need to follow up from time to time to see the effectiveness of our efforts. BTW...
<BillR> Lee do you need additional help in handling the 10-15 queries / week. Maybe N&A canhelp recruiting some additional assistance.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> I have Q...
<DaveG> (Lee -> did you have answer / response to BillR first?)
<DaveG> GA if so.
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> No, the queries are something I like to do for fellow members.
<DaveG> Q: In the Region meeting there were two Membership ideas: training and a section-award initiative, what is the split for these two items for the $10K R3 Initiative monies?
<Lee> c
<DaveG> GA Lee
<Lee> $9,500 for training and $500 for the section award initiative
<DaveG> 10-4. Other Q/C?
<DaveG> Charles -> What is the Expenses/Revenue/Net for proposed budget as ammended?
<Charles> The budget B-4.65 has been changed from $350...
<Charles> $3,000. I believe the deficit is now $31,250.
<DaveG> Any other Q/C?
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> The Region can afford this budget...
<Charles> but the real positive from this discussion...
<Charles> is the fact that the Finance Committee needs...
<Charles> data to really have a way to judge budget requests.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Any other Q/C before we vote?
<DaveG> Vote Y/N/Abstain to approve/disapprove or abstain on the 2007 R3 budget. Vote now.
<BillC> Y
<ChasL> y
<Lee> y
<PatD> Y
<DickR> Y
<BillH> Y
<dbower> y
<SeanH> Y
<devong> y
<EricA> y - zzzz....zzzzz....zzzzz...zzzzz.
<ChrisH> Y
<Charles> y
<GeorgeM> Y
<Robbie> y
<BillR> y
<DaveG> Motion carries
<JohnP> y
<JoeyD> Y
<DaveG> Item 9d. GA PatD
<PatD> The Region 3 Educational Activities Committee recommends Clark Nexsen Architecture and Engineering for the 2006 IEEE Region 3 Employer Professional Development Award. We need the Excom to approve our recommendation.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> Q
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Where are they and how many EE/CS engineers do they employ?
<don> y
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<DaveG> oops, GA PatD
<PatD> They are located at several locations in NC and VA. I don't know the number of engineers they employ.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Are we ready to vote? Q/C?
<DaveG> Vote Y/N/Abstain to approve/disapprove or abstain on the proposed award. Vote now.
<BillC> Y
<Charles> y
<ChasL> Y
<PatD> Y
<BillH> Y
<devong> y
<Lee> y
<DickR> Y
<EricA> oh YES
<ChrisH> Y
<JohnP> y
<Robbie> y
<GeorgeM> Y
<SeanH> Y
<JoeyD> Y
<don> y
<BillR> y
<DaveG> Motion carries.
<DaveG> That completes the action agenda ...
<DaveG> We move to the discussion agenda...
<DaveG> 10a. Travel Reimbursement --> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> Our bylaws says we publish the policy to all Region 3 members who may have IEEE travel at region 3 expense...
<GeorgeM> Article IV, Section 4. We should do this annually. The Fincom manual has a good section. ...
<GeorgeM> The recent issue is the policy where auto travel should not exceed economy air fare for the same trip.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> When we update the expense report form, a stock reminder could go with it.
<BillC> Q
<DaveG> (sorry GeorgeM, are you ready for Q/C?)
<GeorgeM> Yes-
<DaveG> GA BillC
<BillC> What is the URL for the Fincom manual?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> I would have to look it up, but I have done that excerpting several times in the past for IEEE OUs.
<Charles> c
<DaveG> GA Charles
<Charles> Dave Green always lists this URL before our...
<Charles> meetings. I have planned to discuss this issue...
<Charles> in more detail at SoutheastCon. I may even...
<DaveG> c
<Charles> bring paper copies.
<DaveG> I would note...
<DaveG> https://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs_iportals/iportals/aboutus/whatis/finopsmanual.pdf ...
<DaveG> is the IEEE Financial Operations Guide. ...
<DaveG> I did not list the Travel Policy for this meeting since it is e-conference but I should ...
<DaveG> have probably suggested it be reviewed...
<DaveG> we have not been modifying it for years since our policy is to track ...
<DaveG> the IEEE rate which tracks the IRS rate. It will be 48.5cents/mile for 2007. ...
<DaveG> The policy and form are linked to the draft March site at https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/2007-03/index.html if folks which to look there . ...
<DaveG> Charles/GeorgeM do we wish to endorse the policy tonight and are there special arrangments needed for the Region 3 Conference and any extra attendees (like MD chairs)? ...
<DaveG> Q/C?
<GeorgeM> C
<DaveG> GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> As I said, the policy is uniform, but the part to highlight is the restriction on auto travel cost -- not to exceed economy air fare for the same trip.
<DaveG> 10-4. Q/C?
<DaveG> Any other Q/C on this item? Any actions?
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> We do need to understand how the MD Training is anticipated to affect the travel policy and the length of stay of the MD Chairs so they can plan and SECON can as well.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> OK...
<DaveG> Item 10b. Should we list Initiative Owners on 2007 Roster? GA GeorgeM
<GeorgeM> That could be done as ad hoc chairs, for information purposes...
<GeorgeM> but they are captured on the information agenda, as DaveG pointed out.
<DickR> c
<DaveG> GA DickR
<DickR> Under the new restructure as approved by R3 Committeee....
<DickR> on 31 December 2006 we only have one Ad Hoc Committee that is the Teller'sCommittee.
