Membership Development Report One of the most important aspects of Membership Development is ongoing communications and support of the extended Membership team. To support the Region 3 Membership team, we host a monthly web cast where information is shared and...questions are answered. I hate to say it but most Region 3 Sections have not taken advantage of this ongoing web cast series. We have the next web cast coming up this Saturday at 10:00 AM. Please use the following instructions and I promise all of you a front row seat. I have also attached the 2007 results from the "Terminator". [Contact Lee Stogner for this information] The Terminator is a IEEE corporate program that runs once a year and lets us know who has not renewed their Membership by the end of February. Please review this list at the Section level and contact your Members that are now at risk of being removed from the IEEE because they have not renewed. If you have questions on how to mount a renewal effort, please attend the web cast this Saturday. Finally, we have a special Membership Development training session coming up on March 24 (Saturday) during SoutheastCon 2007 in Richmond, Virginia. This training is designed to allow you to travel in and out for the day. Please let me know if you will be attending by return email to me at, l.stogner @ I'll make sure that you receive the training that you need to grow your Section. Sincerely, Lee Stogner Region 3 Membership Development Chair Mobile 864-641-5261