To: R3 ExCom From: Dick Riddle, SPC Chair CC: Dave Green and George McClure Subject: Proposed Expanded Standing Committee Review Schedule As you know, four new Standing Committees have been added to the Region 3 ExCom. The following schedule has been developed by Roy Harris, Chair of the Special Review Committee which incorporates these committees and attempts to observe the 6 year between review cycle rule as close as possible. The proposed schedule has been approved by the SPC. We are requesting the ExCom to review the schedule below and vote to approve it at the March 12, 2007 ExCom Meeting (e-conf) ------------------------------------------------------- Standing Committee Review Schedule PAO 2007 MDC 2007 Conf 2008 EAC 2008 SPC 2009 Fina 2009 SAC 2010 Audit 2010 ARC 2011 N&A 2011 Comm 2012 Ldr&Reg Spt 2012