North Carolina Council The IEEE NC Council met on October 26, 2007 in Birmingham - many, many thanks to everyone's hard work at the meeting. A lot of good work was accomplished. I am pleased to announce the election of our 2008-2009 council officers: Chair: James Conrad, Charlotte Section Vice Chair: James Corr, Western NC Section Secretary / Treasurer: Dennis Dice, Winston-Salem Section As a group, we voted to sponsor and work toward the success of IEEE SoutheastCon 2010, to be held in the Charlotte area and chaired by Jim Conrad. We will be counting on all sections to help out with personnel and resources. A formal proposal will be presented to the Region 3 committee on April 5, 2008 for final approval by the Region. The council is hosting our annual North Carolina Symposium on Saturday, Nov 10, 2007 in Research Triangle Park (Raleigh/Durham area): "How to be a Successful Consultant and Get in on a Booming Market", with Dr. Gary Blank. We expect a good turnout for this workshop. Plans for 2008 include new educational activities to be coordinated state-wide, including a central clearinghouse for educational materials and resources and a central management point for NC board for engineering licensing (NCBELS) Professional Development Hour (PDH) records for all eligible IEEE meetings and workshops in the state. We look forward to an exciting 2008! Charles J. Lord, P.E. IEEE NC Council Chair 2004-2007 c.j.lord @