IEEE Richmond Section Chair Report 27 October 2007 Section Officers * Chair - Ralph Russell * Vice-Chair - Bill Tiedemann * Treasurer - Vennie Filippas * Secretary - Jerry Barnett * At-Large & Membership Chair - Esther Hughes * At-Large & PES Chapter Chair - Dev Walia * At-Large - Joe Florino * At-Large - John Cross  Synopsis of Activities * Monthly Section Newsletter - Section members received an electronic copy of the September and October newsletter by IEEE e-notice. To announce the November Section meeting, the members received an electronic copy by e-notice and a postcard printed and mailed by the US Postal Service. Local engineering Society leaders, community technical educators and management receive the monthly newsletter by email. The newsletter is posted on our Section website and our Section Blog at * Monthly Section Meetings - Recent meetings have included a Student Project Poster Contest, a tour of the VCU School of Engineering facilities, and a presentation by the Project Management Institute. * Communication Activities - Our website is frequently updated with our monthly newsletter and posting of an electronic copy of each month's speaker's presentation. We have also developed a Blog to increase and improve communications with our Section's members. Our Blog appears to be the first Blog by an IEEE Section, "IEEE Spectrum: Blogs Away". We have developed an IEEE On-Line Community for our Section leaders. * Student Activities - Support Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Virginia State University (VSU) Student Branches financially each year. One monthly Section meeting is annually dedicated to Student Branch Activities. In April 2007 we are sponsored a Student Project Poster Contest. The Students at Virginia Commonwealth University are planning an IEEE SPAC. * Membership Activities - Our Section has a Membership Chair that is participating in the MDC Web Conferences being run by Lee Stogner and who also be attending the Training Session at SoutheastCon 2007. The Section Chair attended the IEEE Membership Development Retreat in New Brunswick, NJ. * PACE Activities - A PACE grant proposal has been submitted for a local Teacher In Service Program activities. * Pre-College Activities - Planning has started for Section participation in the 2008 Virginia Children's Engineering Convention to be held in Richmond, VA. The IEEE Project,, which originated in the Richmond Section in 1980, is currently planning their activities for the next four years. The group has been invited to sponsor the Electronics Merit Badge Booth at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree to he held at Fort A. P. Hill, VA. It is anticipated that the budget for the project's activities over the next four years will exceed $100,000. The IEEE website continues to get over 3,000 daily hits. * SoutheastCon 2007 - The IEEE Richmond Section was one of the host Sections for SoutheastCon 2007. Many of the top leaders of this annual conference were from our Section. * Power Engineering Society Chapter Activities - Our PES Chapter has been very active but has not had any Chapter activities since the last Section report in March 2007. The PES Chapter Chair and the Section Chair did meet with the PES ExCom at their global meeting held in Williamsburg, VA in April. Goals Strategic Plan for 2007 * VISION - Enhance members' careers, promote the profession, manage pre-university technology education programs and promote community to strengthen the IEEE within the Richmond Section. * MISSION - Maintain, enhance, and support the Section, Chapters, Student Branches, and individual members in the geographic area assigned to the Richmond Section through local meetings, traditional media and newer electro-media. Emphasize the development of the membership through increased direct personal involvement in recruitment, retention, elevation, recognition, recovery and career enhancement activities and by the development of effective leaders in all units. Encourage pre-university students to pursue electro and information technology and science careers. * STRATEGIC FOCUS - Energize and engage each member, keep them in the loop. Ultimate goal: Every member an active IEEE Team participant, an informed and a satisfied member. Remember..."Together Everyone Achieves More". Discussion Items for Meeting Thanks to IEEE Region 3 leaders for support of IEEE Richmond Section activities! Submitted by: Ralph W. Russell, II Chair IEEE Richmond Section Email: r.w.russell @ Web site: Blog: Phone: 1-800-298-7495