
The Jamaica Section continues to be active through 2009 – hosting both monthly meetings and presentations.

Jamaica Section Activities - 2009 

As part of the 125th Anniversary Celebrations the Communications Chapter of the IEEE Jamaica Section participated in the Distinguished Lecture Series by hosting a lecture at the Hilton Kingston Hotel in Jamaica on June 18, 2009. The lecture presented by Prof. fred harris, entitled ‘A Brief History of Radio’ was well received by IEEE members and guests.

In July the Education Activities Chair, Dr. Paul Aiken presented on opportunities and new programmes electrical and electronic engineering.  The occasion was a social arranged by the St. Boniface Church, Brotherhood of St. Andrew (BSA) in conjunction with the IEEE Jamaica Section to entertain and inform the St. Boniface Church Youth, the Mothers Union and the Donald Quarrie High School students on current educational activities.

In addition the section had a special Monthly Meeting presentation by The Mona GeoInformatics Institute (MGI) on ‘The New Global Positioning System (GPS) in Jamaica, JAMNAV’. This GPS system is the first of its kind in Jamaica and attracted many members and guests.

The Section has been invited to have a representative on the Technical Steering Committee of the Digital Television Switchover in Jamaica. The second meeting of the Committee will take place on August 24, 2009. (On July 16, 2008 the Section hosted a presentation on the ATSC Standard by Mr. Robert Graves, Chairman of the ATSC Forum).

Awards & Recognition

On May 20, 2009 Dr. Halden Morris PACE Chair, Jamaica Section was the recipient of the following awards:

The Prime Minister’s  Medal of Appreciation for Services to Education, and The Chancery of the orders of the society of Honour – Office of the Prime Minister, Jamaica, (2009).

E-Conference Meetings

Since 2009 the IEEE Jamaica Section Chair and Region 3 Area 9 Chair have joined Region 3 EXCOM and participated in all the E-Conference Meetings to date. It is also our intention to participate in the next Region 3 EXCOM E-Conference Meeting.

Website - IEEE Jamaica Section

Webmaster Milverton Moore continues to keep the website current and provides valuable information for the Jamaica Section and Region 3. The IEEE Jamaica Section Website serves as our newsletter and the URL is as follows:  HYPERLINK "" 

Respectfully submitted by:


Wilfred A Roberts              Daniel Tulloch-Reid

             Region 3, Area 9 Chair                      Jamaica Section Chair