Past Region 3 Director's Report 1- The IEEE RFID 2009 Conference, held in Orlando, was deemed successful. The Orlando section provided staffing for a membership desk and student volunteers to assist as room monitors for the technical program. The Call for Papers for RFID 2010 has been published. 2- Preparations for SoutheastCon 2012 in Orlando have begun, with hotel inspections the next step. 3- The Small Radio Telescope project being managed by the Daytona section, with financial support by the Life Member Committee, will be featured in the next issue of the Life Member Newsletter, sent to all life members as well as to retired members age 62 and older. A permanent home for the project is being arranged with the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach. Charles Husbands, past Daytona section chair, is project manager for the SRT and has indicated interest in volunteering for another assignment in Region 3. 4- Appointed regional committee liaisons are encouraged to enlist back-up persons who have the interest and background to serve as "understudies" for meetings where the appointee cannot attend because of schedule conflicts. George McClure g.mcclure @