Past Director’s Report Volunteerism- IEEE has been concerned about low levels of volunteering among its members. Recent data show, among the population as a whole, an increase in volunteering among young adults. Many of them attended middle schools and high schools where community service was required. Higher educational attainment goes hand in hand with increased volunteering. For the U.S. as a whole, 26.4 percent of citizens volunteer for some cause; in the south it is 24.2 percent. Of those who do volunteer, 23.9 percent do it for an educational cause, such as IEEE. A breakdown by cities and states is found at Patent Reform Act of 2009- A new revision of the bill that came out two years ago was introduced in March. It still has numerous provisions that make it harder for the entrepreneurial inventor-engineer to defend a patent against infringement by large corporations. A summary is found at Two weeks ago, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher gave an extended speech on the floor of the House summarizing the perils of this new bill. It is found at It changes the process from first-to-invent to first-to-file, and makes it harder to get triple damages from an infringer who won’t pay royalties to the patent owner. A Pro and Con on the new bill, Sen. Leahy versus Rep.Rohrabacher, is found at The bill numbers are H.R. 1260 and S. 610. Hearings have been held in the House Judiciary Committee. During the August congressional recess you can visit district offices to make your views known. Director-Elect Election – You should be receiving your ballots for IEEE elections in about a month. Included is the election for the Region 3 director-elect for 2010-2011. We have two well-qualified candidates. Your vote is essential to continue making IEEE the member-directed organization that it is. George F. McClure g.mcclure @