------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Report for August 2009 Region 3 ExCom Bill Tiedemann, Chair -------------------------------------------------------------------- The primary objective of the committee is to develop standard structures and governance documents (i.e. a standard set of bylaws and a template for operations manuals) for IEEE Region 3 local geographic units (Sections, Subsection, Chapters, and Affinity Groups). A draft of standard section bylaws has been produced. Work is continuing on a draft operations manual template. Slowing the progress of the committee is an apparent lack of interest by Region 3 section leadership in participating in the work of the committee. What interest there is appears to be in providing feedback on the draft documents when they are ready for review. Therefore, it is the intent of the committee to post the document drafts upon completion and then make renewed calls for participation. It is important to establish a sufficient cross section of sections to participate as pilots. This remains one of the important challenges for the committee. It is hoped that the completion and posting of draft documents will create more interest within the region. Estimated completion date for drafts: September 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------