To: Region 3 ExCom, Region 3 Sections, and the Region 3 Secretary
From:  Charles R. Husbands- Chairman Daytona Section
Subject: Daytona Section Chair Report for April 2008 Region Meeting
Date: 8 March 2008

2008 Section Officers

Charles Husbands
Vice Chairman
Roger Crubic
Tracy Wichmann
Allen Jusko
Membership Chairman
Dr. Ilteris Demirkiran
Media/PACE Chairman
Dr. Jane Owen
Life Member Chairman
Ron Gedney
Awards Chairman
Dr. Thomas Yang
Student Activities Advisor
Dr. Jianhaua Liu

Professional Activities

IEEE Section Dinner/Technical Meetings held through February 2007

    March Meeting:        Dr. Albert Helfrick, "Observations of the Past 50 Years in the Electronics Field"
    April Meeting:           Joe Pozmanski, "ERAU's Student Branch Competition Robot Program"
    September Meeting: Members of the Daytona IEEE Section, "Getting to Know You"
    October Meeting:     Theresa Ronnebaurn and Jay Young, "Identity Theft"
    November Meeting:  Dr. Mark Law, "From Macro to Micro to Nano Electronics"
    January Meeting:      Dr. Daniel Plante, "Exchange Rates Using Artificial Neural Networks"
    February Meeting:    Dr. William Barott, Radio Astronomy and the Allen Telescope Array"

  o Life Members Affinity Group
      October Meeting:     Tour of the Florida Solar Energy Center in Coca, FL
      November Meeting: Tour of the Small Radio Telescope Facility, Stetson University, Deland  FL
  o  Several members attended the SoutheastCon 2007 in Richmond, VA, the FL Council Meetings, and
       the Region 3 ExCom Meeting in Birmingham AL in a variety of different capacities.
  o  Improved and maintained a website for the Dayton Section, to permit the rapid distribution and
      archiving of information and ideas.  Continued publication of the Daytona Section "Sparks Newsletter"
  o  Provide mentoring support to students in the newly organized BSEE program at Emery-Riddle Aeronautical
      University where there is a lack of graduate students or upper class men.
  o  Continue support to the IEEE Student Branch at ERAU including Financial support for such projects as the
      robot competitions for SoutheastCon in Huntsville AL

Plans for 2008

Professional Activities
 o  Maintain a strong Dinner/Technical Program to provide topics of general interest to our membership
 o  Develop the Small Radio Telescope Program (SRT) provided through recent funding by the LM Foundation
 o  Support the newly formed affiliated Computer Society Chapter in Daytona.

Our Challenges are:
 o  Retrain, increase and upgrade our IEEE section membership
 o  Establish a series of high quality technical presentations, to provide early evening educational opportunities
     for the working engineers in the community that can not attend our monthly meetings.
 o  Increase meeting attendance and broaden the base of our section's leadership.
 o  Increase activities and involvement for our Life Members.