<BillR> c
<DaveG> GA BillR
<BillR> I am concerned with the Initiative Managers receiving recognition for their efforts and...
<BillR> listing them on the excom email alias to avoid duplicating e-mail which is causing problems in other areas already. So at a minimum would like to include the initiative managers (those not already on the mailing list).
<DaveG> Q/C?
<BobD> c
<DaveG> GA BobD
<BobD> Thew current R3 2007 ExCom Roster lists numerous Ad Hoc Committees: Audit, Gold, History, Ind. Relations, Women in Engg, etc. If the honchos of the ...
<BobD> initiatives are still part of ExCom, I think they could be listed. BTW, I'll be 79 tomorrow, my head is getting balder, but I hope to continue to contributing to ExCom in R3 for a long time to come.
<DaveG> Happy birthday (a day early)...
<DaveG> I'll fix the 2007 Excom roster. Q/C?
<dbower> c
<DaveG> GA dbower
<dbower> Happy Birthday to Bob !!!
<BobD> Thanks, all!
<DaveG> OK, let's go through a quick roundtable -- I'll go down list, if you have ...
<DaveG> items to comment on or questions or a report item to highlight, please say "Y" and then do so, if not say "N" an we will go on to next person. I'll ask for questions/commments after each. ...
<DaveG> BillC? GA
<BillC> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> BillR?
<BillR> No, I have said enough for tonight<G>
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> BobD?
<BobD> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Charles?
<DaveG> Charles?
<Charles> Yes, it is related to SoutheastCon 2007...
<Charles> Virginia was recently added as an IEEE sales...
<Charles> tax exemption state. I believe we should...
<SeanH> C
<Charles> establish a master bill for our attendees...
<Charles> hotel stays.
<DaveG> GA SeanH
<SeanH> Won't help. The tax exemption does not cover lodging or meals.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> ChasL?
<ChasL> Y - I would like to make an announcement that the Leadership Development weekend retreat in Charlotte...
<ChasL> originally scheduled for this weekend, has been rescheduled for the weekend of May 8...
<ChasL> this will be a training / development weekend for volunteers and families...
<ChasL> as opposed to the training scheduled for Richmond which will emphasize training trainers...
<ChasL> ...
<ChasL> the Archive Mgmt initiative has had little progress since report of a few weeks back. I met with staff...
<ChasL> at HQ back in mid-January and we are working on a plan of attack. I will be talking to all of the...
<ChasL> Region Directors at the OU series in Feb to get people world-wide thinking and generating inputs...
<ChasL> expect some significant plans in place at Richmond.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<ChasL> (hope no one had flood protection on)
<DaveG> Q/C?
<ChasL> c
<DaveG> GA ChasL
<ChasL> oops - proof read error <g> Please re-read that I met HQ staff in mid-December. Sorry.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> ChrisH?
<DaveG> ChrisH?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> dbower?
<DaveG> dbower?
<dbower> nothing
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> devong?
<devong> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> DickR?
<DickR> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> don?
<don> please register for SEC07 this week.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> EricA?
<EricA> Please get your students to register for SEC07
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> JoeyD?
<JoeyD> I am proud to announce that the FL Council will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year...please be on the lookout for follow up details <grin>(thanks!).
<JoeyD> I am proud to announce that the FL Council will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year...please be on the lookout for follow up details <grin>(thanks!).
<JoeyD> c
<DaveG> GA JoeyD
<JoeyD> (sorry about that...slowing connection <g>)
<DaveG> no problem. Q/C?
<DaveG> JohnP?
<JohnP> n
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Lee?
<DaveG> Lee?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> PatD?
<PatD> Y
<DaveG> GA PatD
<PatD> At Southeastcon 2006 in Memphis, we encouraged all Sections to support the Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) as a continuing annual activity. During the next few weeks, we will determine how many Sections are currently involved in the TISP. We would like for each Section to appoint a Section TISP Coordinator (as a Section officer). In order to train new volunteers, We need to conduct another TISP training session at Southeastcon.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Is this presently on the schedule for SoutheastCon?
<DaveG> Q/C?
<PatD> No, I need to get in touch with the Southeastcon folks.
<DaveG> It probably also needs to be integrated with other plans since we may be drawing from the same pool. Q/C?
<SeanH> c
<DaveG> ga SeanH
<SeanH> Space is going fast. I need to know ASAP if anyone needs a room. I need to know # of people, day, time, etc.
<DaveG> GeorgeM: / BillR: should this move to small group for schedule reconcilation?
<GeorgeM> Y es
<GeorgeM> There is a Reg 3 meeting schedule already posted at the website for the conference.
<DaveG> 10-4. Other Q/C?
<DaveG> Robbie?
<Robbie> Jamaica Section will be celebrating 30th Anniversary this year November.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> SeanH?
<SeanH> I need to get the Region 3 committee to register for SoutheastCon ASAP. We currently only have 9 (8 paid) registrations.
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> WilllieF?
<SeanH> We also need hotel registrations. Our room block is getting close.
<WilllieF> N
<DaveG> Q/C?
<DaveG> Any other Q/C?
<DaveG> GeorgeM: please make any closing comments and adjourn the meeting.
<GeorgeM> Y - Elizabeth Kuhn as resigned as Area 6 chair. Today I appointed Keith Jadus in Huntsville to succeed her.
<GeorgeM> Thank you for running into overtime with this meeting. Your participation is valuable! We are adjourned.
<DaveG> Good night all.